20. Renaissance Prose Flashcards
What influenced the drama and poetry of that period?
They had different classical influence.
What can you say about John Lily?
His work “Euphues” gives its name to an over-elaborate style.
This author reflects most of his large amount of interest in a work. Who is that and what’s the name of the work?
Francis Bacon. He reflects the large amount of his interest in “Essays”.
If one begins with doubts, he shall end in certainties. If one begins with certainties, he shall end in doubts. Whose idea is that?
Francis Bacon.
Better (1)___ than by (2)___.
Whom does the idea belong to?
The idea belongs to Francis Bacon.
What do Francis Bacon and William Shakepeare have in common?
Both share and raise the issues of that time (Renaissance).
What can you say about Francisco Bacon and his importance for the Renaissance period?
Raises the issues of that time and is a symbolic figure of the Renaissance idea.
What kind of topics does Francisco explore? Are they relevant? If yes, then to what periods? What does he support?
The topic of revenge, that it’s chaotic. The topic of revenge is frequently mentioned during the Elizabethan and Jacobean ages. He supports the need for laws and rules.
Francisco is the leading figure of (1)____.
(1)English thinking
Recall any work(s) of Thomas Ellyot. What does he think of dancing?
How-to book: “The Book Named the Governor”.
He affirms the qualities dancing brings.
What’s John Don’s opinion on death?
That it’s he last worst enemy attacking at your weakest state.
During this period, growth in (1)___ writing is happening. The writing is more (2)___ and (3)___.
What can you say about “Utopia”? By whom? In which language was it written? What does “Utopia” mean in that language? What had it influenced?
It was written by Thomas More, in Latin, which means “Noplace”. It influenced “Robinson Crusoe”, “Gulliver’s Travels”, “1984”, “Lord of the Flies”, and on the mix of fantasy and fact in Renaissance travel writing.
Who continued Richar Hakluyt’s work and influence after his death?
His assistant Samuel Puchas.
What was Shakespeare’s last play? What topic does it consist of?
“The Tempest”, the topic of colonization was dramatized.
Who was reading who while working on his work “Kubla Khan”?
Romantic poet Coleridge was reading Puchas while writing “Kubla Khan”.
Coleridge is a (1)___ poet.
What’s Eldorado as a place? When was it first mentioned?
It’s a new-world Eden, first appering in “The Discovery of Guiana” by Walter.
Richard Green mentioned (1)___ in a prose.
University wits writers are of (1)___ and (2)___ years.
What was one of the attitudes the writers of the university wits had towards Shakespeare?
They were jealous since he hadn’t been to a university and was more successful than his rivals.
What can you say about Thomas Nashe? Recall one of his important works. Who was he in status? What kind of writer was he?
He invented the modern narrative, particularly with “The Unfortunate Traveller”. It’s a mix of genres and styles.
He’s a journalist, entertainer, social commentor.
He was not afraid to be controversial and ended up in prison, like Ben Jonson, for offending authority.
Most of his writing hasn’t survived.
What can you say about Robert Burton? What is one of his important work? What kind of analysis did he do?
“The Anatomy of Melancholy” - analysis of human states of mind - early philosophical/psychological study. He sees “melancholy” as a part of the human condition, esp. religious/love melancholy.
What’s the influential work related to medicine?
“Religio Medici” (the religion of doctors) by Thomas Browne, which was popular in Europe for centuries.
Who is known for his modern Christian humanism?
Thomas Browne.