(49) Liver Metabolism Flashcards
said something about differences between hepatic lipidosis in cats and fatty liver syndrome in dairy cows (this is one of the three essay question ideas)
take a look at this

- What would you call this? what kind of unit?

- the hepatic lobule: and Anatomic unit

- What would you call this? What kind of unit is it?
- What is placed at the center?

- the hepatic acinus: a Functional unit
- the portal tract is at the center of the acinus
- What type of flow occurs from hepatic artery and portal vein? where does flow go?
- What type of flow occurs from bile ducts?
- centripedal flow; central vein
- centrifugal flow
(Major Cell Types of the Liver)
Name them (there are 8)
Hey - Calvin Klein Sells PESS
- Hepatocyte
- cholangiocytes
- kupffer cells
- stellate cells (Ito)
- Pit cells (NK)
- Endothellial cells
- smooth muscle
- stem cells
(MAjor Cell Types of the Liver)
Tell me what each of these does
- Hepatocyte
- Chalangiocytes
- Kupffer cells
- Stellate Cells (Ito)
- Pit Cells (NK)
- Endothelial CElls
- Smooth Muscle
- Stem Cells
- general metabolism (major cell type)
- biliary secretion (line the biliary ductal system)
- immunity, macrophages
- lipid, vitamin A storage (cell that accumulates lipid first in hepatic lipidosis)
- immune surveillance
- antigen presentation
- regulate blood flow
- regeneration

(Major Cell Types of the Liver)
(Kupffer CElls)
- location?
- comprises what system?
- release alot of what?
- activation of what?
- sinusoids
- mononuclear phagocytic system
- inflammatory mediators
- T-cell like receptors
(Major Cell Types of the liver)
(Stellate CElls - formerly known as Ito)
- location?
- function?
- primary source of what?
- space of Disse
- strorage of vit A and lipid
- fibrosis
(Hepatic Stem Cells)
- role in what?
- What have an important impact on stem cell stimulus and transformation?
- progenitors to what?
- regeneration
- Human growth factor
- hepatocytes and choangiocytes
(Liver - Protein Metabolism)
(transamination reactions)
1-2. what two does he want us to know?
- alanine + alpha ketoglutarate <–> pyruvate + glutamate
(alanine aminotransferase (ALT)) will increase with leakiness
- aspartate + alpha ketoglutarate <–> oxaloacetate + glutamate
(asparate aminotransferase (AST))
(Protein Metabolism - Protein Synthesis)
of thse
albumin, fibrinogen, alpha and beta globulins, clotting factors, metal binding proteins
(Protein Metabolism - Urea Cycle Metabolism)
get an idea of this
cats need to have ornithine
if you withhold arginine from cat - it will become encephalopathic in 24 hours - that is how susceptible they are…
there are some enzyme deficincies - but they are rare
have a good grasp of the cycle


(Liver - Lipid Metabolism)
- synthesis of what?
- oxidation of what?
- triglyceride
- fatty acid oxidation
already kind of covered this

and this - but have a good sens of it he says

(Liver Coagulation factors)

(Liver Metabolism)
(Poryphrin metabolism)
- metabolism of what?
- heme - hemoglobin, myoglobin, cytochromes
(Liver Metabolism)
(Metal Metabolism)
1-2. metabolism of what two?
- iron - ferritin, hemosiderin
- copper - ceruloplasmin, cytochromes
(Liver metabolism)
(Vitamin metabolism)
1-2 What types?
- fat soluble - ADEK
- water soluble - B, C, folate
(Liver metabolism)
(glutathione metabolism)
- GSH - does what three things?
(Xenobiotic Metabolism)
oxidation, hydroxylation, glucuronidation
(hormone metabolism)
2-4. what three?
- methylation, sulfuration, aminopropylation
- mineralocorticoids (aldosterone)
- glucocorticoids (cortisol, corticosterone)
- sex steroids (androgens, estrogens, progesterones)
(Function of Biliary Secretion)
1-3. What are the three functions?
- bile salts –> fat digestion and absorption
- excretory route -> metabolites and drugs
- acid neutralization –> HCO3
(we kind of did a review of bile salts here… but this is all in the bile section)
(Clinical Signs of Liver Disease)
I’ll give you clinical sign, give me dysfuction
- anorexia, weight loss
- icterus, steatorrhea
- melena (black feces), hematuria
- ascites (fluid accumulation in abdominal cavity)
- polyruria, polydipsia
- hepatoencephalopathy
- depression, weakness
- vomiting, diarrhea
- decreased metabolism
- biliary obstruction (retention of bile)
- coagulopathy
- portal hypertension
- decreased urea cycling
- hyperammonemia
- hypoglycemia
- decreased xenometabolism
(vomiting can be triggered by receptor in brainstem by shit in the circulation (humoral), also neurally, something activating neural center in gut)
(Starvation in an Obligate Carnivore)
(Fat Mobilization and Hepatic Lipidosis)
causes vacuolization in histo