what does SCN stand for
supra-chiasmatic nucleus
what does the SCN do
- it is the pacemaker of our bodies
what do lesions to the SCN cause
disruptions to circadian rhythms
- lesions caused experimentally in animals or by accidents in humans
where is the SCN located?
- it is a nucleus of the anterior region of the hypothalamus
- situated directly above the optic chiasm
- forebrain
input to the SCN
- connected to the retinae (retino-hypothalamic tract)
- sensitive to light (unusual property of a brain structure)
- but doesn’t rely on light for its circadian rhythm
- FREE RUNNING CIRCADIAN RYTHM - has its own rhythm not dependant on other things
output of the SCN
- signals to the pineal gland (looks like a pine cone apparently)
- generates circadian rhythms
SCN firing patterns + maintained 24 hour cycle
- SCN cells show circadian firing patterns (only fire when asleep)
- firing patterns of SNC neurons remain circadian (but not entrained) - maintain a roughly 24 hour cycle
- even without zeitgebers
- even in a preparation outside of the body (eg SCN cell in a perry dish)
- SCN cells generate circadian rhythms ENDOGENOUSLY (by themselves)
- but can also retinal input which resets the biological clock = acts as a zeitgeber
firing pattern diagram
- longer line = increased firing rate
- no dark line = awake
what does activity in the SCN stimulate?
- activity stimulates pineal gland
- pineal gland produces melatonin
- melatonin promotes sleep
retinal input signals + circadian rhythms
- light/dark cycles ‘reset’ the biological clock (zeitgeber)
- blind people without light perception show abnormal circadian rhythms (free running)
- treatment of blind (light insensitive) people with oral administration of melatonin
- trick body into promoting sleep
overall network involved in sleep and wakefulness
basal forebrain
thalamic nuclei
hypothalamic nuclei (includes SCN)
brainstem nuclei
what brain structures are involved in wakefulness?
- basal forebrain
- locus coeruleus
locus coeruleus
- means the blue area
- promotes wakefulness
- produces noradrenalin (NT) (from glucoceroulous?)
- virtually no noradrenalin released during sleep
- located in the brain stem
what brain structures are involved in non-REM sleep
- basal forebrain
- raphe nuclei
what does the basal forebrain do in non-REM sleep
- most neurons involved in increasing alertness
- but some involved in triggering SWS
- stimulation = can induce SWS
- lesion = can prevent SWS
what does the raphe nuclei do in non-REM sleep?
- produce serotonin
- promote non-REM sleep
- shows non-REM sleep is not a passive default state in absence of environmental stimulation
- as brain actively generates so these nuclei play a role
- located in the brain stem
what brain area is involved in REM sleep?
pontine nuclei
- control REM sleep
- stimulation = triggers REM sleep
- lesion = prevents REM sleep
- lesion of nearby nuclei prevents REM paralysis (animals will get up and act out dreams -assumed anyways)
- produce acetylcholine
- enhanced levels of ACh during REM
- ACh ‘activates’ the brain (neuromodulator)
- ACh involved in learning (eg in Alzheimer’s ACh is severely reduced)
what areas are positively correlated with REM
- pons
- amygdala
- thalamus
- parietal operculum
- ACC (anterior cingulate cortex)
- areas that increase in activity the longer we stay in REM
what areas are negatively correlated with REM
- prefrontal cortex (planning and rational thought)
- posterior parietal cortex
- areas rhat decrease in activity the more we stay in REM
similarities of REM sleep and schizophrenia
- lack of prefrontal activity in REM sleep
- is schizophrenia a form of ‘waking dream state’?
- only a hypothesis, not a fully theory
what happens when we cut through the pons?
- PMT = damaged - REM no longer possible
- raphe nuclei = damaged (those that aren’t can’t reach their target higher in the brain) - no non REM sleep
- might be some light sleep but mainly near constant wakefulness
why is the amygdala positively correlated to REM sleep?
- associated with negative emotions
- alert to danger
- more active the longer we stay in REM as we’re vulnerable
which structure releases melatonin
pineal gland
nuclei in the pons and medulla which actively paralyse the body
by lowering the muscle tone of skeletal muscles (hence aka REM atonia)