7. Aloinmunización Rh Flashcards
When and to whom is anti-D immunoglobulin prophylaxis administered?
To Rh-negative pregnant women during the 28th week of gestation of their first pregnancy.
What is hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn?
condition characterized by the destruction of fetal red blood cells (RBC) and subsequent anemia.
What are some of the causes of HDFN?
- Rhesus (Rh) or ABO incompatibility between the mother and fetus.
- Other blood incompatibilities (e.g., Kell blood group Incompatibility)
- Congenital heart defects
When do maternal IgG antibodies form in Rh incompatibility?
They form after maternal exposure to fetal Rh-positive blood during birth or pregnancy-related complications (e.g., fetomaternal hemorrhage).
T/F: “The initial pregnancy is not affected by Rh incompatibility”
This is true. However, subsequent pregnancies are at risk of fetal hemolysis and, in severe cases, intrauterine hydrops fetalis.
T/F: “ABO incompatibility may lead to fetal hemolysis in the first pregnancy”
True. This is because preexisting antibodies in the mother,
“T/F: “ABO incompatibilityit usually has a milder course of disease than Rh incompatibility”
What is the Direct Coombs test?
The direct Coombs test is used to detect hemolytic antibodies or complement bound to the surface of a patient’s erythrocytes. It is used to differentiate between autoimmune and nonimmune hemolytic anemias and to diagnose hemolytic diseases of the fetus and newborn.
What is the indirect Coombs test?
The indirect Coombs test is used to detect hemolytic anti-RBC IgG antibodies (against foreign RBC antigens) present in a patient’s serum. It is used to screen for maternal anti-D IgG antibodies (detection of hemolytic disease of the newborn) and to crossmatch blood before transfusions.