5: Caillte sna sléibhte Flashcards
A couple of weeks ago the climbing club went on a day trio to the mountains
cúpla seachtain ó shin rinne an club dreapadóireachta turas lae chun na sléibhte
every one was excited and really looking forward to it
bhí chuile dhuine ar bís agus ag tnúth go mór leis
Of course they had to prepare themselves properly because they would by climbing in dangerous conditions
Dar ndóigh bhí orthu iad féin a ullmhú i gceart toisc go mbeidis ag dreapadh i gcoinníolacha dáinséaracha
On friday off they went to wicklow
Ar an aoine as go brách leo chun Cill Mhántáin
Even though it was foggy that morning they decided to continue on
Cé go raibh sé ceomhar an maidin sin, shocraigh suas chun leanúint ar aghaidh
There were 10 in total in the group
Bhí deichniúr ar an iomlán sa ghrúpa
Around noon the fog was getting heavier
timpeall meánlae bhí an ceo ag éirí níos troime
and it was becoming very hard to make anything out because the fog was so thick
agus bhí sé ag éirí an-deacair aon rud a fheiscint toisc go raibh an ceo an-tiubh
But they weren’t too worried because they were prepared with a lot of things
Ach ní raibh siad ró-bhuartha toisc go raibh siad ullmhaithe le lear mhór rudaí
Peadar and Pól were chit chatting to each other and them going a little bit the wrong way
Bhí Peadar agus Pól ag giob geab lena gcéile agus iad ag dul beagáinín ar strae
But within an hour they were completely separated out from the group
ach i gceann uaire bhí siad scartha amach go h-iomlán ón ngrúpa
Peadar said they they had to hurry in case they would be lost
Dúirt peadar go gcaifidís brostú ar eagla go gcaillfí iad
But it was a waste of effort, they wasted a lot of time and now they were lost
Ach saothar in aisce a bhí ann - chuir siad go leor ama amú agus anois bhí siad caillte
They were in a deserted placed without anything around them except quietness and fog
Bhí siad in áit iargúlta gan faic timpeall orthu ach ciúnas agus ceo
After a while, 2 others in the group realised that Peter and Paul were missing
Tar éis tamaill, thug beirt eile sa ghrúpa faoi dear go raibh Peadar agus Pól ar iarraidh