42 workbook ex 1 Flashcards
second most common benign tumor of the ovary
unilocular or multilocular
serous cystadenoma
cyst that results from normal function of the ovary
funtional cyst
partial of complete rotation of the oavarin pedicle on its axis
ovarian torsion
multilocular cysts that occur in patients with hyperstimulation
theca-lutein cysts
malignant tumor of the ovary with multilocular cysts
mucinous cystadenocarcinoma
smooth well defined cystic structure that is filled completely with fluid
simple ovarian cyst
condtion that occurs when funtioning endometrial tissue invades sites outside the uterus
endocrine disorder associated with chronic anolvulation
polycustic ovarian syndrome
benign tumor of the ovary associated with ascites and pleural effusion
meigs syndrome
gynecologic tumors that arise from the surface epithilium and cover the ovary and the underlying stroma
surface epithelial stomal tumors
malignant tumor of the ovary that may spread beyond the ovary and metastasize to other organs via the peritoneal channels
ovarian carcinoma
benign tumor composed of hair, muscle, teeth and fat
dermoid tumot
cystic structure that lies adjacent to the ovary
paraovarian cyst
benign tumor of the ovary that contains thin walled multilocular cysts
mucinous cystadenoma
most common type of ovarian carcinoma
may be bilateral with multilocular cysts
serous cystadenocarcinoma
benign cyst within the ovary that may occur and dissapear on a cyclic basis
follicular cyst
benign adenoma containing cysts
small endocrine structure that develops within a ruptured ovarian follicle and secretes progesterone and estrogen
corpus lutien syst
substance that stimulates the development of male characteristics
the ovaries will synthesize some of these substances and convert them to estrogen
female hormone produced by the ovary
malignant tumor that forms cysts