5.14 Flexibility Training Flashcards
The normal extensibility of soft tissues that allows for full range of motion of a joint.
Capability to be elongated or stretched.
The degree to which specific joints or body segments can move; often measured in degrees.
range of motion
Optimal flexibility and joint range of motion; ability to move freely.
The body’s connective tissue that includes muscles and fascia.
The process in which the body seeks the path of least resistance during functional movements.
altered movement patterns
relative flexibility
The collective components and structures that work together to move the body: muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems.
human movement system (HMS)
Tissue connecting, supporting, and surrounding bodily structures and organs.
soft tissue
upper kinetic chain
- shoulder
- elbow
- wrist/hand
lower kinetic chain
- hip
- knee
- ankle/foot
Predictable patterns of muscle imbalances.
(poor static or dynamic posture) are represented by a lack of structural integrity, resulting from decreased functioning of one (or more) components of the
postural distortion patterns
The synergistic action of multiple muscles working together to produce movement around a joint.
force couple relationship
Movement of a limb that is visible.
The description of joint surface movement; consists of three major types: roll, slide, and spin.
A lack of structural integrity can result in:
- muscle imbalance
- altered force-couple relationships
- altered osteokinematics and arthrokinematics
When an agonist (prime mover) receives a signal to contract, its functional antagonist also receives an inhibitory signal allowing it to lengthen.
reciprocal inhibition
Occurs when an overactive agonist muscle decreases the neural drive to its functional antagonist.
altered reciprocal inhibition
ex: overactive hip flexor complex decreases neural drive to hip extensor complex (i.e. glutes)
ex: overactive pecs decrease neural drive to mid back muscles (i.e. rhomboids, mid/low traps)
When elevated neural drive causes a muscle to be held in a chronic state of contraction.
When a muscle is experiencing neural inhibition and limited neuromuscular recruitment.
The neuromuscular phenomenon that occurs when synergists take over function for a weak or inhibited prime mover (agonist).
synergistic dominance
ex: overactive hip flexors, underactive glutes, synergist recruited is hamstrings
three major arthrokinematic joint motions
roll, slide, and glide
When a muscle’s resting length is too short or too long, reducing the amount of force it can produce.
Altered length-tension relationship
The ability of the nervous system to recruit the correct muscles to produce force, reduce force, and dynamically stabilize the body’s structure in all three planes of motion.
neuromuscular efficiency
agonist, synergist, stabilizer in lat pulldown
agonist = latissimus dorsi
synergists = rhomboids
stabilizer: rotator cuff
Sensory receptors sensitive to change in length of the muscle and the rate of that change. sends info to CNS to help prevent the muscle from stretching too far or too fast (stretch reflex)
muscle spindle
Neurological signal from the muscle spindle that causes a muscle to contract to prevent excessive lengthening.
stretch reflex
A specialized sensory receptor located at the point where skeletal muscle fibers insert into the tendons of skeletal muscle; sensitive to changes in muscular tension and rate of tension change.
golgi tendon organ (GTO)
The GTO prevents the muscle from being placed under excessive stress, which could result in injury.