(47) Intestinal and Colonic Absorption Flashcards
(Absorption: Intestine)
- What seven things are absorbed by the small intestine
- solutes/water
- monosaccharides
- amino acids
- lipids
- vitamins
- iron
- calcium
(absorption: colon)
what 3 things are absorbed by colon
- solutes/water
- ammonia
(absorption: gallbladder)
what one thing in absorbed by this?
- solutes/water
think we already covered this - but here it is again

we covered this too - but now everything is opposite now

an aside
1-3. name three portal systems
- hepatic
- hypophyseal-pituitary
- pancreas
give this a gander

(Na+ Co-transporters)
- What is the Jejunum specialized to take up using Na+?
- ileum?
- NaHCO3
- NaCl
(plus read the read of the co-transporters and look at diagram)

take a look - have done this before…

learn this

check this out - you have seen this before

in brush border epithelium there are special transporters for these three types of AA

look at this too
remember that oligopeptides can be absorbed too (toads)

Look over this too - you have had this before

but learn this quite well - remember Johne’s disease relative to this as well - went over this earlier so revisit that if you need to

(Absorption in the Intestine and Colon)
- What are the four fat soluble vitamins? What form with bile salts?
- What are the 5 water soluble vitamins? These are all coupled to what?
- What vitamin requires a binding protein as well as a transport protein? mediated by what?
- A, D, E, K; micelles (readily go through intestinal epithelium) - get bleeding if not absorbed cause K is involved in that somehow
- B complex, C, folate, nicotinate, pantothenate; Na+-coupled
- (cobalamin) vitamin B12; intrinsic factor mediated
(after B12 binding to intrinsic factor it goes gets absorbed through protein receptors in the brush border of intestine)
(Absorption in the Intestine and Colon)
(Divalent Cations - Iron and Calcium)
1-3. What are the three major sites of action of calcium?
(plus learn that)

- intestine
- kidney
- bone
(Absorption in the Intestine and the Colon)
(What is ingested in the colon?) there are three
- does the colon have villi?
- solutes/water
- ammonia
- no
(Absorption in Colon)
note the use of aldosterone here to reclaim Na

note in particular the movement of nitrogen here
this is colon by the way

I guess this happens in colon too - you’ve seen this before

(Differences between small and large intestine)
For each say if present or absent (unless other options indicated)
- villi
- brush border microvilli (prominent, sparse)
- goblet cells (abundant or sparse)
- endocrine cells (give how many cell types)
- crypt –> epithelial migration (slow or rapid)
- AA absorption
- glucose absorption
- lipid absorption
- vitaimin absorption
- glucose/Na absorption
- SCFA prod./absorption (minimal or prominent)
- present, absent
- prominent, sparse
- sparse, abundant
- >20 cells, 3 cell types
- rapid, slow
- present, absent
- present, absent
- present, absent
- present, absent
- present, absent
- minimal prominent
(Medical Therapy of Malabsorptive Disorders)
- Re-hydration… take advantage of what? feed electrolyte soutions to facilitate what?
2-5. What are those Anti-Diarrheal Agents again?
- Na-glucose co-transporter; sodium and water absorption
- Prostaglandin synthetase inhibition
- u-delta opiod agonists
- 5-HT3 serotonergic antagonists
- a2 - adrenergic agonists
(this is an example of the gatorade effect)