5G Flashcards
Characteristics of stakeholders during change(NOT IMPORATANT AT ALL)
-As key stakeholders to business, in relation to change, employees may feel threatened, which can bring about feelings of=
=Especially if it impacts their individual objectives.
Employee objectives(recap from previous lessons)=
• Earn an income
• Good conditions of employment
• Job security
• Develop skills and knowledge
• Career advancement
Impacts of unaddressed resistance to change
• Low productivity
• Stress and need for counselling
• Workers seeking to undermine manager decisions
• Sabotage
• Strikes
• Work avoidance – increasing absenteeism rates
• Levels of staff turnover increasing
Low-risk strategies(n.)
-Low-risk strategies(n.)=Measured management approaches that gradually encourage employees to accept and participate in business change.
Low-risk strategy characteristic
Q11)5G)Managers will typically use low-risk strategies when they have a longer period of time to implement the change, and are aiming to maintain a positive relationship with employees.2
High-risk strategies(n.)
-High risk strategies are manipulation and threats which are used to decrease the resistance to change from stakeholders
High-risk strategy characteristics
Q11)5H)These strategies are unsustainable in the long term as they are forceful and deceptive, harming the relationship between managers and employees.
-Managers will typically utilise High-risk strategies in critical situation and when they aim to instantly implement a business change
What are the Low-risk strategies
What are the high-risk strategies
Low-risk strategies on Business success
-Low-risk strategies= short term pain long term gain.= May cost time and resources to implement in short term, but ultimately is very beneficial in preparing a business for change and implementing successful change.
High-risk strategies on Business success
-high-risk strategies= short term gain, long term pain.= we will achieve what we wanted to achieve, but the morale and distrust builds and has more negative long-term connotations associated with it.
-communication(n.) as a low-risk strategy
Communication as a low-risk strategy(n.)=involves managers openly and honestly transferring information to employees, and listening to their feedback so that employees are fully aware of the reasons for, and impacts of an upcoming change.
Aldous definition(n.)=none
Empowerment as a low-risk strategy(n.)=involves managers providing employees with increased responsibility and authority during times of change
Aldous definition(n.)=is the process of management [[delegating]] employees [[decision making power]], during a business transformation
Support as a low-risk strategy(n.)=involves managers providing employees with assistance as they move from current to new practices.
Aldous definition(n.)=providing support services to employees, to allow them to feel that they are appart of the decision of change.
Incentives as a low-risk strategy(n.)=involves managers providing financial or non-financial rewards to encourage employees to support change.
Aldous definition(n.)=Offering a financial or non financial reward to increase an employees desire to change
Threat(n.) as a high risk strategy(n.)=involves forcing employees to follow a proposed change by stating that they(managers) may or will cause harm to them if they fail to do so.
Aldous definition(n.)=none
Manipulation as a high-risk strategy(n.)=involves influencing employees to support a proposed change by providing incomplete and deceptive information about the transformation
Other definition from felix=
Manipulation as a high-risk strategy(n.)=involves managers influencing employees to support a proposed change by providing incomplete and deceptive information about the transformation
Aldous definition(n.)=none
-why is communication(n.) important in business change.
Preferable communication method=
-personably and with respect
-allow employees the opportunity for feedback, and where possible, contribution to the decision-making process.
-when notified of change employees(WORDS FROM MAN)=
-surprise factor is gone
-know how and why behind change=feel part of whole process
=embrace it far more
-why is Empowerment(n.)important in business change.
-as employees more involved in change process=more likely to be invested in its success.
-giving employees skills, resources, authority and opportunity, holding them responsible and accountable for the outcomes of the actions=contribute to increase performance and satisfaction
-involving employees in decision making process in relation to change, giving tasks and responsibilities to enact change=
:build employee commitment
:build employee motivation
:enhances change chances of being successful
-why is Support(n.)important in business change.
:nurturing activities= to understanding the emotions of employees feel during change= provide services to look after them.
Examples of support=
-Relying on inter-personal skills
-discussion forums
-why is Incentive(n.)important in business change.
-employees=motivated to embrace change= because they know that they will receive a reward when they preform as requested.
Examples of incentives=
-Pay bonuses
-Gift cards
-Promotional opportunites
-Paid vacations
-On-site health and wellbeing programs
-Verbal acknowledgement from leadership
-‘Employee of the month’
-providing increase in responsibilities
-why is Threat(n.)important in business change.
-unethical + immoral + illegal(if it forms part of an unfair dismissal claim)
-associated with managers who favour a more autocratic management style
This strategy involves=
-generally exploiting the typical fears held by employees
-providing incomplete information
-Providing deceptive information
=influencing employees to support a proposed change
Q13)5H)Examples of threat=
-communicating to employees that they will lose their jobs, and therefore their source of income if they do not embrace the change
-tell employees that if they do not embrace the change and left the business, they would be given a poor reference and find it difficult to obtain a new job in future.
-telling employees that if they do not embrace change, their pay will be reduced
-communicating to employees that he will make their job redundant and not redeploy them to another role in the travel agency
-why is Manipulation(n.)important in business change.
-persuading or coercing employee to do what you want them to do=
:without giving full or most accurate picture of situation
:Putting them in position they are less likely to disagree
This strategy involves=
-selectively presenting information and details to distort employees’ understanding of an upcoming transformation.
-managers leaving out details,
-distorting the facts
-making the change seem more beneficial than it actually is
=influencing employees to support a proposed change
Q14)5H)examples of manipulation
-Leaving out undesirable details, such as extra training and fewer working hours
-Distorting facts such as implying that the change positively impacts employees as they may be higher in demand and receive greater tips from customers after the renovations, despite having no factual basis for her claims.
-communication(n.) examples
Communication=one way to two way, or two way to one way
Communication examples=
:Emails=one way
:meetings=two way
:public announcement=two ways
Characteristic of communication as a low-risk strategy
Q12)5G)In order to effectively use communication as a low-risk strategy, managers must use two-way communication, whereby employees are able to ask questions, voice their concerns, and receive feedback regarding the potential change.2
-Empowerment(n.) examples
Examples of empowerment=
-just delegation
-Support(n.) examples
Examples of support=
-Relying on inter-personal skills(possible n.)
-Counselling(possible n.)
-Mentoring(possible n.)
-discussion forums(possible n.)
-Mediation(possible n.)
-Incentive(n.) examples
Examples of incentives=
-Pay bonuses(possible n.)
-Gift cards(possible n.)
-Promotional opportunities(possible n.)
-Paid vacations(possible n.)
-On-site health and wellbeing programs(possible n.)
-Verbal acknowledgement from leadership(possible n.)
-‘Employee of the month’(possible n.)
-Threat(n.) examples
Examples of threats include:
• dismissal
• poor employer references
• loss of promotion.
-Manipulation(n.) examples
Examples of manipulation=
-controlling information received to employees(don’t allow sengies to go to the next step)(change in management style=autocartic or persuasive)(Change in management skills=one-way communication)
-Controlling operations of the business(don’t allow material requirement plan to get all the inputs)(preventing employee training from commencing.)
=Essentially this is not allowing employees to have all the information or processes
-advantages and disadvantages of low risk strategies
Should I use strengths and weaknesses, or advantages and disadvantages.
Preserves employee morale
Maintains commitment to the business
Maintains motivation
Reduces resistance
Can take longer to initiate change
May require additional expenses and time to implement support, counselling, etc.
• Communication, empowerment, and support all result in a higher chance of change being successful in the long term due to increased trust and cohesion between managers and employees.
• Support and communication can effectively reduce employees’ fear and stress levels related to change.
• Incentives and empowerment can provide employees with opportunities to advance their careers.
• Low-risk strategies can make employees feel valued by the business.
• Low-risk strategies can be useful for businesses where the change will take a long time to introduce (several months or years) as they are more sustainable approaches.
• If employees feel valued by the business and trust their manager, they are more likely to stay at the business, reducing costs associated with hiring new employees.
• If employees embrace the change and want it to be successful, the change may be implemented more efficiently, potentially reducing expenses incurred such as having to retrain employees to learn different skills.
• Empowerment may result in tasks being carried out in a way that management did not intend if employees are inexperienced.=Q6)5G)leading to decrease in quality or efficiency
• Incentives could be seen as bribes if not executed properly.
• All low-risk strategies are not useful in crisis situations as they take a longer period of time to be effective
• Incentives lead to financial expenses for the business, which can therefore reduce overall profit.
One advantage of Penny using low-risk strategies is that their gradual and supportive nature can effectively reduce employees’ fears and insecurity related to the change at Plantopia. If employees’ fears and insecurities are reduced it can lead to lower levels of employee resistance, allowing the new cafe to be successfully implemented.1Furthermore, another advantage of using lowrisk strategies is that they increase the chance of change being successful in the long term. As they develop legitimate concern and interest in the change’s success, employees are more likely to maintain their efforts in the long term.2However, one disadvantage of Penny using low-risk strategies to overcome employee resistance is that it can be time-consuming. Strategies such as empowerment that involve employee input can involve time-consuming employee consultation, and mean that Penny has less time to work on implementing the change of the new cafe.3Moreover, another disadvantage of using low-risk strategies is they might be costly to Plantopia. Strategies such as incentives can cause the business to incur significant costs if the incentives are financial. This may mean that Penny will have fewer funds to spend on incorporating the new cafe into the business model.4
Advantages and disadvantages of high risk strategies
Should I use strengths and weaknesses, or advantages and disadvantages.
Ensures that change is implemented quickly and matches exactly what the manager requires
Useful in crisis situations
Potential for fear, resentment, reaction
Motivation could decrease
Distrust between management and staff could build
Can actually lead to greater resistance, i.e. through staff turnover, strikes
• Change is implemented in a way that the manager desires as there is no employee input.
• High-risk strategies are effective in crisis situations where change must occur rapidly.
• The initial implementation of high-risk strategies can be relatively inexpensive for the business.
• Implementing these strategies may lead to the development of a negative corporate culture in the future, due to long-term distrust.
• The relationship between management and employees is compromised.
• Employees may be fearful of losing their job and believe they are easily replaceable
• There may be low morale in the workplace, and employees are more likely to leave or be absent from work.
• These strategies are usually only effective in the short term as employees are unlikely to follow change, under such harsh conditions, over long periods of time.
• The expense of replacing employees may increase as these methods can increase staff turnover due to decreased employee satisfaction and loyalty.
Compare low risk and high risk strategies
-Both in place to reduce resistance to change
-Both low risk and high risk strategies will cost the business money to institute.(ONE TO REPLACE STAFF, ONE TO PLAY FOR INCENTIVES AND SUPPORT)
-Both of them require communication to implement(Manipulation, threats, communication, support, empowerment, [maybe incentives)]
-High risk strategies lie solely in management, where as low risk strategies do not lie only within management but also within employees and delegating them responsibilities
-HIGH RISK IS USEFULL IN HIGH RISK situation where as low risk is useful in low risk situations
-High risk strategies build distrust between management and employees, where as low risk strategies build trust between management and employees.
Compare high and low risk strategies when Subway implements their online ordering website.[4 marks]
Explain how Bora Airways could use the high-risk strategy of threat to overcome possible employee resistance to the changes.
[3 marks]
-How threat overcomes resistance to change
-another way threat overcomes resistance to change
Define manipulation as a high-risk strategy.[2 marks]
-def of manipulation
-Characteristic of manipulation
Zen Beanies manufactures beanies at its Australian production facility and distributes its products through retail outlets in major shopping centres across the country. After observing significantly higher numbers of sales during winter, the manager, Rani, wants to expand the business overseas to extend the selling season beyond the Australian winter. As this proposed expansion is presented to employees, Rani has been notified that employees are reluctant to follow this expansion as it will increase their workload and may lead to redeployment.
Describe one high-risk strategy Rani could implement to overcome employee resistance, and discuss the use of high-risk strategies at Zen Beanies.[6 marks]
La La Land is a travel agency with offices located in Melbourne’s CBD. The business employs 30 staff members and aims to provide a high-quality service to customers, to help them book their dream vacation at the lowest price. The manager, Tom, has decided to start using an external company based in Singapore to deal with customer complaints, and help with booking flights and hotels for customers. This is a cheaper alternative that will allow him to invest more money into expanding the business, although it would result in the redundancy of several employees.
Define global outsourcing. Identify one high-risk strategy that could be used by La La Land to overcome employee resistance to the change of implementing global outsourcing.[4 marks]
Mr Aldous=
-Def Of global outsourcing
-Def of high risk strategy to overcome employee resistance
-How high risk strategy overcomes resistance to change
-case(refer to where this high risk strategy overcomes resistance to global outsourcing)
-Def Of global outsourcing
-Def of high risk strategy to overcome employee resistance
-How high risk strategy overcomes resistance to change
-another way high risk strategy overcomes resistance to change
Ez Meals is a manufacturing organisation that produces pre-packaged frozen meals. The CEO has decided to implement new technologies in response to high levels of waste. Many employees at Ez Meals have not welcomed the change. The human resource manager, William, has been called in to help employees cope with the transition.
Explain how William could use the low-risk strategy of incentives to overcome possible employee resistance to the changes.[3 marks]
-def of incentives
-One aspect of incentives that reduces employee resistance
-another aspect of incentives that reduces employee resistance
Penny is the owner of Plantopia, a Melbourne-based store which sells a range of potted plants. As the business is located on a busy shopping street, Penny is considering adding a cafe component to the store to allow customers to get takeaway coffee and pastries. As she does not have the funds to hire new employees who are trained to work in a cafe, Penny may need to replace some of her current employees with workers who are barista trained. Her employees have expressed to her that they are concerned about what the changes will mean for their role at the business.
Discuss the use of low-risk strategies to overcome employee resistance to change at Plantopia.[4 marks]
Tech Guys is an electronics retailer in Australia, which also offers repair services for most devices. The rapid increase in technology sales in 2021 and 2022 has led the CEO and founder of Tech Guys, Andrew, to consider selling the company for a huge profit. If Andrew sells the company, most of the employees and managers will be retained, although some redundancies may occur if the new business owner decides to downsize.
Outline one interest of employees as stakeholders of Tech Guys. Describe one low-risk strategy that could be used to overcome employee resistance to the changes.[4 marks]
-Define the stakeholder
-Outline one stakeholder interest
-Define low risk strategy
-explain how low risk strategy overcome resistance of the stakeholder(by satisfying the stakeholders interest)