7-9 Flashcards
Who was the Secretary of State under George Washington?
Thomas Jefferson
Who was the Secretary of War under George Washington?
Henry Knox
Who was the Secretary of Treasury under George Washington?
Alexander Hamilton
What was Jeffersons viewpoint regarding the constitution?
He was in favor of a strict interpretation of the constitution
Which of Washington Cabinet members strongly supported states rights?
Thomas Jefferson
Which of Washington’s Cabinet members supported a strong federal government?
Alexander Hamilton
Says that the government can do what is necessary and proper for the good of the nation
The elastic clause
Did Jefferson favor agriculture or industrialization to grow the economy?
What country served as an example for Jeffersons agrarian mindset?
Did Hamilton favor agriculture or industrialization to grow the economy?
Why did Hamilton support an industrialized economy?
So not to heavily rely on other countries, be self sufficient
What country did Hamilton model his industrial views after?
Which politician was in favor of the national bank?
Which cabinet member had faith in the people to make good decisions?
Thomas Jefferson
What political party did Jefferson belong to?
What political party did Hamilton belong to?
The Federalists
Why did it take a while for political parties to appear?
Washington did not like partisan politics, everyone listened to him
This act established the Supreme Court and court system
Judiciary Act of 1789
Who was the first Supreme Court Justice?
John Jay
How many associate justices were in the Supreme Court?
This tried to raise revenue after the a Revolutionary War, it put a 5% tax on goods coming into the country
Tariff of 1789
What was Hamilton’s view regarding debt?
He thought some debt was okay, it showed that the people trusted the government
What did Hamilton propose to do about the national debt?
Pay it in whole
What did Hamilton propose to do about the State Debt
The federal government would assume the state debt
What was Madison’s view on the national bank?
He opposed it. He thought it would benefit the rich more than others
What was Hamilton’s view on manufacturing?
It was the governments job to stimulate industry
Who did America side with during the French Revolution?
We stayed neutral
Who did George Washington send to negotiate a testy with Britain?
John Jay
Why did John Jay’s attempt at forming a treaty with the British fail?
Hamilton, wanting to keep good relations with British, tells them that we are willing to compromise on every issue
What was another name for the Pinckeneys Treaty?
The San Lorenzo Treaty
What did the San Lorenzo Treaty Accomplish?
Spain agreed to keep the Mississippi open for trade and allowed the US to deposit goods in New Orleans with out having to pay duties.
This rebellion was the result of upset farmers having to pay tax on whiskey and grains. It showed how far the government had come since the Articles of Confederation
The Whiskey Rebellion (1794)
Which political party was responsible for stopping the Whiskey Rebellion?
The Federalists
Who was the main author of George Washington’s farewell address?
Alexander Hamilton
A group of acts, passed by the Federalists under Adams presidency, designed to suppress criticism of the federal government and to curb the liberties of foreigners living in the US (1798)
Alien and Sedition Acts
Law that gave the president the power to detain or deport citizens of nations with which the US was at war with and who behaved suspiciously.
Alien Enemies Law
Law that gave the President the power to expel any foreigner from the US by executive decree
Alien Law
A law that established a fourteen year probationary period before foreigners could apply for US citizenship.
Naturalization Law
A law that defined criticism of the US government as a crime.
The Sedation Law
An incident where American peace commissioners sent to France by Adams were insulted with bribe demands from their French counterparts. Heightened war fever against France.
XYZ Affair
Who was the Vice President in Washington’s cabinet?
John Adams
What party did John Adams belong to?
The Federalists
What was the reason for population growth?
Natural Reproduction
Where where cities primarily popping up?
Along rivers
Who invented the cotton gin?
Eli Whitney
Who created one of the first textile mills in New England? Named the father of manufacturing
Samuel Slater
Who launched the Claremont, the first successful steamboat? (1807)
Robert Folton
Although not many people lived in the cities, the cities primarily served as ________ for goods
Who won the election of 1800?
Thomas Jefferson
What was Jeffersons presidency named?
The peaceful revolution
What helped Jefferson win the election?
The 3/5 compromise
What was Jeffersons view on slavery?
He wanted it outlawed
How many midnight judges were appointed by Adams?
Who did Thomas Jefferson instruct to not commission the midnight judges?
James Madison
What famous court case settled the dispute over the midnight judges?
Marburry vs Madison
Who gave the ruling during Marburry vs Madison?
John Marshall
What is established by John Marshall that strengthens he Supreme Court and gives the court a final say in all constitutional matters?
Judicial Review
Although Jefferson cut military spending, what did he create to train future military officers?
West Point
Where was the Barbary War fought?
Africa and the Mediterranean Sea
What was the famous battle fought in the Barbary War?
Battle of Tripoli
Who did Jefferson by the Louisiana territory from?
France (Napoleon)
Why was Napoleon so eager to sell the Louisiana a Territory?
France was in need of money after wars with the British and he had given up on the idea of a new world empire
Who did Jefferson send to negotiate the purchase?
James Monroe
What did Jefferson originally want to buy from France ?
New Orleans
Why did Jefferson want to control New Orleans
To ensure that the Mississippi stayed open for trade
Why was Jefferson at first hesitant of buying the Louisiana territory?
He wasn’t sure if it was constitutional
Where did the Louise and Clark Expedition originate ?
St. Louise
Idea of using economics as a diplomatic weapon
Peaceful coercion
Act that stated that we would not trade with the British or French until they stopped violating our rights at sea and allowed us to trade freely with any country. (1807)
What US ship was attacked by the British ?
USS Chesapeake
What was the outcome of the Embargo?
It made the value of imports and exports fall. Hurt economy
Henry Clay and John C Calhoun were to examples of …
War hawks
Who was the 4th president of the United States?
James Madison
What was Madison’s role in the cabinet during Jeffersons presidency?
Secretary of State
How many terms did Madison serve as president?
What political party did Madison belong to?
Who was the losing candidate against Madison in 1812? Where was he from?
Dewitt Clinton, New York
War hawks pushed Madison to do what?
Favor war
What country did the war hawks believe we could acquire if we won war?
What was Madison’s strategy during the war of 1812?
Attack Canada
Why was this his strategy?
Food their was what fed the British Caribbean islands
What bodies of water hosted many battles during the War of 1812?
The Great Lakes
Why did the British blockade the east coast of the US, But not New England?
New England was anti war and was still illegally trading with Britain
What was the purpose of burning down Washington?
It was symbolic
Indian leader who tried to unite the natives against the white settlers
Why was did the US struggle at the beginning of the war?
Jefferson had made military cuts during his presidency
General that had to surrender his army to the British in Detroit
Major General William Hull
How did the US Naval Forces do early on?
They were successful
Who destroyed the British fleet on Lake Eerie in 1813?
Oliver Perry
Who overran British Troops in October of 1813?
General Harrison
What battle killed Tecumseh?
Battle of Thames
How does the British defeat of Napoleon in 1814 affect the war of 1812?
The British change their strategy, they become offensive
Where did Francis Scott Key write the Star Spangled Banner?
Fort Mchenry, after it was left standing
Convention of New Englanders who opposed the war and wanted change the way the government was empowered
Hartford Convention
What were the specific goals of the Hartford Convention?
Eliminate the 3/5 compromise, wanted to put a one year term on presidency, and wanted a 2/3 vote in congress to declare war
Why did the New Englanders of the Hartford Convention want to eliminate the 3/5 compromise?
Because it gave the southern states am advantage in the electoral college
Why did the New Englanders of the Hartford convention want to put a one year term on presidency?
Many of the early presidents were from Virginia and they wanted to limit the power of the southern states
Treaty that supposedly ends the war and ends hostilities between England and the US (1814)
Treaty of Ghent
Battle launched by British that happened after the signing of the Treaty of Ghent, won by the US
Battle of New Orleans
Who was the hero in the Battle of New Orleans?
Andrew Jackson
Who killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel?
Aaron Burr
Who won the election of 1816?
James Monroe
Secretary of State under James Monroe
John Quincy Adams
Treaty between the British and Americans where both countries agreed to limit naval fleets in the Great Lakes and to never invade each other (1817)
Rush Bagot Agreement
Convention in which British and Americans agreed to establish the 49 parallel as the boundary between the US and British Canada and to have a 10 year joint occupation of Oregon (1818)
Anglo American Convention
What Spanish territory did John Quincy Adams desperately want?
Who took over several Spanish forts in 1818?
Andrew Jackson
Treaty in which Spain gives Florida to US and the US assumes liability for damage done to Spain (1819)
Adams-Onis Treaty
Established the Fort of Astoria, hoped to establish himself in the fur trading business
John Jacob Astor
Jedediah Smith and Kit Carson were both….
Fur trappers / mountain men
What was the Louisiana Territory nicknamed?
The Great American Desert
When did the Era of good feelings come to an end?
At the end of Monroe’s presidency , 1824
System that would use federal money to undergo internal improvements
American System
Who proposed the American System?
Henry Clay
Meant to stimulate industry and create a home market for farmers, raised import duties by about 25%
Tariff of 1816
Road that eventually connected Baltimore to St Louise, first great federal transport project
The national (Cumberland) road
How did the West benefit from the American system?
Roads, canals, and federal aid
How did the East benefit from the American System?
Protective Tariffs
What region of the country did the American System not benefit as much?
The South
What was the name of the first turnpike road?
The Lancaster Turnpike
Huge canal that connected Albany to Buffalo
Eerie Canal
What did the north economic patterns look like?
What did the South economic patterns look like ?
Owner of one of the first big textile factories in New England.
Francis Cabot Lowell
Name given for the depression in 1819 that lasted until the 40’s
The Panic of 1819
Who was James Monroe’s opponent when he was respected into office in 1820?
John Quincy Adams
Who had the majority in the house in 1820?
The north
Compromise made that allows Missouri to enter the union as a slave state and Maine to enter as a free state to keep an equal balance of slave and free states in the union.
The Missouri Compromise
Who helped pass the Missouri Compromise? (The great compromiser)
Henry Clay
Why did Thomas Jefferson describe the Missouri Compromise as a “fire bell in the night” ?
He thought it was putting of the urgent issue of slavery
What does the Missouri compromise say about slavery in the rest of the Louisiana Territory?
It outlawed slavery in the rest of the Louisiana a Territory north of 36 30 line
What said that their should be separate spears of influence, countries should take a non colonization policy, and that these colonies should take a non intervention attitude?
The Monroe Doctrine
Who wrote a large part of the Monroe Doctrine?
John Quincy Adams
What does the election of 1824 become known as?
The corrupt bargain
Who supported John Quincy Adams in the House of Representatives during the election of 1824?
Henry Clay
Who died on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the deceleration of independence?
John Adams and Thomas a Jefferson
What land did the US take in 1810-1812 claiming it as part of the Louisiana Purchase?
Popular fur business that relied on mountain men
Rocky Mountain Fur Company
Person who went on a military expedition of the Great Plains and Rockies, fed the belief that the plains were a “great American desert”
Major Stephen S Long
Idea that pioneer families should work together to share the work load
Mutual aid
First great American novelist, published novels about Natty Bumppo aka Leatherstocking. Made the west looked like an untamed wilderness
James Fenimore Cooper
First steamboat in the west
The New Orleans
Steamboat that made the first return trip
The Enterprise
Militant labor activist that helped found the Lowell Female Labor Reform Association (1844)
Sarah Bagley
Before his presidency, Monroe had previously been…
An officer in the Revolution, the governor of Virginia, and the Secretary of State