4.16 Social Polcies Flashcards
What was Hitler’s overall aim for social policy?
Individuals have no private space to act or think independently of regime-youth were target to create a new German man and women
What weed the two ways Nazis gained control over schools
-control over teachers
-control over the curriculum
Schools: how did Nazis gain control over teachers?
-law for re-establishment of a professional civil service (1933) number of teachers dismissed on grounds of political unreliability or they were Jewish
-teachers pressured into joining national socialist teachers league
-ministry of education tells teachers what to and what not to teach
Schools: how did Nazis gain control over the curriculum?
-aim to promote racial health led to increase emphases on physical education
-aim to install consciousness of being German
-biology study on race and heredity
-geography use to develop concept of Lebensraum and German racial superiority
Between 1933-39 number of students attending uni…
Decrease due to downgraded academic importance
What did the Nazis do to universities?(5)
-under law for reestablishment of a professional civil service 12000 university staff dismissed on racial or political grounds (15% total)
-Nov 1933 all teachers made to sign a declaration of support to Hitler and the national socialist state
-students and to join German students league although 25% managed to avoid it
Students forced to do 4 months labour serivce and 2 months SA camp
(Students knew career prospects depended on supporting regime;
When was the Hitler youth created?
When does Hitler youth legally become an educational movement ?
1936 law for incorporation of Hitler youth
When does Hitler youth become compulsory
Hitler youth membership 1939
What happens to Hitler youth by 1936
Granted monopoly over all sports facilities and competitions for kids under age of 14
When does league of German girls become compulsory(BDM(
When were firms made to do a years work on land
1934 made compulsory 1939
How did the Nazis attempt to increase the birth rate ?(4)
-marriage loans for women who left employment and married an Aryan man
-awarded medals for number of babies (8 for gold)
-abortion restricted
-women encouraged not to smoke and adopt a healthy lifestyle
How did Nazis promote their values through organisations for women?(3)
-German women’s league set up in 1933 coordinate women’s groups under Nazi control by 1939 6 million members
-national socialist women’s organisation elite organisation to promote nations love life marriage, the family blood and race
-Reich mother service branch of DFW for training physically and mentally able mothers convinced them of important duties of motherhood by 1939 1.7 mill women attended motherhood training services
When was the German labour front(DAF) established?
May 1933
What were the two aims of German labour front (DAF)
Encourage workers to increase population
Win over workers to volksgemeinschaft
What was the subsidiary section of the DAF
Strength through joy(organise workers leisure time)
How many DAF employees by 1939
What was the idea of strength through joy
Workers who enjoyed holidays would be fisher and more motivated to work better
What were the aims of strength through joy?(5)
-encourage social equality treat rich and poor the same
-make workers see themselves as part of volksgemeinschaft with leisure time and work regulated by regime
-break down regional differences by drinking Germans from different areas of the country
-encourage participation in sport to improve mental and physical health of nation
-encourage competition and ambition
By 1936 35 million people belonged to it
When is the Protestant evangelical church centralised into a Reich church?
Summer of 1933- end of 1933 Reich church part of volksgemeinschaft
Aryan paragraph meant 18 pastors were dismissed
What was the confessional church?
A break away church with support of 5000 pastors to re-establish theology based purely on the bible
What was the concordat 1933
Catholic trade unions volemtarlity disbanded
Catholic church not interfere with politics
Regime not interfere with schools and youth organisations of the church
How did the Nazis increase pressure on the Catholic Church?
-permission to hold public meetings severely restricte
-catholics newspapers and magazines censored
-catholic youth members a,so had to join Hitler youth
What did the regime do in response to pope Pius XI encyclical entities with burning grief
Gestapo and SS agents placed in Catholic organisations
Tightening restrictions on catholic press
Many monasteries were closed down and their assets seized
Goebbels publicised sex scan does 200 priests arrested and tried