8. Clinically Significant Yeasts Flashcards
Causative agent of thrush
Candida spp.
Indicator of immunosuppression
Most common cause of yeast infection
Candida albicans
Germ tube result of Candida albicans
Germ tube positive
Sucrose reaction of C. albicans
Sucrose positive
Candida spp. that is sucrose negative
C. stellatoidea
Second most common Candida spp.
C. tropicalis
Macroscopic: creamy, glabrous, with mycelial fringe colonies
C. tropicalis
Major cause of nosocomial infections; in indwelling catheters
Candida parapsilosis
Rarely isolated as a cause of endocarditis and vaginitis
C. krusei
Microscopic: pseudohyphae and elongated blastoconidia, branch-like trees
C. krusei
Most commonly found as fungemia
Torulopsis glabrata/Candida glabrata
The “working yeast”
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Causative agent of meningitis and pulmonary disease
Cryptococcus spp.
A major cause of opportunistic infection in patients with AIDS
Cryptococcus neoformans