3. The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework Flashcards
Name 2 characteristics of the CBD.
- Adopted in 1992
- Entered into force in 1993
- 196 member states
- It is a comprehensive approach covering all biodiversity
- It is a framework convention
What makes the CBD different from other biodiversity conventions?
It covers all of biodiversity, while most other conventions are very specific.
Name 3 critiques on the CBD.
- It only establishes broad guidelines, vague language
- USA not a member
- Little engagement with the trade or climate regime
- Involvement of nonstate actors comes with risks such as commodification and lower ambitions
- Lack of accountability
- Lack of pragmatic challenges
- Generally weak implementations
- Adaptibility is not sufficient compared to the rate of biodiversity loss
What are the three objectives of the CBD?
- The conservation of biological diversity
- The sustainable use of its components and
- The fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources
What does the Conference of the Parties do? Name 2 things.
- Generates and specifies norms across thematic issues
- Write international legal documents
- Adopts decadal strategic action plans
Despite not having been able to stop extinctions, argue why the CBD is still a good thing.
The CBD generates norms, sets targets, and helps countries to formulate what they need to do.
Name 2 of the 4 reasons why the CBD has thus far not succeeded in its mission?
- Lack of guidance and ambition
- Lack of political will
- Weak monitoring and reporting regime
- Lack of capacity and resources
Describe two of the global goals for 2050 that are part of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.
- Maintain or enhance the area of natural ecosystems, species abundance and genetic diversity within populations
- Sustainably use biodiversity and value, maintain and enhance nature, for the benefit of present and future generations
- Fairly and equitably share benefits, both monteray and non-monetary
- Provide adequate means of implementation (financial, capacity, scientific, technological)
What are the GBF’s three main targets for 2030?
- Reducing threats to biodiversity
- Meeting people’s needs through sustainable use and benefit sharing
- Tools and solutions for implementation and mainstreaming
What is unique about the Kunming-Montral GBF compared to the CBD? Name 2 things.
- Mentions (over) consumption
- Mentions harmful subsidies
- Puts a specific dollar figure to biodiversity loss
Describe the ability to pay principle.
Exempts those below a threshold of material wealth from bearing (opportunity) costs of biodiversity action.
Describe the contributor pays principle.
Requires those who have caused a problem to assume responsibility for its elimination.
Describe the Beneficiary Pays Principle.
Requires people who benefit from environmentally harmful actions to share in the costs of mitigation.
Describe the Rewards Principle.
Entitles those who incur costs to steward biodiversity to compensation.
What is the GEF?
The Global Environmental Facility, which established the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund.
What is a major critique of the biodiversity regime?
It is too much in line withe trade agendas and therefore lacks the ability to achieve transformative change by implicitly supporting neoliberal globalization, especially embedded in in the trade regime, as opposed to challenging it with broader, ecosystemic approaches.
What is the ‘naming but not shaming approach’?
Rather than punishing noncompliance, it aims to support state parties struggling to reach tehir goals through increased financial support and capacity building.
Why did the US not want to be a part of the CBD?
They felt that point 3 (The fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources) would harm their economy.
Why is implementation of the CBD rules severely hindered?
Lack of accountability mechanisms