7. X-ray Emission Flashcards
Refers to the number of x-rays or intensity of the beam usually expressed in mR or mR per mAs
Factors that Affect X-ray Quantity
o mAs
o kVp
o Distance
o Filtration
is just a measure of the total number of electrons that travel from cathode to anode
mAs =
mC (milli columb)
1 C =
6.25 x 10^18 electrons
Refers to the penetrating qualities of the x-ray beam and is expressed by kVp or HVL
Factors that Affect X-ray Quality
o kVp
o Filtration
The Thickness of an absorber needed to reduce the intensity of the x-ray beam into half of its
original value
Half-Value Layer (HVL)
product of current and time
mAs (milliamperage per second)
factor to adjust if you want to increase or decrease the energy of x-ray or it’s penetrability
kVp (kilovoltage peak)
Space between the source of x-ray and IR (film)
As distance of the patient from the source ______, the intensity/quantity of the x-rays that reach the
target ______; according to inverse square law.
Removal of flawed x-rays
filtration occurs in x-ray tube glass
inherent filtration
can manually place between the protective housing between the x-ray tube window and
the collimator, usually made up of aluminum; can come with various shape and it also depends with your purpose
added filtration