6: Public Diplomacy as a form of international political communication. Global Context. Two perspectives: int rels and int communitation Flashcards
what is strategic communication according to Taylor?
PD + information Operations + Public Affairs
what is PD?
Cultural Diplomacy and International Broadcasting
what is information operations?
human factor and computer network operations (CNO)
in what can public affairs be seperated?
domestic and foreign
what is human facf
psychological operations, Civil-Military Cooperation, Media (link to IB)
what is strategic communication? external political communication=
holistic approach based on values and interests that encompasses everything an actor does to achieve objectives in a contested environmen
under strategic communication propaganda explain
nication, in which the sender dominates the receiver while not respecting his/her views and interests and using manipulation and falsehood
what marks the language of propaganda?
it is persuasive (Jowett and O’Donnell’s understanding of persuasion in the model of propaganda)
contains narratives, full of symbols, stereotypes and images, supposed to proliferate the senders vision of reality and to convince the receivers that these visions are attractive. creates and uses rumours, “fake news” online spread, persuasion in language might be overt(in line of argumentation) or hidden (suggestion)
what does Nye say about Public Diplomacy
conveying information and selling a positive image, also: building long term relationships that create an enabling environment for government policies
three dimensions of pd by Leonard (2005)
daily communications, strategic communication, longlasting relationships
PD different versions
postmodern variant of power over opinion
public opinion, public sphere
image and reputation (prestige)
PD in the thrid age of political communication, and fourth age of political communication
what does cull say about propaganda and pd?
pd is about influecne like propaganda, but unlike it, that influence was not one-way, stret from the speakers to thir target. PD twoway street: process of mutual influence, state (or other intern player) facilitates engagement betw publics or tunes its own policies to the map of foreingn public opinion
what are the three levels of PD?
g2g (central level, government, parlament, head of state), foreign policy strategy, grand strategy, PD strategy, agenda of politicians
g2p political system’s peripheries: media system, media non state organizations lobbyist, media agenda
p2p every day public communication: civil society, ordinary individuals social movements, networks (social media) citizen diplomacy, agenda of the public (stakeholders agend)
Global communication as a frame, old (push media) vs new(pull) media
Old (push)m media: communicator -receiver, int broadcasting informational public diplomacy informing and persuading
social (pull=) media
roles interchange (networks: intensification of social relations), global communication, relational public dipomacy, informing, listening, engaging, cooperating, persuading