5] Reliability And Validly Flashcards
What is a variable
It is something you’re trying to measure in some way and can take on different values
What are the categories of variables
1: some are unique like DNA
2: some vary little among the general population like committing a crime
3: some categories of people have different but same variables like height
What is qualitative research
Qualitative research involves collecting and analysing non-numerical data to understand concepts opinions or experiences
What is quantitative research
Quantitive research means collecting and analysing numerical data to describe characteristics find correlations or test hypothesis
Compare qualitative and quantitative research: common purpose
Qualitative: discover Ideas with general research objectives
Quantitative: test hypothesis or specific research questions
Compare qualitative and quantitative research: approach
Qualitative: observe an interpret
Quantitive: measure and test
Compare qualitative and quantitative research: data collection
Qualitative: unstructured free-form
Quantitive: structured response, categories provided
Compare qualitative and quantitative research: research independence
Qualitative: Is intimately involved and results are subject
Quantitive: uninvolved observer and results are objective
Compare qualitative and quantitative research: samples
Qualitative: small samples often in a natural setting
Quantitive: large samples to produce generalisable results
What are mixed methods
They are studies that incorporate both qualitative and quantitive methods
What is a construct
A construct is a theoretical concept theme or idea based on observations and is usually not directly measurable for example self-esteem
What is an operational definition
An operational definition is a description of the procedure for measuring some objective variables to study an underline constructs
Why should you be careful when using an operational definition
1: The things you measure may not be the concepts in which you are interested in, and may not address important aspects of the concept
2: You also need to be aware that the things you are measuring may be influenced by other constructed as well
What is reliability
Reliability in a study is how reproducible or replicable it is and how consistently the method of measuring something is in terms of quality and performance
What is test re-test reliability
It is the degree to which test scores remain unchanged when measuring a stable individual characteristic on different occasions