4.2.1 Biodiversity Flashcards
biodiversity definition
range of habitats, number of different species, and their relative abundance, and the genetic diversity within a species within an area
habitat definition
where an organism lives
species definition
a group of organisms similar in appearance, physiology, and genetic whose members are able to interbreed to produce fertile offspring
habitat diversity definition
range of habitats in which different species live within an area
examples of habitats
sand dune
species biodiversity definition
number of different species living in a habitat (species richness) and their relative abundance (species evenness)
genetic biodiversity definition
variation between individuals of the same species
why sampling is necessary to measure biodiversity in an area
too time-consuming to count entire population
allows estimation for entire habitat
needs to be representative of entire habitat so sample range of species in habitat
random sampling method
divide area into map/grid
use random number generator to create coordinates and sample area
take enough samples so data representative of habitat
types of non-random sampling
opportunistic sampling features
prior knowledge of site determines sample site
may deliberately sample area where you know organism is present
opportunistic advantages
quicker than random sampling
opportunistic disadvantages
may introduce bias
if sampling area known to have organism, overestimates its abundance/biodiversity generally
stratified sampling features
specifically sampling areas in a habitat that seem very different
stratified adv + disadv
no under representation of any areas (all different areas sampled)
areas overestimated if too many samples taken in proportionally smaller areas
systematic sampling features
samples taken at regular, predetermined intervals across habitat
uses belt/line transect
systematic advantages
line transfer shows how gradual change in an environment factor affects different plant species
systematic disadvantages
species that don’t fall on line may be missed out (underestimation of areas biodiversity, sample doesn’t become representative)
sampling technique for plants
place quadrat on sample sites (depends on sampling method
plants in quadrat using key
measure/estimate abundance of each species
ways of measuring / estimating abundance of a species
abundance scale (ACFOR) estimate percentage cover measure percentage cover using point frame
point frame
frame with 10 needles
place down 10 times on quadrat
each plant touching pin has 1% cover
Abundant Common Frequent Obvious Rare not very quantitative, very subjective
model answer for method of sampling plants
choose sampling method and select areas to be sampled
place quadrat
identify plant species in quadrat (using key)
record presence/absence of each species in each quadrat
estimate percentage cover (using point frame)
repeat to show repeatability and to identify anomalies
extrapolate data to estimate biodiversity
sampling animals facts
animals move so need to be trapped (smaller animals) or sampled visually (larger animals without trapping)
equipment needed when sampling habitat
suitable clothing and footwear for habitat
sampling apparatus
clipboard, pens and paper to record observations
keys appropriate to area to identify organisms
camera/smartphone to record specimens and grid location
mark-and-recapture technique
capture sample of animals mark each individual in harmless way (C1) release marked animals capture another sample (C2) number of already marked animals = C3 population estimate = (C1xC2)/C3
factors affecting population estimate found using mark-and-recapture
animals learning trap is harmless and contains food
animals not liking experience and keep away from traps after first capture
pond/sweep nets
sweep nets in wide arcs to catch animals
identify and count on white background
used for small animals/insects living in water/low vegetation
sucks up animals into small container to stop them flying away
used for small animals/insects once caught in sweep nets/from trees