40 workbook ex 4 Flashcards
The full bladder ________the bowel and its contained gas from the field of view and ________ the anteflexed uterus slightly so that it is more perpendicular to the transducer angle
the bladder shape may be helpful because a well distended bladder typically has a a ________or elongated shape on midline scans
the _______vessels can be used as a landmark to identify the lateral adnexal borders
if pathology is present, documentation of the _________(morrisons pouch and subprenic area) and bilateral______areas must be obtained
upper quadrant
in transvaginal scanning, it is necessary to adcance the transducer slightly, angling _______to visualize the fundus and to withdraw slightly away form the external os while angling _________ to see the cervix and the rectouterine recess
these measurments of the uterus and ovaries should be documented_______,__________,and __________
the thickness of the endometrium should be measured in the ________plane
pelvic muscles may be mistaken for ovaries, fluid collections or masses. A _________bilateral arrangement indicates that they are muscles
sonographically sections of the __________muscle are seen at the posterior lateral corners of the bladder at the level of the vagina and cervix
obturator internus
the muscle that is best visualized sonographically in a transverse plane with caudal angulation at the most inferior aspect of the bladder is the __________muscle
levator ani
the muscles that are located on either side of the midline posterior to the upper half of the uterine body and fundus are the ______muscles
to assess the uterine vessels the sonographer interrogates just ________to the cervix and lower uterine segment at the level of the internal os
a __________, highly resistive flow pattern in the ovary is shown during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle
low velocity
at ovulation the maximum velocity increases and the R1 ___________
the middle uterine layer is the ________of the uterus, this layer should have a homogeneous echotexture with smooth walled borders
the __________of the uterus is hypoechoic and surrounds the relatively echogenic endometrial strip creating a subendometrial halo
calcifications may be seen in the ________arteries in post menapausal womwn and appear as peripheral linear echoes with shadowing
the body of the uterus is separated from the cervix by the isthmus at the lever of the ______and is identified by narrowing of the canal
internal os
the axis of the uterine body relative to the cervix is referred to as the _________whereas the _______refers to the axis of the cervix relative to the vagina
the best way to measure the cervical fundal dimension of the uterus in the longitudinal plane is the _________technique
during menstruation (days 1-4) the __________canal appears as a hypoechoic central line representing blood and tissue reaching 4-8 mm, including the basal layer in this measurement
as menses progress (days 3-7) the hypoechoic echo that represented the blood disappears, and the endometrial strip is a descrete thin __________line that is usually only 2-3 mm long
in early proliferative phase (days 5-9) the endometrial canal appears as a ________stripe
single thin
the layer that is seen as a hyperechoic halo is encompassing the stripe is the __________layer
the layer of the endometrium that represents the tine surrounding hyperechoic outermost echo is the_________layer
during the ________phase (days 15-28) the endometrium is at its greatest thickness and echogenicity with posterior inhancement
sonographically the postmenopausal endometrial complex is seen as a thin _________line measuring less than 8mm unless a hormone regimen in being followed
if tubes are distended with or surrounded by a sufficient amount of _______ they can be easliy outlines by the contrasting fluid
typically the ovary is located just ________to the uterus and ________to the internal iliac vessels, which can be used as a landmark to localize the ovary
the best sonographic marker for the ovary is identification of a __________which has the classic appearance of being a thin walled anechoic with through transmission posteriorly
follicular cyst
the posterior cul-de-sac or __________is the most posterior and inferior reflection of the peritoneal cavity
it is located between the rectom and the vagina and is alos known as the pouch of Douglas
___________involves the instillation of sterile saline solution into the endometrial cavity