5J Flashcards
Effects of change on owners. Positive and negative effects
Simplified positive and negative effects of change on owners=
-Positive effect of change=
:Increased financial stability + return on their investment
:Developing stronger interpersonal relationsips with employees
:Owners reputation from employees, and general community increase if business change is successful
-negative effect of change=
:Decrease in personal repution if business change is unsuccessful
:decrease in return on investment if business change is unsuccessful
:Overwhellmed by business change
:degrading interspersonal relationships between owners and employees if change has negative effects(e.g. employees made redundant)
* A successful business change can provide a business owner with an increased return on their investment and greater financial security.
* Business change can provide opportunities for business owners to use their leadership skills to connect with employees and develop stronger interpersonal relationships.
* A business owner may be perceived more positively by employees if they implement change successfully
* If change is unsuccessful, a business owner may experience personal and financial implications.
* A business owner may become overwhelmed and stressed by the increased workload and responsibilities that may be associated with business change.
* A business owner may be resented if employee roles are made redundant or significantly changed, negatively impacting the business’s corporate culture.
Effects of change on managers. Positive and negative effects
Positive and negative effects of change on managers symplified=
:Opportunity to develop skills + advance career
:financial and non-financial rewards(if business cahnge is successful
:Given increased responsibility + authority= leading to increase in skills and employability
:Personal repuation increased(if change successful)
:Overwhellemed by increase workload
:May lose financial + job security(change unsuccessful)
:personal reputation degraded(if change unsuccesful)
* Business change can provide opportunities for a manager to develop new skills or advance their career.
* A business may provide a manager with financial and non-financial rewards if the change is successfully implemented.
* A manager may be provided with increased authority and responsibility, leading to further increases in their skills and employability.
* Increased workloads associated with change can lead to stress which may negatively impact a manager’s wellbeing.
* If a business change is unsuccessful, a manager may lose their job and financial security
Effects of change on employees. Positive and negative effects
Simplified positive and negative effects of change on employees=
:employees provided with new responsibilities and opportunities for career advancement
:Increased financial security + job security
:Financial + Non-financial rewards for employees part of buisiness change
:Training required= improving employee knowledge and skill= improving future employability.
:Trianing=require employees to learn complex skills= too hard= increase stress + decreased motivation.
:Change is expected to result in redundancies= increase fear for job + financial security
:Employees requried to take on roles they are not prepared + trained for= negatively impacting employee performance
* Employees may be provided with new responsibilities and opportunities for career advancement that improve their motivation and overall job satisfaction.
* If a business change is successful, employees may experience improved job and financial security.
* Employees that have contributed to the implementation of successful change may be provided with financial and nonfinancial rewards.
* A business change may require employees to undertake training to provide them with a different set of skills, helping improve their future employability
* A business change may require employees to develop complex skills and learn difficult processes, which may increase stress levels and negatively impact their wellbeing.
* If a business change is expected to result in redundancies employees may fear for their job or financial security.
* A business change may require some employees to take on increased responsibility within the workplace which may negatively impact their performance if they are not prepared for this role.
Effects of change on customers. Positive and negative effects
Simplified positive and negative effects of change on customers=
:Increase quality=increase satisfaction
:lower prices=increase satisfaction
:new CSR strategies implemented=increase satisfaction
:Decrease in quality(possibly cheaper inputs sourced)=Decreased satisfaction
:Increased prices=Decreased satisfaction
:Product fails to meet consumer needs=Decreased satisfaction
* If change improves the quality of a business’s goods and services, customers may experience increased satisfaction.
* Customer satisfaction may increase if the change allows the business to offer lower prices for its goods and services.
* Customers may experience greater satisfaction from a business that implements new strategies to demonstrate corporate social responsibility
* A business that sources cheaper inputs to reduce business costs may compromise the quality of its product, leading to customer frustration and reduced satisfaction.
* Customers may be dissatisfied if a business change increases the price of its products.
* If a business discontinues or changes a good or service, customer satisfaction may decrease if the new product fails to meet their needs.
Effects of change on supplies. Positive and negative effects
Simplified positive and negative effects of business change on suppliers=
:Supplier demand may increase=business production increases from change
:business decides to switch to a different supplier or discontinue a product= decrease in sales.
:A business change=require suppliers to involuntarily adjust their processes to meet the new demands of the business
* Supplier demand may increase if a business requires a greater amount of resources to meet its production needs.
* If a business decides to switch to a different supplier or discontinue a product, a supplier’s sales may decrease due to a lower volume of orders from the business.
* A business change may require its suppliers to involuntarily adjust their processes to meet the new demands of the business
Effects of change on general community. Positive and negative effects
Simplified positive and negative effects of change on general community=
:business change creates job opportunities=local employment rates may increase(improving overall wellbeing of society)
:Business change that involves opening or expanding into a new area=increase customer traffic in surrounding area
:business change is successful=a business has a greater ability to contribute to local social causes.
: Business change that involves reducing waste can reduce the business’s environmental impact and improve overall living standards for the general community.
* If a business change creates job opportunities, local employment rates may increase which can improve the overall wellbeing of society.
* Business change that involves opening or expanding into a new area can increase customer traffic and sales for surrounding businesses.
* When a business change is successful, a business has a greater ability to contribute to local social causes.
* Business change that involves reducing waste can reduce the business’s environmental impact and improve overall living standards for the general community.
* A business change that results in redundancies may increase local unemployment rates and poverty levels, thus negatively impacting societal wellbeing.
* If a business change involves store closure or relocation, customer traffic and sales for surrounding businesses may decrease.
* If a business change involves switching to an overseas supplier, transporting inputs from another country can have a negative impact on the environment.
Stakeholders(n.)=are individuals, groups, or organisations who have a vested interest in the performance and activities of a business.
Define owners(n.)
Use this def instead=
Owners(n.) are individuals who are intrinsically motivated and have a vested interested in the ability of their business to meet its objectives and continue to adapt, as this is essential to its survival and success.1
Owners(n.)=Owners are individual who establish, invest, and have a share in a business, with the vested interest of the business achieving its business objectives, and receiving a return on their investment.
Define mangers(n.)
Managers(n.)=managers are individuals, which act as the representatives of the owners, and have a vested interest in the business’s ability to achieve business objectives.
Define employees(n.)
Employees(n.)=workers that have a vested interest in completing the tasks allocated to them by managers to achieve organisational objectives.
Define customers(n.)
Customers(n.)=are individuals or groups who interact with a business AND HAVE A VESTED INTEREST TOWARDS ITS goods and services.
Use this def instead=
Customers(n.)=are individuals, groups or organisations that have a vested interest in the quality and price of a business’s goods or services.
Define suppliers(n.)
Suppliers(n.)=are individuals or groups that source and supply a business with raw materials, component parts, and processed materials [CAN I JUST SAY INPUTS OR RESOURCES] and have a vested interest upon the business’s performance and the amount of resources they require.
Use this def instead=
Suppliers are individuals or groups who supply a business with raw materials and resources, and have a vested interest on the performance of the business and their demand for resources.
Define general community(n.)
General community(n.)=The external parties who have a vested interest in the business who do not directly relate to the business.
Stakeholder owner interests
-Financial position.
-personal reputation position.
Stakeholder Manager interests
-job security position.
-Financial position.
-personal reputation position
Stakeholder employees interests
-job security position.
-Financial position.
-career development position.
-personal reputation position.
Employee objectives(recap from previous lessons)=
• Earn an income
• Good conditions of employment
• Job security
• Develop skills and knowledge
• Career advancement
Stakeholder customers interests
consumption position.
Stakeholder suppliers interest
Financial position.
associated reputation position.
Stakeholder General community interest
indirect effect position.
Nico owns Hulk & Berg, a gym equipment manufacturer operating in Melbourne. Recently, the business’s poor performance prompted a review of its processes and activities. The review established that it would be more cost-effective to manufacture gym equipment overseas in Malaysia. In response, Nico has decided to close down the Melbourne-based manufacturing plant over the next year. This change will cause 200 production employees to lose their jobs. However, all other positions within the business will not be affected by these job losses.
Outline one positive and one negative effect of manufacturing overseas on the employees at Hulk & Berg. [2 marks]
My way=
-positive effect on employees from manufacturing overseas
-negative effect on employees from manufacturing overseas
Outline two possible effects that business change could have on customers. [2 marks]
My way=
-effect of business change on customers
-another effect of business change on customers
Galilee’s is a large-scale, Australian organisation providing telescopes to national space agencies around the globe. The business purchases resources from suppliers through a manual ordering system. After completing a review of this system, the operations manager, Galileo, discovered that there is a large number of errors in production relating to incorrect ordering of telescope materials and eyepieces. This resulted in Galilee’s being unable to fully supply its customers with telescopes. In response, Galileo has decided to adopt a fully automated system with the aim of providing correct orders to all Australian space agencies.
Explain the impact that the adoption of a fully automated system may have on Galilee’s manager and one other stakeholder.[4 marks]
My way=
-Manager def
-Impact of adoption of automated systems on managers
-Another stake holder def
-Impact of adoption of automated systems on other stakeholder
Edrolo’s way=
-Impact of adoption of automated systems on managers
-another Impact of adoption of automated systems on managers
-Impact of adoption of automated systems on other stakeholder
-another Impact of adoption of automated systems on other stakeholder
Isn’t It Fascinating is an Australian brand, specialising in the production of headwear. Recently, Isn’t It Fascinating was bought out by a well-renowned American clothing company. This resulted in the business moving its production line overseas, meaning Isn’t It Fascinating is no longer producing 100% Australian-made hats. The American company claimed this would result in cheaper supplies and lower selling prices that would benefit customers.
Evaluate the effects of the business change on one of Isn’t It Fascinating’s stakeholders. [5 marks]
My way=
-Def of stake holder
-Positive effect of change on stakeholder
-Def of another stakeholder
-Negative effect of change on stakeholder
-Summary of impact of change on overall business
Edrolo’s way=
-Positive effect of change on stakeholder
-another Positive effect of change on stakeholder
-Negative of change on stakeholder
-Another negative of change on stakeholder
-Summary of impact of change on overall business
It says def of one stakeholder=should really be 6 mark question
-def of stake holder
-ad of the effect of change on the stake holder
-case(refer to where this advantage is evident within the case)
-dis ad of the effect of change on the stake holder
-case(refer to where this advantage is evident within the case)
the way I would do it= It says def of one stakeholder=should really be 6 mark question
-def of stake holder
-ad of the effect of change on the stake holder(refer to case when doing this)
-ad of the effect of change on the stake holder(refer to case when doing this)
-dis ad of the effect of change on the stake holder(refer to case when doing this)
-dis ad of the effect of change on the stake holder(refer to case when doing this)