7C.3 Particles And Forces Flashcards
what are baryons
a particles made is a combination of 3 quarks
what is a proton made up from
2 u and 1 down
what is a neutrons made up from
2 d and 1 u
baryons who decay through strong nuclear force are
highly unstable and have short lives
baryons who decay through weak nuclear force are
they have a longer live (stable)
an anti proton is made up from
3 anti quarks of the quarks in protons making in an anti-baryon
what is an anti-baryon
anti quarks that make up a particles like anti proton
what is a mason
a particles made up from a combination of a quark and a anti quark
what is a pion
a meson created from any up and down quark/anti quark pairings
what is a kaon
a meson created from any combination of up and down quark/anti quark and a strange/anti strange quark
what is the J particle
a meson that is made up from a charm quark and its anti quark so it has no charge
what are the different pions and different kaons
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what is a hadron
a particle which can interact via the strong nuclear force
what is a exchange boson
a particle that enables the transfer of force, each of the 4 fundamental particles have their own exchange bosons
what are the 4 forces of nature
- gravity
- electromagnetic force
- weak nuclear force
- strong force
what is the gravitational force and its boson
the weakest of the four fundamental forces, and acts on all object and its exchange boson is graviton
what is the electromagnetic force and its boson
a force that acts between objects and charges and its exchange boson is the photon
what is the week nuclear force and its exchange boson
a force that effects all object of matter it acts at small ranges its exchange boson of the W boson or Z boson (occurs in decay)
what is a photon
a quantum of electromagnetic radiation
what happens between protons and electrons
in order for them to attract each others opposite forces they pass photons back and fourth to each other
what is the exchange bosons of each fource of nature and there charge and sympol
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