7. Marine Governance Flashcards
What does OSPAR stand for and what does it do?
- Oslo-Paris Convention
- Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic
Name 2 of the 5 primary focus areas of OSPAR.
- Prevention and elimination of pollution from land-based sources
- Prevention and elimination of pollution by dumping or incineration
- Prevention and elimination of pollution from offshore sources
- Assessment of the quality of the marine environment
- On the protection and conservation of the ecosystems and biological diversity of the maritime area
What was the conclusion from the OSPAR assessment on the circularity of fishing gear?
Circular economy is not a relevant area where OSPAR economists could contribute to.
How did the OSPAR QSR 2023 link the different assessments?
With the DAPSIR framework
Name 4 of the 15 thematic assessments of QSR 2023
- Marine birds
- Marine mammals
- Fish
- Food webs
- Benthic habitats
- Pelagic habitats
- Non indigenous species
- Marine litter
- Underwater noise
- Impact of human activities
- Eutrophication
- Hazardous substances
- Offshore industries
- Radioactive substances
- Climate change
According to OSPAR, what are the 4 alternative stoylines of what the future could look like?
- Consuming economy
- Big blue economy
- Economies of individuals
- Small blue economies
What does SEEA EA stand for and what does it do?
- System of Environmental-Economic Accounting-Ecosystem Accounting
- New statistical framework for countries to measure natural capital + understand contributions of protecting it
What does GOAP stand for and what is the new initative that OSPAR has with them?
- Global Ocean Accounts Partnership
- EU working group on (marine) natural capital accounting.
Which trade-offs do OSPAR’s economic analyses assess?
Protecting marine environment vs. economic interests.
What do economists do when they don’t have data?
They make assumptions
What would the monetary benefits be of reducing marine litter in NL?
It would not make much difference because Dutch beaches are already very clean.
What is the formula for eco points?
Eco points = Quality x Area x Weighting factor
When will industries commit themselves to do something?
When there is something in it for them.
By how much is litter reduced in the marine environment after implentation of OSPAR rules?
This is unknown.
What is often a better argument than economic arguments?
The precautionary principle.
Does the OSPAR Convention have power?
- Yes, because their requirements are obligatory and turn into legislation
- No, because there is no infringement procedure
What is a QSR?
A Quality Status Report. These are the major reports that OSPAR publishes.
What was a main issue with the case study of upscaling offshore wind farms in the North Sea region?
It was hard to come up with monetary numbers.
Why did OSPAR turn to the UK when they had to quantify the benefits of MPAs?
Because in the UK, environmental legislators need to do a lot WTP experiments and make CBAs.
What is the aim of the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive?
Achieve a good environmental status of the EU’s marine waters and protect the resource base.
What are eco points used for?
Measuring ecological improvement.
Why did the government statement that “litter does not belong in the marine environment” help the OSPAR Commission?
Because then they didn’t have to figure out how much litter would be acceptable, but that they should simply strive towards zero litter.
What do shelf seas do?
Store carbon
True or false: carbon in water stays in the same place.
False. Carbon in organic matter may travel to different territorial waters.
True or false: on a global scale, the carbon sink in shelf systems is comparable to that of tropical forests.
How much percent of anthropogenic CO2 emissions is taken up by oceans?
Name 2 human disturbances to shelf sidements stores.
- Trawling
- Marine mining
- Oil and gas exploration
What is a potential approach to monitor how much carbon is stored somewhere?
Identify where different zones are and how much is likely to be transported and at what rate this happens.
What are the flows of carbon driven by? Name 2.
- Tides
- Wind
- Temperature
- Salinity differences
How much of the ocean are international waters?
What is the unintended effect in accounting regarding uncertainty about the origin of carbon fraction in the marine environment?
Double counting
What new guidelines need to be devised regarding shelf sea sediments? Name 2.
- Re-definition of country’s reporting boundary
- Extent of managed and unmanaged lands needs to be mapped
- More data for assessing GHG emissions
- Coordination
Name 3 governance challenges in shelf sea sediments.
- Transboundary nature of carbon flows
- Lack of international guidelines
- Ownership and management challenges
- Unknown how to measure and register carbon stocks
- No arrangements for the conservation
- Absence of policy and legal frameworks