1: SP&PD Flashcards
What is soft power?
.One of the most contested notions in the theory of international relations. There are realist, liberal, constructivist and critical approaches,
Dahl’s definition of power (1957)
A has power over B to the extent that he can get B to do somethign that B would not otherwise do,
In which paradigm is the threat of power paramount?
Realism (Waltz)
Which approach hardly acknowledges “soft power” tools? What else do they reject?
neo-realism. reject non-state actors (as NGOs) as actors of PD
What do Keohane and Nye argue?
complex interdependence (neoliberal institutionalism)
define neo-liberalal institutionalism
Neoliberal institutionalism, as developed by Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye Jr., is a theoretical perspective within the field of international relations that emerged in the 1970s and 1980s. It represents a departure from earlier realist and liberal approaches by emphasizing the role of international institutions and cooperation in shaping state behavior.
5 details about neoliberal institutionalism
Institutions Matter (such as UN): Neoliberal institutionalists argue that international institutions play a crucial role in shaping state interactions. These institutions can include formal organizations like the United Nations, regional alliances, and international regimes governing specific issue areas.
Neoliberal institutionalism highlights the interdependence of states in the international system. States are seen as rational actors seeking to maximize their interests, and cooperation is seen as a way for states to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes in an environment of interdependence.
Regimes and Rules: Neoliberal institutionalists focus on the importance of regimes, which are sets of principles, norms, rules, and decision-making procedures around which expectations converge in a particular issue area. These regimes provide a framework for cooperation and help manage conflicts of interest.
International Organizations: The role of international organizations is emphasized in neoliberal institutionalism. These organizations serve as forums for states to interact, negotiate, and cooperate. They also help to facilitate the creation and maintenance of international regimes.
Information and Transnational Actors: Neoliberal institutionalism considers the role of information and transnational actors (non-state actors) in influencing state behavior. Information asymmetries can affect state interactions, and transnational actors, such as multinational corporations and non-governmental organizations, can influence the behavior of states.
Enforcement Mechanisms: Neoliberal institutionalists recognize the importance of enforcement mechanisms within international institutions. While states are considered self-interested, the presence of mechanisms to monitor and enforce agreements can enhance compliance and cooperation.
According to J.s. Nye: what is the spectrum of behaviors in hard power? And what the most likely resources?
Spectrum: coercion inducement, command
most likely resources: force sanctions
payment bribes
According to J.s. Nye: what is the spectrum of behaviors in soft power? And what the most likely resources?
Spectrum of behaviors: agenda setting
resources: institutions, values, culture, policies
What are the three forms of power according to Nye?
military power, economic power, soft power
Hard power is split into?
military and economic power
What is smart power?
smart combination of hard and soft power
what does nye say in the future of power 2009?
a smart power narrative in the twenty first century is about finding ways to combine resources into successful strategies in the new context of power diffusion and the “rise and the rest”
what did department of state under obama/clinton see smart power as?
the intelligent integration and networking of diplomacy, defense, development and other tools of so-called “hard and soft power”
what is smart power strategy?
setting manageable objectives, combining values and interests
accurate inventory of availbale resources
choosing among power behaviors, choosing command power of co-optive power and adjusting tactics
assessment of the probability of success in achieving objectives
What is important reg public opinion, according to Carr?
Public Opinion (power over opinion 1964), one of the dimensions ofinternational power
who coined the fourth form of power?
Ali S. Wyne: public opinion as the fourth form of power (after military, economic and political) that appreciates world opinion influence: perceptual power
what else does ali s. wyne say about perceptions?
they are based on information but also falsehoods, biases
according to Ali S. Wyne how is perceptual power distributed?
it is distributed among the greatest number of players, most dynamic and shifting
What is discursive power and who coined it?
Jungherr, Possega and An (2019) coined it. DP is ability of contributors to communication spaces to introduce, amplify and maintain topics, frames and speaers, thus shaping public discourses and controversies that unfold in interconnected communication spaces
what is episodic discursive power?
when contributors are able to shape topics, frames and speakers in isolated discursive episodes
what is consistent discursive power?
when contributors are able to do so repeatedly over time
what did Bourdieu say?
critical approach: the theory of knowlede is a dimension of political theory because the specifically symbolic power to impose the principles of the construction of reality-in particular, social reality-is a major dimension of political power
In which way does Nye respond well to Bourdieu?
Nye’s soft power assets respond well to Bourdieu’s science, universities, culture and religion as elements of the field of power.
what index shows the symbolic power their recognition in international community?
Elcano Global Presence Index