6-13-2 Manage Potable Water Surveillance Flashcards
Define Coaming
A raised frame to keep out watch
The total process the distilling plant forms, including evaporation and condensation
Free Available Chlorine
- Chlorine available in the forms of Hydrochlorous Acid and Hypochlorite Ions
One millionth of a meter
Reverse Osmosis
The reverse of natural osmosis achieved by external application of sufficient reverse pressure to cause the solvent to flow in its unnatural direction.
Test to detect E-Coli and coliform in potable water
Responsible for shipboard potable water systems.
- Design
- Construction
- Maintenance
Naval Facilities Engineering Command
- Responsible for promulgating instructions for ship-to-shore potable water connections and providing potable water form an approved source.
Commanding Officers Responsibilities
Responsible for promulgating water sanitation bnill
Supply and Treatment of Potable Water
- Receive
- Store
- Distribute
- Produce
- Treat
Also conduct Halogen and pH testing
How many gallons per man per day, specified by whom?
- 50 gallons
- Does not apply to “Water Hours”
- Not less than 2 gallons per man per day
- Applicable to troop-carrying ships loading beyond their water producing capacity
Where do you avoid making water?
- Harbors or from polluted sea water
- Ships are in close formation
- Stripping or discharging waste or bilge water forward from the saltwater tanks
3 Types of Distilling Plants
- Steam
Steam by power plants or boiler - Waste Heat
Heat from Diesel engine - Vapor Compression
Electrical Energy
Reverse Osmosis water production systems?
- Additional disinfection with Chlorination or Bromination is required
- Usually in Subs, additional disinfection not required
Unauthorized Termination Points for vents and overflows lines
- Food Service Spaces
- Medical Spaces
- Toilets
- Electrical or electronic rooms
- Exterior of the ship
Water Level Measurement, Sounding Tubes
Has steel tape that requires disinfection
- 100 ppm FAC for 2 mins
Labeled “Potable Water Use Only”
Filling Lines
- Color Coded Dark Blue, 18” from the deck
- Must be an air gap and appropriate back flow prevention device
Sanitary Requirements Potable Water Hose Lockers
Vermin proof, locked, 18 inches off of the deck
Labeling Requirements
- Labeled POTABLE WATER ONLY with 1 inch letters every 10 feet
Potable water Valves
- Labeled PWO 1/4’’ letters
- Handles dark blue
Potable Water Transfer
When receiving to transferred via an approved source
- Halogen tesed prior to initial transfer
- If within standards (0.2 ppm), no further testing required
Ship-to Shore Procedures
- Remove shore cap and flush potable water outlet for 15-30 seconds
- Immerse outlet, rinse fitting in 100 ppm FAC for 2 mins
- Flush water to waste for 15-30 seconds
- Disinfect shipboard riser connections with 100 ppc FAC
- Both ships disinfect potable water connections
- Leading water hose has hose cap during high-line procedure
Purpose of Potable Water Testing Types
Halogen Residual
- Chlorine/Bromine
- Quick indication of water that may be improperly treated to handled
- Absence of halogen may indicate contamination
Bacertiological Testing
- Ensure good for human consumption
- Assess adequacy of disinfection process
Water Testing Requirements
Published by:
- American Public Health Association (APHS)
- American Water Works Association (AWWA)
- Water Pollution Control Federation (WPCF)
Microbiological Quality
MCL: Maximum Contaminant Level for COLIFORM bacteria
- Follow EPA MCL
Frequency of Microbiological Quality
- Performed weekly
- Represent sites through-out distribution system
Number of weekly activity samples is population dependent
- 400 or less, no less than 4 samples
- Over 400-800, require 8 samples
- More than 800 require 12 samples
- Includes 1/4 of ship’s ice machines and potable water tanks
- Emergency potable water tested monthly
Halogen types
Chlorine or Bromine residuals
- DPD #1, test for FAN or TBR
- DPD #4. test for chloramines (total chlorines)
Halogen testing using the Color Compatator or Portable Spectrophotometer
- Color accuracy +/- 10%
- Portable Spectrophotometer +/- 2%
Shipboard EPA approved methods for Bac T
Bac T sample bottle or bag label
Date and time
Sampler’s initial
Colilert Sample results
Examine under 365 nm UV Lamp
- Clear is negative
- Yellow is positive for total coliform
- Fluorescent Yellow (Under UV light) is positive for fecal Coliform
Colilsure Sample results
Examine under 365 nm UV Lamp
- Yellow is negative
- Magenta + for total coliform
- Fluorescent light blue is + for E. Coli
2 Types of Brominators
In-Line (Proportioning)
- .7 ppm bromine to water during normal operations
- Can deliver 2.0 ppm when necessary
- Delivers .7 ppm bromine to water recirculated
Manual Chlorine Disinfection Method
Batch Method
- Least desirable, can result in OVER chlorination
Halogen Residuals
Approved Source
- 0.2 ppm FAC/TBR after 30 min contact time
Unapproved Source
- 2.0 ppm FAC/TBR after 30 min contact time
If not able to reach 2.0, use Batch Method
Disinfection Method 1
- Fill to overflow level
- Add chlorine to achieve 10 ppm
- Hold for 24 hrs
- Drain tank, refill with potable water at required halogen level
- Perform BacT, use water if negative
Method 2
- Apply directly to tank surfaces at 200 ppm
- Flush at 10 ppm FAC
- Remain in contact with surface for min. 30 minutes
Method 3
- Fill 5% of tank with 50ppm FAC
- Hold for 6 hours
- Add potable water to chlorine solution, hold for 24 hours