6.2.4: Carbon–carbon bond formation Flashcards
What type of mechanism is involved in the reaction between haloalkanes and cyanide ions?
Nucleophilic substitution
What type of reaction is involved in the reaction between carbonyl compounds and cyanide ions?
Nucleophilic addition
How can you form a carboxylic acid from a nitrile?
Acid hydrolysis
What type of catalyst is used for a Friedel-Crafts
A halogen carrier (e.g. AlCl3)
Write an equation to form an electrophile that could
be used to acylate benzene, starting with AlCl3 and RCOCl.
AlCl3 + RCOCl → AlCl4- + RCO+ (+ on C)
RCO+ can attack benzene
How could you use a Friedel-Crafts mechanism to
add a methyl group to a benzene ring?
Use a halogenoalkane and AlCl3 to create an electrophile that can attack benzene