737 Call Outs and Procedures Flashcards
Callouts for Normal Takeoff - PM
@ 80 KIAS -
@ V1
@ Vr
@ positive rate
@ LNAV capture
@ 1000
PM says:
@ V1 - aircraft says “V1”
@ Vr - “ROTATE”
@ Positive Rate - “POSITIVE RATE” and PF says “gear up”
@ LNAV Capture “LNAV Active”
@ 1000 ft - PF calls “VNAV”. PM pushes VNAV and then says “VNAV speed”
Call outs for HUD guided TAKEOFF
Call outs for HUD guided LANDING
1. When AIII is turned on -
2. When Flare lights up on FO side-
3. If A3 does not activate-
4. If green A3 is lost on FO side-
3. “NO A3”
Callouts for Normal Takeoff PF
@ positive rate
@ 400 ft
@ 1000 ft
@ flaps 5 indication ( if used for TO)
@ flaps 1 indication
PF says:
- positive rate = “Gear up”
- 400 ft - if heading mode is desired Pilot flying says heading 
- 1000 ft = “VNAV”
- flaps 5 = “flaps 1”
- flaps 1 - “flaps up, AFTER TAKEOFF CHECKLIST”
What are the target power settings for Go Around in:
1. Clean Configuration
2. Fully Configured for landing
Clean - 75% N1
Fully Configured - 90% N1
Normal Go Around PM
What is the most important thing that the PM must do?
1. PF says Go Around Flaps 15. . .
2. When Positive Rate is acquired . . .
3. CA says Gear Up . . .
4. At LNAV capture . . .
5. PF says after takeoff checklist
Normal Go Around PM
1. Place flaps to 15
2. Say “Positive Rate”
3. Place gear to up position and say “TOGA VERIFIED” ( if it is on the FMA)
4. “LNAV active”
5. Do after takeoff checklist and CALL THE TOWER
What are the elements of a go-around done above 1000 ft TDZE?
1. Disconnect A/P and A/T
2. Press TOGA button
3. Smoothly bring in power
4. Nose to about 10 degrees up
5. At ALT ACQ reengage Auto throttles and then autopilot.
V1 cut - PF
Describe what should be the first reaction of pilot.
What happens at:
@ 400 ft
@ 1000 ft
@ upon reaching flaps one speed
- Push in the rudder and hold it with a stiff leg to keep the aircraft going down the center of the runway. To change heading it is more like a pressure change of the foot rather than a movement.
- Pull up smoothly and firmly right up to the flight director cross bar.
At 400 ft
RAT- Runway Heading , Autothrottles off, Call Tower
At 1000 ft
BAT- Bug Flaps One, APU On, Trim (rudder)
Upon reaching Flaps one speed
If at flaps 5 go to flaps 1 position
Level Change, Continuous Thrust, After Takeoff Checklist, Non Normal Checklist - engine failure or fire
At top of climb wait until you get to altitude and VNAV HOLD and then start bringing the power back to about 70% and trim up just a little bit because the nose has a tendency to go down.
Single engine approach PF
When APP is active and within one dot of G/S:
1. “Gear down, Flaps 15, Command bug, Before landing checklist”
2. If flying without A/P and A/T keep the flight director dead in the center until short short final. Only glance up at the lights when the PM says runway lights available.
3. Make very small corrections if not quite lined up on the runway. It is easy to overcorrect and start swerving back and forth.
Describe Single Engine go Around PF
The same first four action items as a normal go around except for flaps one
“Go Around, (TOGA), Flaps One”
(positive rate), “Gear Up”
- Slowly but steadily increase power to about 97%
- Add rudder smoothly but steadily at the same time then LOCK leg in place. Ailerons will not help with yaw of aircraft AT ALL.
- Initial Pitch 10-12 degrees then . . .
- Follow pitch on flight director very carefully. DO NOT ALLOW pitch to go above flight director.
Rejected Takeoff - PM
Three things that must be said to pass exam
1. Speed brakes up
2. 80 kts
3. Call tower “Delta XXXX aborting on the runway, requesting emergency equipment”
Landing - PF
Refer to Approach guidance in Volume 1
1. “Gear Down, Flaps 15
2. “Flaps 25”
3. “Flaps 30, Landing Checklist”
How are Predictive Windshear Caution Alerts annunciated/displayed on the ground or in the air?
What should the normal crew reaction be?
- Aural “Monitor Radar Display”
- Amber “Windshear” on ND
- Red Wifi type symbol on the ND
Normal reaction:
1. Ask Tower for Heading change to right or left of windshear
Note: The predictive windshear aural and visual alerts are only issued when the airplane is below 1,200 feet RA.
- What will override all Predictive Windshear alerts?
- What are the annunciations and displays in the case of an override?
- Reactive windshear Warnings.
- Annunciations and Displays
a. A Two Tone Siren
b. Aural “Windshear, Windshear”
c. Red Windshear on both Attitude indicators
What does the PM do in a windshear go around procedure?
MONITOR PITCH, POWER AND AIRSPEED make sure TOGA is pressed, power is full and PF is following pitch guidance.
PM will say “YOU HAVE GUIDANCE” when he sees that TOGA is active in the FMA
Then he will continuously read out the RA altitude and whether climbing or descending.
Approach Windshear Procedure PF?
Recover from windshear recovery.
- “Windshear”
- click off the autopilot
- click off the auto throttle
- push the TOGA button
- push the throttles to max power
- Raise the nose to 15 degrees and follow pitch guidance.
When out of windshear:
1. Reduce Power and pitch to 15 degrees
2. flaps 15 so they are not overspread in the recovery.
3. Positive rate – gear up
5. Autothrottles arm then manage speed window. If it is closed leave it alone if open then 210 kts in the window should work well
6. above a thousand flaps 5” remain in TOGA and “after takeoff checklist”
What are some of the important elements of a good visual approach.
- If an INST APPROACH is available it must be used to underlay the visual approach.
- Set ALTITUDE TO FINAL APPROACH FIX on the approach being used. If no approach is available set no less than 1500 feet AFE.
- BASE LEG OUTSIDE OF THE FAF. If scale of ND is at 5 miles then the turn should be made when the FAF is at the bottom RH side of the ND screen.
- Once turned on base PRESS APP so that it will capture when you are on final. Get it out of the way.
- Consider using flaps 10 to slow down if you are a long ways from the FAF. This allows you to start dirtying up the airplane without using gear.
- SLOW DOWN on base leg using gear down, flaps 15 and add speed brakes if necessary. Don’t forget to bug flap speed.
- USE GREEN ARC (OR BANANA) to determine V/S rate.
- USE VERTICAL BEARING indication to maintain NO LOWER THAN 3 DEGREES bearing to runway when on base leg and until joining glide slope. No lower than 3:1 ensures terrain clearance.
- Turn to a 30-40 DEGREE INTERCEPT otherwise the VOR/LOC or LNAV will overshoot the final.
What are flap speeds for 737-800 (and 900)
Flaps 1 - 250 kts
Flaps 2 - 250 kts
Flaps 5 - 250 kts
Flaps 10 - 210 kts (900 = 205 kts)
Flaps 15 - 200 kts
Flaps 25 - 190 kts (900 = 195 kts)
Flaps 30 - 175 kts (900 = 180 kts)
Flaps 40 - 162 kts (900 = 170 kts)
Gear speeds?
Gear extend - 270 kts
Gear retract - 235 kts
Once extended the gear can remain extended up to 320 kts or Mach .82.
What things should be considered (threat mitigation) before takeoff if there is reported windshear at the airport?
- MORE is better
- more time (delay)
- more thrust (WS TOPR)
- more runway
- more flaps
- Remember to DO BOXED ITEMS because of performance change.
Describe Windsheer on Takeoff event.
- Do the Click, Click, Push, Push steps. First click is auto pilot off,
second click auto throttle off,
first push is the toga button
fourth push is the throttle all the way forward to the stops Pushing the TOGA switch again will not change anything. - Fly the Flight director vertical guidance, maintain wings level. Don’t worry about following horizontal guidance.
1. Reduce Power and pitch to 15 degrees
2. At positive rate “Gear Up” if they aren’t already.
3. At (or if already above) 1000 ft ask for VNAV
4. Autothrottles arm then manage speed window. If it is closed leave it alone if open then 210 kts in the window should work well
6. Above one thousand clean up flaps according to normal flaps schedule.
What are the some of the threats associated with an Asymmetric flap landing?
- Higher Approach Speeds - things can go wrong more quickly
- Faster Vertical Speed - could get a “sink rate, sink rate” message on short final
- Tendency to Float on final
- I flaps get stuck above 15 degrees there is a possibility of forgetting to say “gear down flaps 15” since you won’t be using flaps 15.
What are the elements of a NATS briefing?
N - Notams
A - Arrival/Approach Chart/Automation
T - Taxi/Terrain/Transition Level
S - Specific Company Information
What are the four items that are used to prioritize planning?
What is the maximum allowable air speed after a final approach fix if there is an RF leg on an RNP approach
165 kn maximum airspeed 
When doing a 40° flaps landing when should the power go to idle?
After the wheels have touched. If you move the power to idle before the wheels have touchdown, the landing will be very hard. 
PRM Approach Pilot Monitoring (PM) Actions for a “Traffic Alert”
A “traffic alert” call will be immediately followed by instructions with a heading and a climb or descend instruction. (very rarely is a descend instruction given)
The PM must:
1. Disconnect both Flight Directors
2. Set the breakout heading and altitude on the MCP
To reengage automation
1. FDs back on
2. Hdg Select - push on
3. VS - push on and set approx 1000ft/min climb
PRM approach Pilot Flying (PF) actions for a “Traffic Alert”
“Traffic Alert”
1. Disconnect A/P only. (not A/T)
2. Turn to specified heading (no more than 30 degrees bank)
3. Climb 10 degrees nose up
After PM has entered HDG, ALT and reengaged FDs:
1. Reconnect autopilot
2. Open speed window and put in 180kts
3. Ask for flaps 15
4. Positive Rate - “gear up”
5. Flaps 5 when airspeed allows.
What is the recommended descent or climb rate rate should be used if a PRM breakout maneuver is called by the tower?
No more than 1000 ft per minute.
If in a descent this is already quite close to the normal descent rate on approach of 800 ft per minute. In other words, very little change is needed other than a change in direction if on a descent.
That said, breakout maneuvers to a descent are extremely rare. Usually a climb is called.
What precautions should the crew take when gusty conditions or potential for wind shear conditions exist on takeoff?
- Use the highest takeoff thrust for runway conditions
- Highest available flap setting for the runway should be used to improve tail skid clearance
- Use longest suitable runway
- Consider rotating at less than normal rates.
- Delay rotation somewhat if a gust is experienced near VR.
- Go right to the all engine 15 degrees up on the nose.
If the Wind Shear caution alert “MONITOR RADAR DISPLAY” is heard what should the pilot do?
Maneuver as required to avoid area of windshear.
If on Takeoff the “WINDSHEAR AHEAD” caution is heard what should the pilot do.
If on Approach the “GO-AROUND, WINDSHEAR AHEAD” aural warning is heard what should the pilot do.
In both cases the pilot should perform the windshear escape maneuver.
The only difference is that during approach a go around will be performed after the windshear escape maneuver.
What two types of automation are required with Cat II or Cat III approaches.
Either auto land or AIII is required to do a Cat II or III approach.
What is the first thing that must be verbalized in a stall?
(Or any AAURS Event - All Attitude Upset Recovery Strategy)
How is the missed approach portion of an RNAV RNP approach accomplished:
1. Above 1000 ft
2. Below 1000 ft
b. Missed Approach Altitude - SET
c. Autopilot/LNAV — CONFIRM
1. Push TOGA and do a regular Missed Approach
2. LNAV —– Verify
3. Missed Approach Altitude - SET
4. Autopilot/LNAV ———–CONFIRM
Is takeoff or landing authorized when there is a microburst alert?
Are departures or approaches permitted if there is known or probable severe low altitude winds shear?
what are the indicated airspeed changes or vertical speed changes that would indicate severe wind shear?
15 kn indicated airspeed change ( loss or gain)
Greater than 500 feet per minute vertical speed changes
When cleared for a visual approach what (under most circumstances) are the first 3 things to do?
- Press VOR/LOC (if using ILS as underlying approach)
- put in the FAF altitude
- Determine aircraft altitude with respect to glide slope
a) if localizer will be intercepted below glide slope consider staying at current altitude
b) if localizer intercept will occur above glide slope then go down using either V/S or LVL CHG