14. Prose and Sentence Structure Flashcards
(25-29). Additional content on pg. 26.
What’s the commonest way for linking clauses?
Coordination and parataxis.
What’s coordination way for linking clauses?
Linking by coordinating conjuctions such as “and”, “then” or a comparable link-word.
What’s parataxis?
The linking words are absent, clauses are arranged in a way to be understood and connected.
What can you say about the language style used for Bible?
It’s uncomplicated, coordinating structure is used for its simplicity.
What’s Alfredian style?
It’s called after King Alfred (of the West Saxon).
Uses coordinating structure. Ex: “and… and… and… and… and…”.
What’s the style used in Malory’s “Le Morte D’Arthur”?
Anglo-Saxon style (much simpler than Latinate syntax).
When and what structures influenced the writers and in which century? What did it lead to?
The development of Eng., French and Latin syntactic structures influenced the writers in the 16th c., esp. Latinate syntactic structures. It led writers to use more complex structures of subordination and hypotaxis.
What led to expository prose?
The subordinating conjunctions “because”, “so that” led to more explicit descriptions of reasons, cause and effect. It’s a proper style for expository prose.
The subordinating conjunctions “because”, “so that” led to more explicit descriptions of reasons, cause and effect. It’s a proper style for (1)___.
(1) expository prose
Which work uses a reaaaaaally long and complex sentence structure?
Milton’s “Paradise Lost”, using 16 lines for 1 sentence. You can find it at the beginning of the poem.
What happened with the complex sentence structure in the end? What was decided and by whom? What did it lead to?
The complex syntactic structure was rejected by the end of the 16th cen. The Royal family discouraged any more of it/rejected, and encouraged the use of Anglo-Saxon sentence structure.
What can you say about Henry 8th power? What he was the head of?
He was the head of church and state.
New England is (1)___.
King Henry himself was (1)___
When was the crisis of England?
In the 16th cen. after the Reformation.
What’s Darwin’s one of the most important works?
Charles Darwin’s “the Origin of Species”, which reflects the shock to the nation’s religious and moral identity.
Who’s Erasmus? What was he enthusiastic for? What does it cause?
A Dutch scholar, philosopher, humanist. He was enthusiastic for the classic literature - a major source for the revival in classic learning.
What did Erasmus challenge and why? What was one of the important things he had produced? What did he want?
He challenged the corruption of the Catholic church. He wanted the early Christian values to be back and produced the Greek edition of Scriptures instead of the Latin one. He waned to remodel Catholicism.
What do you know about Martin Luther?
He’s the author of “Theses”, from which Protestantism originated.
He agreed to Erasmus, but refused the Pope’s authority.
What can you say about Thomas More?
He was beheaded for the refusal to support Henry 8th’s divorce from Catherine.
What do you know about Geneva?
It’s the powerhouse of Protestanism with stricter morality consisting of bloodshed, patriarchy, censored drama, etc.
What did Copernicus and Galileo do?
Revealed the fact that the Earth is actually not the centre of the universe.
How did Erasmus influence on the writers in future?
The well-known humanist influences the writers who put a man at the centre of the universe.
What can you say about neo-Platonic philosophy?
It dominated during the Renaissance.
What can you say about the view of the older assumptions?
No longer valid.
When was “Paradise Lost” written? (mention events only)
It was published long after Renaissance, after Restoration.
What governed the human behaviour during the Renaissance?
A reason, rather than religion.
Characterize the Renaissance from the literary and linguistic perspective.
It was a period of linguistic and literary innovations, experiments with form and genre.
When did more philosophical questions arise?
In Elizabethan and Jacobean ages.
How long did Elizabeth reign? What were the attitude of Protestants towards her?
She reigned for 45 years. The protestants were continuously plotting against her.
Which city was developing in size?
What can you say about Aristotel and Copernicus opinions on the universe system?
Copernicus replaced Aristotel’s system, that sun is the centre of the universe, rather than the Earth.
What was the year of innovations and what was invented?
The 17th century. Clocks, telescopes, thermometers, compasses were made.
How long does this English identity last (in literature)?
Till the middle of the 19th cen.
List famous Renaissance writers and dramatists.
Writers: Shakespeare, Marlowe, Webster, Jonson;
Dramatists: Sidney, Spenser, Milton;
When was the authorized version of Bible published?
In 1611.