737 Memory Items Flashcards
Maximum takeoff and landing tailwind component?
10 knots or as permitted by Company Pages
Maximum Operating Altitude?
41,000 feet pressure altitude
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Altitude?
8400 feet pressure altitude
Maximum Crosswind Component?
33 knots including gusts
* May be further limited by LARRs
1. low vis
2. auto land
3. runway contamination
4. runway width
Vol 1 5.16.3
Severe turbulent air penetration speed for Climb and Descent?
280kts or .76Mach - whichever is lower.
During Cruise refer to Vol
Auto Pilot Limitations?
* Use of aileron trim with autopilot engaged is _________.
* Do not engage autopilot for takeoff below ________ feet AGL.
* For single channel operation during approach, the autopilot shall not remain engaged below ________ feet AGL.
- Prohibited
- 400 ft AGL
- 50 ft AGL
Autoland Windspeeds
1. Headwind?
2. Crosswind?
3. Tailwind?
- 25 knots
- 20 knots
- 10 knots
APU Operating Altitudes
* Inflight with APU bleed + electrical load?
- APU bleed + electrical load = 10,000ft
- APU bleed only = 17,000ft
Maximum flap extension altitude?
Heads up Display AIII Mode speed limitations (landing)?
Headwind - 25 knots
Crosswind - 15 knots
Tailwind - 10 knots
Three action/limitations for a HUD AIII approach to manual landing?
- select AIII
- Autopilot and Autothrottle disengaged before 500 ft above TDZE
- Flaps
- 2 engines - 30 or 40 degrees
- 1 engine - 15 degrees
Aborted Engine Start?
Engine start lever ……………………….CUTOFF
Airspeed Unreliable?
- Autopilot ………………………….. Disengage
- Autothrottle ……………………… Disengage
- F/D switches ……………………….OFF
- IF necessary to stabilize the aircraft set the following gear-up pitch attitude and thrust:
* Flaps extended ………………..10º and 80% N1
* Flaps up ………………………….. 4º and 75% N1
APU Fire?
- APU fire switch … Confirm ….Pull, rotate to the stop, and hold for 1 second.
2.APU switch ………………………………Off
Cabin Altitude Warning or Rapid Depressurization?
- Don Oxygen Masks and set regulator to 100%
- Establish crew communications.
Engine Fire or Engine severe damage or Separation?
- Autothrottle (if engaged) ……………….. Disengage
- Thrust Lever ….. confirm …………………. Close
Engine Limit or Surge or Stall ( or vibration)?
- Autothrottle (if engaged) ……………….. Disengage
- Thrust Lever ………………………………
(affected engine) ……. Confirm ….. Retard until indications stay within limits or the thrust lever is closed.
Landing Configuration
Ensure correct airplane landing configuration
Loss of thrust on Both Engines
- Engine Start switches (both) …………………… FLT
- Engine start levers (both) ………………… Cut Off
- WHEN EGT decreases:
Engine start levers (both) ………. IDLE detent
Runaway Stabilizer
- Control Column ……………………. Hold Firmly
- Autopilot ………………………………. Disengage
- Autothrottle …………………………. Disengage
- Control column and thrust levers:
- Control pitch and attitude and airspeed
- Main Electric:
- Stab Trim …….. Reduce control column forces
- IF the runaway stops after the autopilot is disengaged:
DO NOT re-engage the autopilot or auto throttle
******** - IF the runaway continues after the autopilot is disengaged:
- STAB TRIM CUTOUT switches (both) …. CUTOUT
IF the runaway continues:
* STAB trim wheel …………… GRASP and HOLD
Emergency Evacuation Flow Philosophy (generally does not need to be done quickly)
Where is the emergency evacuation checklist found?
Remember: there’s almost always time to go through the checklist for the evacuation procedure don’t rush it.
Back page of the QRH
Five steps of upset recovery.
“Upset - Recover!”
(very quickly)
When should the air-conditioning packs not be operated in the high mode?
The air conditioning packs should not be in high mode for takeoff approach or landing. 
When should engine anti-ice be on in the air?
Engine anti-ice should be on anytime icing conditions exist or are anticipated during climb and cruise below 10c down to -40c
In a descent Engine anti-ice should always be on when there is visible moisture, and the temperature is below +10°C
What are the maximum and minimum glide slope angles for Auto Land?
from 2.5° minimum to 3.25° maximum
What flaps settings may be used with Auto land?
Flaps 30° or 40° only
Driftdown procedure.
(This is not a memory item but is good to have memorized)
How do you put in an Offset?
What transponder setting?
- Autothrottle —— Off
- Set Continuous thrust on good engine
- Rudder Trim —— as required
- MCP Altitude - set below Engine Out Max Altitude
- Level Change
- MCP Airspeed ——- Set
1. Go to RTE page
2. Offset is on the bottom RH corner
3. Enter “R5”
Transponder - 7700
Emergency Descent
- Announce Descent to cabin crew
- Seat Belt Signs —— ON
- Engine Start Switches - CONT
- Set MCP altitude
- Speed Brake
- Thrust levers —– Idle
- Set target speed to Mmo/Vmo
SPIN, PUSH, SPIN, PULL, engine switches CONT
SPIN altitude to MOCA or 10,000ft
SPIN speed to VMO/MMO
PULL speed brake
Squawk 7700
What is the EGT time limit on takeoff?
Top of amber arc for 5 minutes for two engines and 10 minutes for single engine operation.
What is the maximum time allowed for an engine start?
What is the required wait time between starts?
2 minutes
10 secs
What is the APU start duty cycle?
if three starts are accomplished during a 15 minute interval then the APU must rest for ________ minutes before the next start attempt.
3 starts per 15 minute interval
15 minutes
On what page of QRH is rejected takeoff considerations?
QRH .10
what four things would trigger a rejected takeoff between 80 kn and V1?
- Fire of any kind
- Engine failure
- Wind shear alert
- airplane just won’t fly 
When a threat presents itself what are the three most important responses in order of importance?
- Fly (or taxi) the airplane
- Captain will designate duties
- Choose Time or No Time bucket
What 3 items are considered time critical in the threat and error management system? These would all go into the no time bucket
- Fire
- Smoke
- Security
What is the lowest takeoff visibility allowed for the First Officer
RVR 1600 ft or greater
VIS 1/4 mile or greater
No destination alternate is required if +/-1 hour of the ETA the weather reports or forecasts indicate:
- Ceiling at least 2000ft above airport elevation
- Visibility at least 3 statute miles
Less restrictive alternate minimums apply for domestic operations only if +/-1 hour of the ETA the weather reports or forecasts indicate:
- Ceiling at least 1000 ft above airport elevation
- Visibility at least 3 statute miles
- Operations limited to CAT 1 approach only.
Additional restriction apply - see FOM
Normal Go Around - PF
1. Five initial action items
- At 1000 ft . . .
Five Action Items
(Ensure autopilot and auto throttle are disconnected)
1. TOGA button - push
2. Power UP - push throttle forward
3. Pitch Up - pull nose up
4. Flaps Up (“Flaps 15”)
5. Gear Up (at positive rate)
PM “TOGA Verified”
“FRAT” (@ 1000 above runway elev)
1. FLAPS 5
5. With flaps five the speed bug should go to flaps five speed. If it doesn’t, open the speed window and enter 210 kts
DO NOT SELECT VNAV at 1000 ft - This takes the FMC out of TOGA Mode and the aircraft will pitch for climb speed as set in FMC (normally 250kts) but it is not desirable to climb at 250 knots after a go around.
V1 cut - PF
Describe what should be the first reaction of pilot.
What happens at:
@ 400 ft
@ 1000 ft
@ upon reaching flaps one speed
- Push in the rudder and hold it with a stiff leg to keep the aircraft going down the center of the runway. To change heading it is more like a pressure change of the foot rather than a movement.
- Pull up smoothly and firmly right up to the flight director cross bar.
At 400 ft
RAT- Runway Heading , Autothrottles off, Call Tower
At 1000 ft
BAT- Bug Flaps One, APU On, Trim (rudder)
Upon reaching Flaps one speed
If at flaps 5 go to flaps 1 position
Level Change, Continuous Thrust, After Takeoff Checklist, Non Normal Checklist - engine failure or fire
At top of climb wait until you get to altitude and VNAV HOLD and then start bringing the power back to about 70% and trim up just a little bit because the nose has a tendency to go down.
Approach Windshear Procedure PF?
Recover from windshear recovery.
- “Windshear”
- click off the autopilot
- click off the auto throttle
- push the TOGA button
- push the throttles to max power
- Raise the nose to 15 degrees and follow pitch guidance.
- TRY NOT TO USE a large degree of aileron because this will push up the spoiler runs/speed brakes
LISTEN FOR “u have guidance”
Wind shear recovery:
BIG PICTURE - follow go around procedure
- Reduce Power and pitch to 15 degrees
- flaps 15 so they are not oversped in the recovery.
- Positive rate – gear up
- Autothrottles arm then manage speed window. If it is closed leave it alone if open then 210 kts in the window should work well
- Above 1000ft - FRATS” - flaps 5, remain in TOGA, after takeoff checklist, “call tower”
Describe Windsheer on Takeoff event.
- Do the Click, Click, Push, Push steps.
- click off the autopilot
- click off the auto throttle
- push the TOGA button
- push the throttles forward to the stops
Pushing the TOGA switch again will not change anything.
pilot monitoring will say “YOU HAVE GUIDANCE”
- Fly the Flight director vertical guidance, maintain wings level. Don’t worry about following horizontal guidance.
BIG PICTURE - REDUCE pitch, power and drag, arm auto throttles
- Reduce Power and pitch to 15 degrees
- At positive rate “Gear Up” if they aren’t already.
- At (or if already above) 1000 ft ask for VNAV
- Autothrottles arm then manage speed window. If it is closed leave it alone if open then 210 kts in the window should work well
- Above one thousand clean up flaps according to normal flaps schedule.
Single engine approach PF
When APP is active and within one dot of G/S:
1. “Gear down”
2. “Flaps 15”
3. “Command bug”
4. “Before landing checklist”
- If flying without A/P and A/T keep the flight director dead in the center until short short final. Only glance up at the lights when the PM says runway lights available.
- Make very small corrections if not quite lined up on the runway. It is easy to overcorrect and start swerving back and forth.
PRM Approach Pilot Monitoring (PM) Actions for a “Traffic Alert”
A “traffic alert” call will be immediately followed by instructions with a heading and a climb or descend instruction. (very rarely is a descend instruction given)
The PM must:
1. Disconnect both Flight Directors
2. Set the breakout heading and altitude on the MCP
To reengage automation
1. FDs back on
2. Hdg Select - push on
3. VS - push on and set approx 1000ft/min climb
PRM approach Pilot Flying (PF) actions for a “Traffic Alert”
“Traffic Alert”
1. Disconnect A/P only. (not A/T)
2. Turn to specified heading (no more than 30 degrees bank)
3. Climb 10 degrees nose up
After PM has entered HDG, ALT and reengaged FDs:
1. Reconnect autopilot
2. Open speed window and put in 180kts
3. Ask for flaps 15
4. Positive Rate - “gear up”
5. Flaps 5 when airspeed allows.
On what page of the QRH do you find the evacuation checklist?
On the very back page of the QRH
On what page of the QRH can you find emergency checklist for engine fire on the ground?
Second to last page of the QRH
What are the oil minimums at:
1. Maintenance Station
2. Non Maintenance base
What is the minimum oil for dispatch?
- Maintenance stations - 16 qts
- Non-maintenance stations - 13 qts.
Minimum oil - 12 qts
When is an LPR required?
- When a runway is less than 8000 ft.
- Airport exceeds 4000 ft elevation
When cleared for a visual approach that is backed up by an ILS approach what (under most circumstances) are the first things to do?
- Press VOR/LOC (if using ILS as underlying approach)
- Put in FAF altitude (unless you are descending to just about to meet the altitude that is in the MCP window. In this case wait until you’ve gotten to that altitude it says altitude hold then put in the final approach fix.)
- Determine aircraft altitude with respect to glide slope
a) if localizer will be intercepted below glide slope consider staying at current altitude
b) if localizer intercept will occur above glide slope then go down using either V/S or LVL CHG or, if you are far enough away, set up LAVS
Within what distance from the active route will LNAV engage regardless of airplane heading?
3 miles
what is the lowest landing RVR limit for an FO?
What is the lowest landing RVR limit for a captain?
FO – RVR 1800 or half mile, 200 feet ceiling
CA– RVR 300 feet cat three ceiling 50 feet
What is the maximum cross wind for HUD guided takeoffs?
10 Knots
At what speed does the RTO function of the auto brakes system start working?
90 it’s. Below this speed the captain must use the manual brakes to stop the aircraft.
What are the target power settings for go around in:
1. Fully configured for landing
2. Clean configuration
Fully configured for landing - 90%
Clean configuration - 75 %
What are the flap speeds for the 737 - 800 (and 900)
Flaps 1 - 250 kts
Flaps 2 - 250 kts
Flaps 5 - 250 kts
Flaps 10 - 210 kts (900 = 205 kts)
Flaps 15 - 200 kts
Flaps 25 - 190 kts (900 = 195 kts)
Flaps 30 - 175 kts (900 = 180 kts)
Flaps 40 - 162 kts (900 = 170 kts)
What types of automation are required with Cat II or Cat III Approaches?
Either autoland or AIII
How do you program a hold in the FMC?
What are holding speeds and altitudes?
Holding speeds
Below 6000 ft - 200 KTS
6000 - 14000 ft - 230 KTS
14000 and above - 265 KTS
Which RVR is controlling for approaches down to 1800 feet RVR visibility?
Touchdown zone RVR
which RVR is controlling for approaches in which visibility is below 1800 feet RVR
All three are controlling but there are exceptions. See volume one…
What are the parameters that define an upset aircraft?
More than:
25 degrees nose up
10 degrees nose down
45 degrees of bank
Within above parameters but flying at air speeds inappropriate for the conditions
How do you set up an RNAV RNP Approach?
LAVS is used to set up the automation
- Set the RNP value on legs page
- Go to Nav Status pg (PROG button then pg 2) and:
a). Confirm GPS updating
b) VOR DME updating off - MCP altitude set DA rounded up to next 100 feet (or MDA +50 then round up).
- At least 300ft below Missed APP alt set the Missed approach altitude.
- Any RF legs (inside the FAF) no more than 165 kts
3 types of missed approaches
1. Above 1000 ft (ALT HOLD, flaps 15, gear up etch
2. Below 1000 ft (regular missed approach)
3. Loss of required inputs as listed below the follow missed approach path or follow tower instructions
Missed approach required when:
1. After FAP loss of VNAV path
2. Alt deviation in excess of 75 ft
3. Any time you are on the approach there are any number of messages such as: verify position, FMC disagree, etc
How do you set up an RNAV Approach (no RNP)?
Below what radio altitude are speed brakes not to be used?
1000 feet
What are the altitude differences allowed on the ground between the captains and FO’s altimeters for RVSM operations
50 ft allowed difference between captains and FO’s altimeter on ground
The standby altimeter must be within 75 feet of the other two altimeters
Captain and FO’s altimeter must be within 200 feet of each other in the air
how close to a potential collision is a TA caution?
how close to a potential collision is an RA caution ?
TA - 20 to 48 secs
RA - 15 to 35 secs
Describe the terrain avoidance maneuver
- Disconnect auto pilot and auto throttle
- Aggressively apply maximum thrust
- Simultaneously roll wings level and rotate to an initial pitch attitude of 20° or even up to stick shaker or initial buffet.
- Retract speed brakes
- Do not change gear or flap configuration until terrain separation is assured
Manual Flight pitch and power settings?
Takeoff 15 degrees, 91% to 100%
Climb - 10 degrees, 93%
Cruise - 2.5 degrees, 88%
Descent - - 1 degree, idle stop
When is a HUD guided takeoff required?
When RVR is between 300 - 500.
What are the criteria that define wind shear?
What is the recommended flap setting when wind shear is possible?
Change over a short distance of:
1. 15 KTS indicated airspeed
2. 500 fpm vert speed
3. 5 degrees of pitch altitude
4. 1 dot displacement from the glide slope
30 degree flaps
What is the definition of V1.
FCTM 3.8.2
1. Maximum speed in the takeoff at which the pilot must take the first action.
2. Minimum speed in the takeoff, after the failure of an engine at which Pilot can continue the takeoff and achieve the required height above the takeoff surface within the takeoff distance
at what rate does the airplane slow down when you are in the airport environments and level flight?
approximately 10 kn for every mile