4b.10c Flashcards
How can assimilation of different cultures be measured (SPEC)
By levels of political engagement through voter turnout, the development od local community groups and reductions in hate crime and racism
How do we measure integration by looking at demographic (3)
- Mapping residential distributions of different ethnic/immigrant/national groups.
- Is their segregation becoming less marked, over time (index of dissimilarity)?
- How many mixed marriages are there?
How do we measure economic integration?
NI census data …
- Is there variation of inequality in income / wages / happiness?
- Are education outcomes the same: e.g. going into university / high level qualifications, to gain jobs with similar earnings (and thereby access to services)?
How do we measure social integration
PSNI Hate crime stats, TBUC engagement in NI
-The level of hate crime incidents and expressions of racism / sexism / homophobia.
- The common use of language, or determination of retain cultural identity.
- The extent to which people spend time in local community groups that are defined by their cultural identity, or something else, that is common with the host population.
How do we measure political integration
NI assembly election results of 2017
- Increased language acquisition increases political engagement / voter turnout / confidence speaking up?
- How politically engaged are minority groups in political processes? What percentage are voting at the elections?
- How do ‘minority groups’ vote: by social issues, or economic issues? Similarly to host culture, or different?
What is another word for integration
How can we measure integration
Social, economic, political and demographic integration
Define assimilation
the process whereby individuals or groups of differing ethnic heritage are absorbed into the dominant culture of a society
Generically, how does voter turnout indicate levels of assimilation
voter turnout varies dueign elections and the poorest are least likely to vote. Diver ethnicity increase likelihood of voting becuase people are experiencing prejudice or exploitation
Why does a reduction in hate crime indicate assimilation
Hate crimes are common against london’s muslim community. Now local muslim communities and mosques hold open days to help understand muslim life.
What is a unionist
someoine who is protestant and opposed to a united ireland and supports the union with Britain
What is a loyalist
a unionist who supports armed struggles against the republicans
What is a nationalist
Someone, usually catholic, who wants to see a united Ireland incorporating NI
What is a republican
a supporter of a united Irish republic, traditionally bakcing armed struggle