10. The Agro-Ecosystem Flashcards
What is BoerenNatuur?
An umbrella organisation of the 40 agricultural collectives in the Netherlands.
What is the relationship between farmers and ecosystem services?
- Farmers use ecosystem services, but nature is the ecosystem service provider
- Actions of farmers have an impact on the state of these ecosystem services
What is another word for agri-environmental climate measures?
Green-blue services
Name the three market failures with regard to farming.
- Green-blue services provided by farmers are in essence public goods for which there is no good functioning market
- The market fails to include externalities
- Sustainable products are more expensive than unsustainable products
Name 3 of the 5 goals of a sustainable food system.
- Ensuring access to land, water, and healthy soils
- Rebuilding climate-resilient, healthy agro-ecosystems
- Promoting healthy and sustainable diets
- Building fairer and shorter supply chains
- Putting trade in the service of sustainable development
Name 3 dillemas of the sustainable food system.
- Adoption of high-yield crops vs. biodiversity preservation
- Economic efficiency vs. sustainable livelihoods
- Intensive farming for high yields vs. environmental sustainability
- Accessibility of cheap food vs. nutritional quality
- Global supply chains vs. local/regional food systems
True or false: subsidies are instruments that shouldn’t be necessary if you have a well functioning market.
Why is a systems-view on the agro-ecosystem important?
If you change one policy, it will effect all other systems within.
Name 2 examples of hard regulation policy instruments.
- Laws
- Decrees
- Zoning of food production priority areas
- Farmer market areas
- Nature 2000
- Labelling/traceability
- Taxes
- Fees
- Permits
- Cap & trade
Name 2 examples of soft regulation & action instruments.
- Soft laws without sanctions
- Subsidies
- Public procurement
- Food education
- Studies
- Campaigns
- Labels
- Public voluntary programmes
- Green events
Name 2 examples of public co-management policy instruments.
- Food as common
- Food policy councils
- Urban gardening
- Food banks
- Social markets
Name 2 examples of civil regulation and action.
- Formal standard setting
- Less formalised pressuring of businesses
- Food activism
Name 2 examples of tripartite co-regulation.
- Standards
- Certification schemes
- Partnerships
Name 2 examples of public or private co-regulation.
- Certification schemes
- Negotiated agremeents
- Public-private partnerships
Name 2 examples of industry self-regulation.
- Standards/codes
- Voluntary agreements
- Audit/certification schemes
Name 2 examples of firm self-regulation & action.
- Codes of conduct
- Strategic CSR/stakeholder management
- Business partners impose retraints on a firm
- Sustainability innovations
- Green events
- Sustainable canteens
Why is farming increasingly complex?
A plethora of policies and reules which are sometimes conflicting.
What is the ANLM scheme?
The agricultural nature & landscape management scheme, one of the main ways to steer objectives.
What are the three layers of the Dutch CAP strategic plan?
- Basic quality through good agricultural & environmental conditions
- Agro-ecological practice through the eco-scheme
- Quality of habitats through the AECM (agri-environmental climate measures)
How many farmers are partidcipating in the ANLM in 2027?
Why does the ANLM system include collectives of farmers?
So they don’t have to deal individually with all the farmers.
What does the ANLM system do? Name 2 things.
- Link between farmers and national government
- Draft proposals
- Provide information for farmers to ensure awareness and value of ESS and biodiversity
Name 4 key issues in the Netherlands in eco-agriculture.
- The budget for agri-environmental measures is limited
- Payments not high enough compared to regular agricultural production
- Lack of long-term contracts
- Policies are too complex
- Gap between policies and farming practice
- Lack of good information and ICT support
- High land prices
Provide 4 possible solutions to the problems in eco-agriculture.
- Less complexity
- Improve alignment between relevant policies
- Ensure harmonisation of legislation
- Implement results-based schemes
- Allow for more flexibility in state aid rule to correct for market failure with regard to public goods
- Enable stacking of public and private rewards
- Create a financial incentive for the delivery of public goods
- Provide stability through long-term contracts
Why is the world market a big challenge for farmers?
The world market drives prices down and makes it harder to compete sustainably, which is more expensive.