737 General Flashcards
What are the Off, Armed and On positions of the EMER EXIT LIGHTS switch?
OFF - prevents all function of the EMER lights
ARMED - EMER lights will turn on if Airplane Electricity fails OR AC power is turned off
ON - All EMER lights will illuminate
Is there another way (other than the cockpit) that the EMER lights can be activated?
Yes, switch from the aft flight attendant’s panel. This will override the cockpit switch.
How many emergency exits?
10 - including the two cockpit windows. 9 ways in 10 ways out. Copilot window can be opened from the outside.
Where is the indicator if any external doors are left open?
What besides these indicators will illuminate if a door is open? What will it say?
Forward Overhead Panel
MASTER CAUTION light will have DOORS illuminated.
What is the minimum pavement width for a 180 degree turn?
79 ft
When are the over wing exits locked?
Automatically locked on Takeoff, In-flight and Landing. They unlock on the ground or when DC power is lost.
What emergency equipment is in the cockpit?
3 life jackets
3 oxygen masks
crash ax
escape ropes
1 Halon Fire Extinguisher
Where are the PAX OXYGEN controls?
Aft Overhead Panel
Describe function of PAXOXYGEN switch.
NORMAL - pass oxygen masks will automatically drop if cabin altitude exceeds 14,000 ft.
ON - activates system and masks drop. This will also illuminate the Master Caution light and the “Overhead” message on the master caution recall panel.
If the PASS OXYGEN system is activated what are the light indicators?
How much oxygen do the pax have?
PASS OXY ON on oxygen panel
OVERHEAD annunciator illuminates on the Master Caution Light
12 minutes from oxygen generators
Where is the crew oxygen bottle?
In the E & E compartment. Max is 1850 psi when the bottle is full.
What is an important thing to remember about overheating of the fixed landing and runway turnoff lights?
They should not be on at the same time when the airplane is on the ground and stopped or they will overheat.
When should the HF radio NOT be tested?
During refueling operations
When can the A/C packs be put in high mode?
At all times except for Takeoff, Approach, and Landing
When should engine anti ice be turned on?
When icing conditions exist or are anticipated to exist except during climb and cruise when the temperature is below -40º C.
Always use in descent when there is visible moisture no matter what the temperature unless it is above 10ºC.
When should IAN not be used?
Anytime the crew has modified the FAF or any waypoint between the FAF and landing.
also, should not be used during an RNAV RNP approach
What is single engine generator limitation on the ground?
215 amps
If engine oil is in the yellow band when takeoff thrust is set what should be done?
Abort takeoff.
Is holding in icing conditions with flaps extended permitted?
What is the max crosswind for HUD guided takeoffs?
10 KTS
What is the lowest landing/approach RVR that an FO can do?
What is the lowest approach that a Captain can do?
FO - 200 ft and RVR 1800 or 1/2 mile
Captain - 50 ft and RVR 300 (Cat III)
What degree difference in thrust levers will cause the Autothrottle to turn off?
10º difference
Within what distance from the active route will LNAV engage upon selection regardless of airplane heading
3 miles
if further than 3 miles from the active route in the FMC what two things must happen before the LNAV will engage and track the route
- an intercept angle of 90° or less
- Intercept before the active waypoint
at what altitude on Approach does each pilots deviation alerting system do a self test?
how is the test represented on the display?
1500 radio altitude after the approach is armed
This test can be observed when both localizer and glideslope deviation scales momentarily flash in Amber
before what altitude must both auto pilots be engaged in order for Auto land to work?
800 feet radio altitude
During an autoland does the auto pilot have to be disengaged manually?
yes, immediately after touchdown 
if two auto pilots are engaged and the toga switch is pressed below 2000 feet will the auto pilot continue to fly the aircraft through the go around event?
However if only one Auto pilot is engaged that Auto pilot will disengage requiring the pilot to hand fly the procedure
what is the meaning of the white (or armed) LNAV indicator on the FMA when doing an approach?
When LNAV is spelled out in white on the FMA (in the armed position) this means a missed approach procedure exists in the Flight plan and the LNAV will become active when the toga button is pushed and the NAV will show/ fly the missed Approach.
At what speed does the RTO function of the auto brakes start working?
90 kts. Below this speed the captain must use manual brakes to stop the aircraft during an RTO.