41 workbook ex 4 Flashcards
the most common finding seen frequently in middle ages women is the presence ofr _________
nabothian cysts
clinical findings of irregular bleeding may be the result of ________a condition that arises from the hyperplastic protrusion of the epithelium of the endocervix or ectocervix
cervical polyps
an acquired condiditon with obstruction of the cervical canal at the internal or external os resulting from radiation therapy, previous cone biopsy, postmenapausal cervical atrophy, chronic infection, laser surgery or cryosurgery, or cervical carcinoma is _____________
cervical stenosis
a vaginal __________is seen in hysterectomy patients after surgery
the most common cystic lesion of the vagina is the ________cyst; it is usually found incidentally during sonographic exams
Gartner’s Duct
the most commom congenital abnormality of the femail genital tract is a _________ resulting in obstruction
imperforate hymen
the begning tumor called a ________is the most common gynecologic tumor
occuring in approx 20-30% of women over age 30 with higher incidence in African American women
myomas are ______dependent and may increase in size during pregnancy although about one half of all myomsa show little change during pregnancy
leiomyomas are characterized as _________(displacing or distorting the endometrial caivty with subsequent irreguler or heavy bleeding), ________(confined to the myometrium, the most common type) or ______________(projecting from the peritneal surface of the uterus sometimes becoming pedunculated and appearing as extrauterine masses
___________myomas may erode into the endometrial cavity and cause irregular or heavy bleeding which may lead to anemia
the earlist sonographic finding of __________shows uterine enlargement with a heterogeneous texture and contour distortion along the interface between the uterus and the bladder
the most commom of uterine calcification is _______;a less common cause is ________artery calcification in the periphery of the uterus
the ectopic occurrence of nests of endometrial tissue within ghte myometrium is __________and is more extensive in the posterior wall
uterine ________malformatoins (AVM’s) consist of a vascular plexus of arteries and veins without an intervening capillary network
the most common cause of abnormal uterine bleeding in both premenopausal and postmenopausal woem that develps from unopposes estrogen stimulation is ____________
endometrial hyperplasia
ideally a woman using ______ hormones should be studied at the beginning or end of her hormone cycle when the endometrium is theroretically at its thinnest
sonographically ________appear toward the end of the luteal phase and are represented by a hypoechoic region within the hyperechoic endometrium
_________most often occurs in association with PID, in the postpartum state or following instrumentation invasion
intrauterine _________(endometrial adhesions, ashermans’s syndrome) are found in women with post traumatic or post surgical histories including uterine currettage
the earlist change associated with ___________is a thickened endometrium
is is alos associated with endometrial hypertrophy and polyps
endometrial carcinoma
sonographically a thickened endometrium (greater than 4-5 mm) must be considered ________until it is proved otherwise
the ___________device that appears as a highly echogenic linear structures in the endometrial cavity within the uterine body that are separate from normal cental endomtrial echoes
Intrauterine contraceptive