7.1 paratism and pathogens Flashcards
what is symbiosis?
the intimate and protracted association between two or more organisms of different species
-this does not specify whether the relationship is positive, negative or benign
-coevolution is evident in these interactions
what is parasitism?
a close association between two species is beneficial to one (the parasite) and harmful to the other (the host)
-parasites increased their fitness by exploiting host organisms for food, habitat and dispersal
-parasites generally do not kill their hosts, but the host may suffer reduced fitness
what are common traits shared by parasites?
- much smaller than their hosts
- reproduce more quickly and in greater numbers
- highly specialized for their way of life
what are the two types of parasites?
-microparasites= characterized by small size and short generation time (viruses, bacteria and protozoans)
-macroparasites= relatively large with a comparatively long generation time and usually involve intermediate hosts and carriers (invertebrates like flat worm, ticks and lice and fungi like rusts and smuts)
what are microparasites?
-microparasites and their disease are often transmitted directly (influenza, smallpox, covid) or acquired from the environment (cholera, malaria)
-like bacteria, viruses, protozoans
what is the equation for the change in number of infectious individuals in the population?
what is the graph of the contagiousness and lethality of airborne viruses?
what is the big graph of the microbe-scope?
what are the symptoms of measles?
what is the Ro of ancestorial strains and delta?
what is the mortality risk for covid 19?
what are examples of macroparasites?
-female roundworm lay eggs in the host’s gut which are expelled with the feces
-feces are dispersed to the surrounding environment, and if they are swallowed by the host of the correct species, the eggs hatch
what is the graph of parasitism (fluke)?