5.15 Cardiorespiratory Training Concepts Flashcards
The ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to provide the body with oxygen during activity.
Cardiorespiratory fitness
The fundamental tasks needed to manage basic self-care activities, such as bathing, dressing, grooming, meal preparation and feeding, and homemaking.
activities of daily living (ADL)
The five components of fitness include the following:
Cardiorespiratory (aerobic) fitness Muscular strength Muscular endurance Flexibility Body composition
The process and speed from which frequency, intensity, time, and type are increased.
rate of progression
The level of commitment to a behavior or plan of action.
FITTE-VP stands for
frequency intensity type time enjoyment volume progression
The number of training sessions in a given timeframe.
The level of demand placed on the body by a given activity.
methods for monitoring cardiorespiratory exercise intensity include
- calculating VO2max
- using percentages of maximal heart rate (HRmax)
- percentages of heart rate reserve (HRR)
- metabolic equivalents (METs)
- ratings of perceived exertion (RPE)
- the talk test.
The traditional gold standard measurement for cardiorespiratory fitness is VO2max,
often expressed as the maximal volume of oxygen consumed per kilogram of body weight per minute (mL/kg per min).
In other words, VO2max is the maximal amount of oxygen that an individual can use during intense exercise
HRmax (maximal heart rate)
HRmax is determined using the following formula: 208 – (0.7 × age)
A predetermined exercising heart rate.
target heart rate
also known as the Karvonen method, is a method of establishing a client’s target heart rate based on the difference between a client’s estimated HRmax and their resting heart rate
The heart rate reserve formula is defined as follows:
[(HRmax – HRrest) × desired intensity] + HRrest = Target heart rate
In other words, this represents the amount of oxygen used by an individual at true rest.
One MET is equal to 3.5 milliliters of oxygen consumed per kilogram of body weight per minute (3.5 mL O2 · kg^–1 · min^–1) or the equivalent of the average resting metabolic rate for adults.
RPE is a technique used to validate how hard a client feels they are working during exercise (subjective to client)
2 scales
- The Borg 6 to 20 is the standard
- 1-10 scale NASM recommended
talk test
An aerobic test that measures the participant’s ability to talk or hold a conversation during an activity at various intensity levels.
The point during graded exercise in which ventilation increases disproportionately to oxygen uptake, signifying a switch from predominately aerobic energy production to anaerobic energy production.
Ventilatory threshold (Tvent)
The point at which the body uses an equal mix of carbohydrate and fat as fuel sources.
ventilatory threshold 1 (VT1)
When clients can speak comfortably, they are typically exercising below the intensity VT1
The duration an individual is engaged in a given activity.
According to the most current public health guidelines on physical activity, adults should accumulate 2 hours and 30 minutes (150 minutes) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (i.e., brisk walking) every week or 1 hour and 15 minutes (75 minutes) of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity (i.e., jogging or running) every week, or an equivalent mix of moderate- and vigorous-intensity aerobic activity
The mode of physical activity in which an individual is engaged.
three criteria that must be met for an activity or exercise to be considered “aerobic” exercise
(a) be rhythmic
(b) use large muscle groups
(c) be continuous in nature. Some examples of modes of aerobic exercise include the following:
Jogging Walking Exercising on cardio equipment Swimming Cycling (indoors or outdoors)
An exercise training method defined by intervals of near-maximal intensity broken up by relatively short rest periods.
HIIT - high intensity interval training
Excessive frequency, volume, or intensity of training, resulting in reduction of performance, which is also caused by a lack of proper rest and recovery.
Aerobic exercise that remains at a relatively constant intensity, including a stable heart rate and oxygen consumption.
steady-state (SS) aerobic exercise
The total amount of work performed in each timeframe, typically 1 week.
volume of exercise
Energy expenditure through daily activities outside of structured exercise, such as walking, completing household chores, and taking the stairs.
Nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT)
The way an exercise program advances in intensity and/or volume to continually challenge the individual.
A gradual increase of exercise volume (<10% per week) appears to be a safe protocol for most apparently healthy adults.
Low-intensity exercise consisting of movements that do not necessarily relate to the more intense exercise immediately following.
general warm up
Low-intensity exercise consisting of movements that mimic those to be included in the more intense exercise immediately following.
specific warmup
Each exercise training session should include the following phases:
Warm-up phase
Conditioning phase
Cool-down phase
True or False: Flexibility techniques used during a client’s warm-up should target muscles that have been identified as underactive during the assessment process.
false: OVERACTIVE during assessment process
A principle stating that the body will adapt to the specific demands that are placed on it; also known as the Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands (SAID) principle.
the body will adapt to the level of stress placed on it and will then require more or varied amounts of stress to produce a higher level of adaptation in the future
principle of specificity
Training Zone 1
Metabolic Marker - Below VT1
RPE (1–10 scale) - 3–4
RPE (6–20 scale) - 12–13
- Light to moderate
- Starting to sweat but can still carry on a conversation effortlessly
training zone 2
metabolic marker: VT1 to Midpoint*
RPE (1-10) - 5–6
RPE (6-20) - 14–15
Challenging to hard
Noticeable sweating and using larger volumes of breath
Continual talking is becoming challenging
training zone 3
metabolic marker: Midpoint to VT2
RPE (1-10): 7–8
RPE (6-20): 16–17
Vigorous to very hard
Profuse sweating
Vigorous breathing and ability to talk is limited to short phrases
training zone 4
metabolic marker: Above VT2
RPE (1-10): 9–10
RPE (6-12): 18–20
Very hard to maximum effort
Breathing as hard as possible
Speaking is impossible or limited to grunts of single words
stage 1 cardio exercise
Stage 1 represents the lowest intensities of exercise and is used to introduce individuals to exercise and improve general health and fitness and is also used as a recovery format following higher-intensity exercise sessions
stage 2 cardio exercise
focus of stage 2 training is on increasing the workload (e.g., speed, incline) in a way that helps clients exercise at higher intensities and achieve greater levels of aerobic fitness. Stage 2 is ideal for fitness enthusiasts who regularly engage in physical activity or recreational sport or for those seeking further improvements in cardiovascular endurance or weight loss.
Work-to-rest ratios of 1:3, 1:2, and 1:1 are appropriate for stage 2 training
the client can perform aerobic conditioning in zone 2 just above VT1 for the duration of the exercise session without the use of intervals.
stage 3 cardio exercise
Stage 3 training increases the capacity of aerobic and anaerobic energy systems and is applicable for clients seeking further improvements in exercise capacity
To accurately program stage 3 intervals, measurements of VT1 and VT2 need to be recorded.
Refers to the intensity level halfway between ventilatory threshold 1 (VT1) and ventilatory threshold 2 (VT2).
ex: Zone 1: Less than 145 bpm Zone 2: 145–154 bpm (VT1 to midpoint) Zone 3: 155–164 bpm (midpoint to VT2) Zone 4: 165 bpm and higher
stage 4 cardio exercise
Stage 4 training increases the capacity of the anaerobic energy system and is applicable for high-level athletes and fitness enthusiasts seeking improvements in anaerobic capacity and power
stage 5 cardio exercise
sport-specific training and is applicable for all types of athletes. It focuses on drills that help improve conditioning using linear, multidirectional, and sport-specific activities performed as conditioning and often combines high-intensity interval training with small-sided games and agility drills
Common postural deviations that clients may exhibit while engaging in cardiorespiratory training include the following:
Forward head and rounded shoulders
Anterior pelvic tilt
Adducted and internally rotated knees and pronated feet
Process by which oxygen is transferred to the muscles from the lungs.
The process of contracting the inspiratory muscles to move air into the body.