8. National Level Governance Flashcards
Name 2 characteristics about national governments.
- Usually centre of power and authority
- Sign up international conventions, treaties and agendas
- Translate these into national programmes
- Work with other ministries and actors
- Support local governance
How much of the Dutch national parks is protected?
What changed in 2013 regarding the governance of Dutch national parks?
Decentralised to provinces
What is the main objective of IUCN protected areas?
Conserving nature
Name 3 of the 7 possible protected area categories.
- Strict nature reserve
- Wilderness area
- National park
- National monument
- Habitat/species management
- Protected landscape/seascape
- Protected area with sustainable use of natural resources
Name the 4 different governance types.
- Governance by government
- Shared governance
- Private governance
- Governance by indigenous peoples and local communities
What are ICCAs?
Indigenous and community conserved areas
Are PAs effective for protecting biodiversity?
Yes, but not sufficiently.
True or false: older and larger PAs are more effective in protecting biodiversity.
Where is PA-pressure highest and why?
In tropics due to cropland conversion.
Name the 3 costs types of conservation.
- Direct costs
- Monitoring and enforcement
- Information and decision making
Name 3 effects that evidence how MPAs can lead to exclusion.
- Displacement
- Loss in income
- Forced to learn new trade
- Loss of identity
- Disturbance of community relations
Name 1 example how PA establishment may weaken historical rights.
- Erode local authority of collective regimes
- Opens space for new actors entering
- Illegal harvesting
Who gains and who loses from wildlife management areas?
- Winners: international high-end tourists & government
- Losers: local farmers and herders
Name 2 risks of decentralisation.
- Differences in quality of protection
- Fragmentation in policy management
- Difficult to monitor
- Bad for species that need to relocate due to climate change
Give 4 reasons why protected area management may be ineffective.
- Size, fragmentation, lack of connection
- Corruption
- Budget
- Paper parks
- No explicit standards
- Overlooking local history
- Lack of data
- Conflicting interests
- No compliance
- Locals may lose livelood
Match the following:
- Information and communication
- Regulatory instruments
- Market-based instruments
A. Medium commodification of ES
B. High commodification of ES
C. Low commodification of ES
1C 2A 3B
Even though in the Netherlands national parks have been decentralized, the central government is still responsible for… (name 2).
- International level agreements
- Large/international waters
- Legal framework
- Investment
What is a common mistake made in biodiversity and conservation accounting?
Opportunity costs are missed
Name 2 arguments in favor of establishing new PAs and 2 against.
In favor:
- PAs are effective for conservation
- Intrinsic value
- Nature is better off without humans
- Nature should be protected from urban expansion
- Humans and nature cannot live in harmony
- Population growth requires space
- It is difficult to get support from population if access to PAs is restricted
- PAs enlarge the divide between humans and nature
- PAs are costly
- It is better to increase quality of current PAs first
- History of colonization
Where is the lowest pressure on PAs?
In high-development countries
What is the issue with using remote sensing data for PAs?
No information on quality of ecosystems
Name 3 of Lockwood’s 7 principles of effectiveness?
- Legitimacy
- Transparency
- Accountability
- Inclusiveness
- Fairness
- Connectivity
- Resilience