4.14 Hitler’s Consolidation Of Power, March 1933-August 1934 Flashcards
What happens on the 2nd of May 1933?
-public holiday instituted to celebrate workers on May 1st
-trade Union offices sacked and closed the following morning(trade unions dissolved)
-all workers now members of the Nazi Labour front and therefore voiceless
When was the burning of the books and why did this happen?
Propaganda stunt:
Ungrrman authors burned such as Einstein and Thomas Mann(Youth are RW and very much involved)
After the enabling act what was stopping Hitler form becoming a dictator?
-army loyal to Hindenburg not him
-Hindenburg had final say in constitutional powers not Hitler
When is the 1st law for the Coordination of Federal states?
31st March 1933
When is the 2nd law for the Coordination of Federal states and the law of restoration of a professional civil service?
7th April 1933
When are the SPD outlawed as a ‘party hostile to the nation and the state’?
22nd June
When do the centre party voluntary disband?
5th July 1933
When is the law against the formation of new parties (one party state)
14th July 1933
When is the Reichstag election where the Nazis gain 92% of the vote?
12th November 1933
When is the law for the reconstruction of the Reich?
30th Jan 1934
When is the reichstrat abolished?
14 Feb 1934
When is the Night of the Long Knives?
30th June 1934
When is the death of Hindenburg, Hitler becomes chancellor as well as president and the army swear an oath of allegiance
to him?
2nd August 1934
When does Hitler take the title Führer?
19th August 1934
What happened between 22nd June-12th July 1933?
The banning and disbanding of alternative parties
-SPD mps imprisoned or fled
-SPD continued in exile as SOPADE
-other parties volunteer their own dissolution (such as the Centre party)
What happens at the concordat with the Vatican and when is it?
20th July 1933
-ensured the Church retained independence (education, youth clergy etc)
-Church stays out of politics while the Nazis leave the church alone
Why had tension risen between Hitler and the SA?
Hitler’s revolution was the conquest of political power whilst the SA was very different
What is the institutions of the state?
An organised political community under one gov; includes the civil service, armed forces, police and judicial system
When did the DNVP dissolve themselves?
27th June
What is a federal state?
A state In which a number of small states of provinces keep control over many of their internal afford but decisions about national issues are the responsibility of the central government
What did the First law for confederation of the Federal services in 31st March 1933 do?
Dissolved existing state assemblies and replaced them with Nazi dominated assemblies
What did the second law for the Coordination of the Federal state do on the 7th April 1933?
Created new post of Reich governor to oversee the government of each state
These new Reich governors were accountable to the minister of the interior (Goering)and responsible for ensuring state governments followed the policies laid down by the central government
What does the law of the reconstruction of the Reich do on the 30th Jan 1934?
-abolished state assemblies
-restricted all forms of local gov
-German gov centralised
When does Hitler withdraw from the world disarmament conference and the League of Nations?
14th October 1933
What did Hitler do on the 14th Feb 1934?
Abolished the riechstrat (state assemblies would sent delegates here and as they no longer existed it was the logical next step)
What is the Gauleiter?
A Nazi party leader at regional or state level
This was the seconds ranking for Nazis as their were Reich (national) rankings too
Why did the civil servants initially support Hitler?
They believed the conservative members in Hitler’s cabinet would restrain the civil service and they would be allowed to serve the state like they did under the Kaiser
They were very wrong
What did the Nazis to do the civil service?
-saw it as an obstacle in quest for dictatorial power
-local officials replaced with Nazi party appointees most of whom had no experience in government
-the SA began to place party officials in government to ensure that the civil servants were carrying out the orders of the regime
When does Von Papen speak out against the fear in Germany and give direct Criticism of the SA?
17th. June 1934
What was the position of the SA in Jan 1933?
Nazi’s main instrument for terror and violence
Membership grew from 500,000 on Jan 1933 to 3milliom in Jan 1934
Why was Hitler on edge about the SA?
He was not always in control of their actions
Much of the SA’s violence against the Nazis political opponents and Jews were uncoordinated and unplanned
Hitler was prepared to go along with this in Feb 1933 as opposition was eliminated but was careful they did not attack the state and assaults on police were avoided
What was the difference between Hitler and Röhm that challenged Hitler?
Hitler beloved once the law against the law of the formation of new parties was passed in July 1933 he had dictatorial powers and the revolution was over
-for Röhm the revolution was not over and he was determined to continue with violence until they had a chaired a second revolution-he wanted the SA to replace the army and he had 4.5 million in numbers by Jan 1934
Since when had the role of the SA declined?
August 1933 they lost their ‘auxiliary police status’ and were subject to stricter regulations on their powers of arrest(only one part in November 1933 so there was no need for voter intimidation)
Describe the actions of the SA that made them dangerous?
As they became disillusioned it became increasingly common for them to target police when they tried to intervene with their actions
What was the backgrounds of Ernst Röhm?
-met Hitler and recruiter him to German workers party in 1919 after fighting in WW1 as a captain
Helped set up SA, took part in the beer hall Putsch and was briefly jailed because of it
His heavily draining and homosexuality was a source of embarrassment to Hitler when the Nazis took power in 1933
What did the army leaders regard the SA as by the summer of 1934?
A serious threat
When was Papens speech calling for the end of Nazi terror?
17th June 1934
What essentially happened on the night of the long knives
With the support of the army the SS acting on Hitler’s orders assassinated leaders of the SA and many other political opponents
When was the night of the long knives?
30th June 1934
Statistics for the events of the night of the long knives?
-Röhm executed
-Schliecher executed
-SA leaders executed
-1000 arrested
-85 killed(really 400)
What was a Hitler’s justification on the Night of the Long knives when he addressed the Reichstag on the 13th July?
He accepted full responsibility and said it was necessary as Röhm was planning a coup
What happened to the Nazis violence and terror after the night of the long knives?
Done by the SS not the SA in a more systematic and controlled manner
(SA lose all their political power and membership goes from 4.5 million to 1.6 million)
What was the condition of president Hindenburg in the summer of 1934?
Bedridden dying of lung cancer
What was the initial preference of president Hindenburg in his will?
Restoration of the monarchy
What did Hitler get Hindenburg to sign before his death?
Officers of chancellor and president to be merged upon his death
When does Hindenburg die?
2nd August 1934
-army swears a oath of loyalty to Hitler not Germany
What does Hitler do to justify becoming the Füher on 19th August?
Asks the German people if they approve
89.9% approve
10.1% don’t
Hitler becomes Führer