8. Clinically Significant Yeasts Flashcards
Causative agent of thrush
Candida spp.
Indicator of immunosuppression
Most common cause of yeast infection
Candida albicans
Germ tube result of Candida albicans
Germ tube positive
Sucrose reaction of C. albicans
Sucrose positive
Candida spp. that is sucrose negative
C. stellatoidea
Second most common Candida spp.
C. tropicalis
Macroscopic: creamy, glabrous, with mycelial fringe colonies
C. tropicalis
Major cause of nosocomial infections; in indwelling catheters
Candida parapsilosis
Rarely isolated as a cause of endocarditis and vaginitis
C. krusei
Microscopic: pseudohyphae and elongated blastoconidia, branch-like trees
C. krusei
Most commonly found as fungemia
Torulopsis glabrata/Candida glabrata
The “working yeast”
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Causative agent of meningitis and pulmonary disease
Cryptococcus spp.
A major cause of opportunistic infection in patients with AIDS
Cryptococcus neoformans
Found in soil contaminated with pigeon excreta
C. neoformans
Responsible for the mucoid appearance of colonies of Cryptococcus spp.
Stain for Cryptococcus spp. capsule
India ink (negative stain)
Today, India ink stain for Cryptococcus is being replaced with
Latex agglutination
Latex agglutination detects
Cryptococcal antigen
Urease reaction of Cryptococcus spp.
Urease positive
Phenol oxidase reaction of C. neoformans
Phenol oxidase positive
Media used to detect phenol oxidase production
Caffeic acid agar
Bird seed agar
Closely related to Cryptococcus
Rhodotorula spp.
Differentiating characteristic of Rhodotorula spp. from Cryptococcus spo.
Rhodotorula spp. are inositol negative
Urease reaction of T. beigelii
Urease positive
Seen in catheter-related infections in patients on long-term intravenous lipids
Malassezia furfur
Most often recovered from environmental samples.
Microscopic: oval, elongated yeast cells, projectile spores
Sporobolomyces spp.
Causative agent of Pneumocystis pneumonia
Pneumocystis jiroveci
Disease caused by Pneumocystis jiroveci
Pneumocystis pneumonia
Commonly used stain for P. jiroveci
Appearance of P. jiroveci in GMS stain
Deflated ball
Deflated ball appearance in GMS stain
P. jiroveci
Media used for culture of P. jiroveci
Yeast infections are often ____________.