5. French Influence and English Affirmation Flashcards
What is the topic of the O.E. (Old English) literature?
Battles, warriors.
How did English regain its readership over French?
Due to the Norman conquerors developing a fuller English identity and their desire to use the English language.
The Norman Conquerors switched to English and this led to (1)___ and (2)___.
(1) more French words entering English
(2) English becoming the one with growing readership
Who affirmed English domination?
King Henry 5th.
What important even happened in the 12th c.?
London becoming the capital city.
What’s the most famous event in English history?
The Norman Conquest in 1066.
What is the typical characteristics of the O.E. characters (mostly)?
The individual, a solitary outsider in a harsh and difficult society.
Describe the actions of Normans in the Norman Conquest in 1066.
- They crossed the Channel from France;
- Won the battle of Hastings and took over the kingdom of England which belonged to the new king (his family) **William the Conqueror;
When did London become the capital city?
In the 12th c.
When did King John lose the French lands? What did it lead to?
In 1204. It led to the aristocracy opt for England or France.
When was the French language rejected?
In 1415.
Who are the Normans?
“North Man”, the French.
What happened in 1415?
The French language rejected, when King Henry 5th affirmed English domination.
What was the results of the Norman invasion?
Brought the French language and culture, which led to bilingualism. This led to French prevailing from 12th-14th c.
What happened in 1204?
King John’s losses of French lands.
Which influences did the London dialect undergo?
From the North.