4.14 The “terror State” Flashcards
Describe the Nazipolice system?
Controlled by individual state authorities forces were:
SS controlled by Himmler
SD(intelligence gathering offshoot of the SS)
SA controlled by Röhm in 1933(SA also had police powers)
How did Himmler gain control of Gestapo SS and SD
Rö night of the long knives
Himmler exploits rivalry between Goering and Frick
Situation is resolved and Himmler gains control of SD,SS and Gestapo 1936
When did Himmler take over SS leadership
What was the job of the SS?
Hitler’s bodyguard
Himmler appointed chief 1936
Racially pure hierarchy
SS membership 1933,1935,1939
1939: 240,000
Who were the SD?
Established 1931 as internal security service of Nazi party
Job to investigate claims the party had Jen infiltrated by political enemies by 1939 50,000 officers not staffed by professionals rather committed Nazis
Who were the Gestapo?
Originally just for Prussia but extended for the whole country people thought it was bigger than it was
1939 20,000 officers most agents were office based not Nazis just police officers doing what they were told to do
Block leader would inform them
How did the Nazis gain control of the courts and justice system
-merging of various professional associations of judges and lawyers with the league of national socialist lawyers creating front of German law April 1933 made clear career prospects were dependent on doing regimes bidding
-new special courts were set up in 1933 and people’s court in 1934 to run alongside existing court system -set up to deal with political crimes 3 Nazi judges with 2 professional judges
From 1934-39 how many people were tried by people’s court
How did the regime gain acceptance from the majority?
Propaganda and Gleichschaltung SS was presented as in instrument to protect the majority from the minority
Describe the SPD resistance to the regime?
-worked in legal frame work
-campaigned for elections
-voter against enabling act
-1000s were murdered and put into protective custody
Leadership flee country
Describe the KPD resistance to the regime?
% membership killed 1933-red orchestra 89 underground cells in Berlin SD reduce it to 22 cells
A few survive but no hope of widespread support
Describe the workers resistance to the regime?
Trade unions absolved into German labour front
Sep 1935 37 strikes in Rhineland
1938 250 strikes recorded
25,000 people in strikers 4,000 went to prison
Describe the Protestant church resistance to the regime?
Against Euthenasia and regime goes against Christian principles
Didn’t like the Aryan paragraph to rid the church of converted Jews and wanted to stick to Lutheran theology
1937 700 pastors imprisoned
Nazis had struggles silencing confessional church
Describe the Catholic Church resistance to the regime?
Had privileges with concordat in 1933
1937 pope Pias issues papal encyclical ‘with burning grief’ that crtiqued the regime document smuggled into Germany church did not become a widespread resistance threat
Describe the youth resistance to the regime?
HJ membership and league of German girls made demands on teenager free time (Gleichschaltung against individual free time)-not an actual threat to regime
Describe the elites resistance to the regime?
Nov 1937 plans for union with Austria and invasion of Czech
Defence minister general Bloomberg and Commander in chief of army Fritz expressed doubts both were removed in a few months
What were the 5 types of propaganda
Parades and spectacles
Other forms
Describe newspaper propaganda
Jan 1933 4700 privately owned newspapers-Nazis limited circulation
-newspapers become blamed and conformist circulation of many decline
Describe radio propaganda
-used effectively in 1932 and 1933 elections
-Hitler made 50 broadcasts in 1933
-70% households had a radio 1939 highest proportion in the world
-April 1934 all German radios under control of Reich radio company
Describe film propaganda
-Goebbels responsible for approving every film post 1933
-1933-45 1000 feature films produced in Germany only 14% had a political theme
Describe parades and spectacles propaganda
Flag waving proof people supported the regime
Annual Nuremberg rallies achieve maximum theatrical affect
1937 rally 100,000 people involved
Describe other forms of propaganda
May 1933 burning of 20,000 books that were deemed ungerman
What demographic was Nazi propaganda most successful
Youth or those without strong opinions
Middle class persuaded only alternative to a left wing takeover
The Hitler myth: how was Hitler presented?
Hard-working tough and uncompromising in fighting and defeating nations internal and external enemies
Political genius responsible for Germany’s national awakening -got rid of treaty of Versailles
Was dynamic and forceful
Lived a simple life to devote his life to Germany
What did Goebbels say was his biggest achievement in 1941
Creation of the Hitler myth