80T-122 (ACS NATOPS) Flashcards
What is the HOSTAC?
Helicopter Operations from Ships other than Aircraft Carrier
- Used for cross-deck helo operations with different countries
What is the Air Capable Ships Aviation Facilities Resume?
- Has procedures for inspection certification of all required aviation facilities and equipment to ensure proper functioning and safety requirements are met
What are the Levels of Operation? (3)
1 - IMC Day/Night Ops
2 - VMC Day/Night Ops
3 - VMC Day Only Ops
What are the classes of Facilities? (8)
1 - Landing area with service and maint. facilities for certified aircraft
2- Landing area with only service facilities
2A - Landing area with limited service facilities
3 - Landing area, no services
4 - VERTREP/HVR area with minimum 5’ hover
5 - VERTREP/HVR area with minimum 15’ hover
6 - HIFR capable of minimum 50 gal per minute at
20 psi, to height of 40’ above water
6R - HIFR capable of 25-49 gal per minute at 20 psi, to height of 40’ above water
What shall be operable for all ship launches/recoveries in IMC?
TACAN shall be operable
What line-up line do Romeos line up on?
FWD Butt line
What is the difference between VERTREP “T” Line and “Ball and T” Line?
- T line is used for H60 for obstacle clearance with rotor hubs on or aft of line
- Ball and T line used for 53s and 22s
What does the HIFR marking look like?
Letter “H” on left side of flight deck
What is the ACS control zone?
5 NM radius from SFC-2500’ MSL
What is NVD Compatible?
Light systems only required for the unaided operator and shall have no adverse effect on operator equipped with NVDs
What is NVD Compliant?
Components that are NVD compatible, NVD ship friendly, and noncompatible systems which are dimmed or hidden from direct LOS to operator.
What are optimum winds for normal operations?
Winds down lineup lines at ~ 1/2 max speed allowed by wind envelopes
What are optimum winds for single engine?
Winds as close as possible to being down lineup lines as max wind speed allowed by wind envelopes
What are optimum winds for up-the-stern approaches?
10-20 degrees off port bow at 1/2 max speed allowed
What are optimum winds for AFCS/SAS/BOOST or any flight control failure?
Winds in appropriate wind envelope that provides most stable deck.
What is the brevity “Raspberry”?
Ship-to-shore HF radio net for flight following.
What is the shipboard landing environment?
From MAP to flight deck landing which pilots transition from instrument scan to visual scan
What is shipboard takeoff environment?
When PAC transitions from visual to instrument scan after positive rates and obstruction clearance is assured
What is ZIPLIP?
During VMC where positive comms control is waived and only Safety of Flight comms permitted
When shall the Horizon Reference System (HRS) be used?
When there is no visible horizon
What are the permissible light degradations for UNAIDED operations? (2)
A failure of not more than 1 subsystem required for ship certification provided below are met:
- Visible horizon exists and discernable by HAC in landing/takeoff environment
- Ship’s CO and Air Boss (OIC)/HAC (if no OIC) concur that the failed lighting system is not critical to mission
What are the permissible light degradations for AIDED operations? (3)
A failure of not more than 1 subsystem required for ship certification provided below are met:
- Visible horizon exists and discernable by HAC in landing/takeoff environment
- Ship’s CO and Air Boss (OIC)/HAC (if no OIC) concur that the failed lighting system is not critical to mission
- Overhead/FWD Structure floodlights, Deck Surface/Hangar Wash floodlights, and Associated Lighting Control Panels are all operational
What are the VLA Categories? (4)
- VERTREP (deck edge, VERTREP lineup lights, HIFR heading lights)
- Landing-configured (ASGSI, Waveoff Lights)
- LAMPS Mk III (flight deck status lights, HRS)
- Accessory Visual Aids (wands, windsock)
What should you fly on an A/SGSI?
Fly the amber/red interface to give 3 degree glideslope
How much water is used in a freshwater washdown? (2)
Sheltered - 100 gal
Unsheltered - 500 gal
What is the 80T-122 Radius of Action?
Shall not exceed 45% max range
Can aviation detachment personnel be assigned additional or collateral duties?
No; Shall not be assigned because the requirement to immediately launch puts personnel on a 24 hour call basis
What are the LSO’s responsibilities? (3)
- Manning RAST during RAST launch/recovery and establishing comms with bridge, HCO, FDD, and Helo
- Ensure all RAST pre-op checks are complete
- Ensure all safety precautions are enforced
What are Hovering Aircraft considered?
Considered ships not under control and ships shall not pass within 500 yards of hovering aircraft
What are the Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to People minimum safe distances?
SPY: High Power - 520’ / Low Power - 50’
What is Alert 5?
- Spotted for immediate launch
- Spread
- Stores/weapons loaded
- External power applied
- Aircrew strapped in and up to Start Engine Checklist
- Ship at flight quarters with fire party
- 4 hours max time
- Just as fatiguing as actual flight and should only be used when launch is imminent
What is Alert 15?
- Spotted
- Spread
- Stores loaded
- Aircrew briefed, Preflight complete, standing by for immediate call
- Ship at flight quarters with fire party
- 8 hours max time
What is Alert 30?
- Spotted or in hangar
- May be folded
- Stores loaded
- Aircrew briefed
- Ship not at flight quarters
- Max 18 hours single helo
- Max 48 hours dual helo
- Able to stand unlimited if 2 helo manning allows but daily and turnaround inspections will be required every 24/72 hours respectively
What is Alert 60?
- Helo in hangar
- Minor maintenance allowed
- Crew designated
- Ship not at flight quarters
- No time limit
What is the Post-Deployment Policy?
Should not be conducted at night or IMC
Shall not exceed 75% max range
What are the types of tiedowns?
Initial (4 chains/2 on each wheel mount) Permanent (12 chains/ 2 on each attachment point) Heavy Weather (18 chains/ 3 on each attachment point)
When is Initial Tiedown required?
Before launch, upon recovery, after respotted
When is Permanent Tiedown required?
Not at flight quarters or when aircraft not expected to be launched or spotted
When is Heavy Weather Tiedown required?
High winds, heavy seas, heavy maintenance
Surface winds above 35kts, Sea State of 8’, winds over deck above 60kts, pitch above 4 degrees, roll above 12 degrees
What are the Night HIFR requirements? (5)
Visible natural horizon seen by pilot Should not exceed pitch 5, roll 10 HIFR Heading Lights LSE positioned at helo control point Comms with A/C and pass numbers
What is the danger with true winds abaft the beam?
For night/IMC, these winds are not recommended because it couples high nose attitudes with reduced visuals and can cause vertigo
PIC shall give permission
What is the Lost Comms immediate landing procedure?
Fly close aboard starboard quarter
HVR Light/Searchlight ON
Complete Electrical Failure, fire flare seaward
What is the Lost Comms desire to land but can wait until next recovery procedure?
Fly by or HVR starboard side, low and close aboard
Complete Electrical Failure, fire flare seaward
What is the Lost Comms Desire Immediate HIFR procedure?
Fly by and return to HVR on port beam
AWR gives “Desire HIFR” hand signal
Fire flare seaward
What is the Lost Comms Establish Comms on PRI Helo Control or FLEET COMMON 277.8?
Fly slow on port side in low altitude tight left hand pattern or fire flare seaward
What is HERO?
Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance
Possibility of warhead detonation due to RF
What are the limitations for CRUDES control zone? (3)
Not in effect if it extends into CVN, AMPHIB, Airfields airspaces
Not in effect if it lies inside restricted area, warning area, MOA without controlling agency approval
With 2 or more ships in company, only 1 control zone directed by OTC
CRUDES VMC Minimums?
500’ / 1
What are the dimensions for the Control Area?
50NM at assigned altitude
What are the 4 basic aircraft emergencies?
Case that causes A/C to ditch/crash
Require immediate landing
Precautionary ship landing
Occur on flight deck
When does CRUDES turn to FC in an emergency?
3NM day
4NM night/IMC
What are the two types of requests made by pilots to land during emergency?
Best Winds (power loss)
Stable Deck (controllability issue)
What is the ALPHA Pattern?
Non-Jettisonable/Hung Foward Firing Ordnance Pattern
Clockwise, 300’ AGL, 80 KIAS
Maintain heading to so that the firing bearing does not cross the ship
What is the Offset Approach?
Used for hung ordnance with no shore facility or CV w/ EOD available
Shall be flown from right seat during day/night IMC
Recommends Port RSD to ensure landing gear will fit
Recommends ~ 5 degree left offset at 1/4 mile
Recommends 25-40 degree left offset when in HVR over flight deck (min 18 degrees)
AWR conning calls made in reference to the longitudinal axis
When is Lost Comms assumed? (4)
- Squawk 7600
- A/C making 120 degree turns every 2 minutes
- Radio check 15 minutes overdue
- Helo and ship do not make contact at briefed recovery time
When is Lost Aircraft assumed? (3)
Positive radar/IFF not established AND EITHER:
- Radio check 30 minutes overdue
- A/C 30 minutes overdue at briefed recovery time
What is an ELVA? (3)
Emergency Low Visibility Approach
If executed below 200- 1/2, considered to be emergency and does not have fuel to divert to GCA/CCA
Uses Gunfire Control System because is most accurate
What is the ELVA pattern? (6)
GATE: 4 mile, 400’ AGL, 70 KIAS
Starboard App: Final approach heading is BRC - 15 degrees
Port App: Final approach heading is BRC + 15 degrees
On final, heading corrections should be no more than 5 degrees using 1/2 SRT
Every 1/2 mile should decrease altitude by 50’
At 1 mile, slow to 40 KIAS
Final profile is 50’, 40 KIAS until MAP
What is the ELVA MAP?
50’ and 100 yards
What is the ELVA Missed Approach Procedure?
30 degree heading change away from ship and climb to 400’ AGL
What is a Smokelight Approach? (6)
Used as last resort when ELVA is not available due to equipment
CO and PIC (or OIC) agree to attempt procedure
A/C 2 NM aft of ship on 180 radial
A/C descends at PIC discretion to 40’ / 40 KIAS
Ship personnel drop smokes every 15 seconds or at briefed interval
A/C follows smokelights up the ships wake until visual
What does plots in the red mean? (2)
Presents significant risk of water impacting rotors
Can cause catastrophic damage and loss of aircrew and flight deck personnel
What ships are prohibited to operate with polar plots in the red with aircraft and personnel on the flight deck?
DDG-51 class ships
What does plots in the yellow mean? (2)
- Indicates a hazard of up to 2 feet of water over the flight deck
- May wash personnel overboard or damage aircraft
What does plots in the white mean?
Does not eliminate the risk of water impacting rotor or washing over flight deck