Obstetrics diagnostic terms Flashcards
mother has had three or more consecutive miscarriage
habitual abortion
mother has symptoms of upcoming abortion
threatened abortion
mother lost the baby but not the placenta
incomplete abortion
fetus has died but not aborted
missed abortion
abortion with fever
septic abortion
baby is developing somewhere else
ectopic pregnancy
too much vomiting during pregnancy
hyperemesis gravidarum
due to hypertension, convulsion, kidneys fail, edema, or coma
not enough fluid in amniotic sac
premature detachment of placenta
placenta abruptio/ablatio
placenta covers the opening of cervix
placenta previa
too much fluid in amniotic sac
bunch of cyst in the uterus
hydatidiform mole
one of the blood vessels in the umbilical region has ruptured
uteroplacental apoplexy
fetus is not getting oxygen
fetal anoxia
complication of labor
fetal distress
blood is being destroyed
fetal hemolytic disease
cord is coming out first
prolapse of cord
newborn is lacking oxygen
asphyxia neonatorum
baby’s lungs did not inflate
atelectasis neonatorum
breakdown of RBCs in fetus
erythroblastosis fetalis (EBF)
enlarged head
too much bilirubin
too much bilirubin causes brain damage
lungs are not developed enough
hyaline membrane disease
born with missing arms or legs
baby has enlarged breast
retina of baby is destroyed by too much oxygen
retrolental fibroplasia(RLF)
protrusion in umbilical region
umbilical hernia
intestine is protruding to the abdomen