748 An Integrative Perspective Flashcards
Psychotherapy Integration
Pulling techniques from many sources without a sound rationale results in syncretistic confusion
Psychotherapy Integration
The majority of psychotherapists prefer some form of integration, which is expected to increase in popularity during the next decade
Psychotherapy Integration
The ultimate goal of integration is to enhance the efficiency and applicability of psychotherapy
Approaches to Integration: Technical integration:
Selecting the best treatment techniques for the person and the problem without necessarily subscribing to the theoretical positions that spawned them
Approaches to Integration: Technical integration:
One of the best-known forms of technical integration is technical eclecticism, the basis of multimodal therapy
Approaches to Integration: Technical integration:
A conceptual or theoretical creation beyond a mere blending of techniques
Approaches to Integration: Technical integration:
Emphasizes integrating the underlying theories of therapy along with techniques from each
Approaches to Integration: Technical integration:
Examples of this form of integration are dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and emotion-focused therapy (EFT)
Approaches to Integration: Assimilative integration:
An approach is grounded in a particular school of psychotherapy, yet selectively incorporates practices from other therapeutic approaches
Approaches to Integration: Assimilative integration:
An example of this form of integration is mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT)
Approaches to Integration: Common factors approach:
Emphasizes common elements across different theoretical systems
Approaches to Integration: Common factors approach:
Common factors are more important in accounting for therapeutic outcomes than the unique factors that differentiate one theory from another
Approaches to Integration: Common factors approach:
Among the approaches to psychotherapy integration, the common factors approach has the strongest empirical support
Integration of Multicultural Issues in Counseling
Current theories can and should be expanded to incorporate a multicultural dimension
Integration of Multicultural Issues in Counseling
Practitioners need to tailor their theory and practice to fit the unique needs of the client
Integration of Multicultural Issues in Counseling
Practitioners should be aware of their own and their clients’ worldviews, and use culturally appropriate interventions
Integration of Spirituality and Religion in Counseling
Spiritual and religious matters are therapeutically relevant and ethically appropriate to discuss in counseling
Integration of Spirituality and Religion in Counseling
Spiritually informed therapy is a form of multicultural therapy
Integration of Spirituality and Religion in Counseling
Clients in crisis may find a source of comfort, support, and strength in drawing upon their spiritual resources
Feedback-Informed Treatment
FIT is designed to evaluate and to improve the quality and effectiveness of counseling services
Feedback-Informed Treatment
FIT is an evidence-based practice that monitors client change and identifies modifications needed to enhance therapy
Feedback-Informed Treatment
The Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) and Session Rating Scale (SRS) are used to measure client progress and to rate the quality of the therapeutic relationship