41-60 Flashcards
Is it mandatory that pilots fly a simple-special procedure in IMC? VMC?
Mandatory in IMC. If vectors are unavailable, comply with procedure until 3,000 AFE
Mandatory in VMC until reaching 1,000 AFE
Simple-Special: The Simple-Special Procedure differs from Standard Procedures in that a turn to a NAVAID or heading is required before reaching 1,000’. FRA remains at 1,000’ AFE unless otherwise specified in the FLAP RETRACTION ALT
(Perf Handbook 2.2)
Is it mandatory that pilots fly a complex-special procedure in IMC? VMC?
Mandatory in VMC and IMC.
Complex-Special: The Complex-Special Procedure is issued when an engine failure procedure is too complex to fit in the Simple-Special table and/or other considerations must be taken into account.
(Perf Handbook 2.2)
When would you consider a runway wet for performance reasons?
More than 25% of the runway surface area has visible dampness or water 1/8in or less. (Perf Handbook 2.3)
When is a runway considered to be contaminated?
More than 25% of a runway is covered by more than 1/8in of contamination. (Perf Handbook 2.3)
When are reduced thrust takeoffs prohibited?
Windshear, contaminated runway, departure requires full thrust
Is a runway with patchy thin ice or snow considered contaminated?
No, patchy is less than 25%
Performance data is valid for what range of temperatures on the release POAT?
POAT +0 to -10C. Example: POAT 25C, release is valid down to 15C. OAT can’t be higher. (Perf Handbook 2.7)
Performance data is valid for what range of QNH values?
The actual QNH can be no lower than 0.10” below PQNH. Example: 29.92 can go down to 29.82
QNH of 29.82” (1010 mb), then the report is valid if the actual QNH is no lower than 29.72”
(Perf Handbook 2.7)
If your takeoff weight exceeds the weight listed under the “PTOW plus 1000” column, what would you do?
Contact dispatch to see if you can get performance numbers for a higher weight. Otherwise, you need to reduce weight
Are we permitted to takeoff with a tailwind? If so, is your release performance data valid?
15 knot tailwind
If weather conditions require the pilot to program REF A/I to “ALL” in the MCDU, and the remarks section states “ENGINE ANTI-ICE ON” only, are you able to use performance data?
Contact dispatch for new performance numbers
If the flex N1 value on the EICAS is less than the calculated release value, what would you do?
Reduce the flex temperature until you are no lower than planned N1 and no greater than 0.5%
During a single-engine missed approach, would you fly the published missed approach procedure or wait until 1000 AFE to commence a turn?
Fly published missed
Where would you find a LAHSO landing distance info?
Back of airport diagram chart in Jepp
When are you required to use low visibility landing data?
Below 1200 RVR
Calculate landing speed using the QRH for the following conditions: winds 30 degrees across the runway 20G30, no icing, at your planned landing weight
Recite CABIN ALTITUDE HI memory item.
Oxygen masks - Don, 100%
Crew Communication - Establish
Will the CABIN ALTITUDE HI likely result in a descent? What altitude will you descend to? How would you find the MEA- demonstrate?
Emergency Descent. Descend to 10,000 or MEA whichever is higher. MEA is found on enroute chart or ask ATC
What action does the SOPM require when passing through 14,500’ on an emergency descent?
PAX oxygen mask deploy- Override
How must the MFD be configured for an emergency descent?
Terrain must be on