4: Suprahyoid And Infrahyoid Muscles Flashcards
Five suprahyoid muscles
- Digastric
- Geniohyoid
- Mylohyoid
- Stylohyoid
- Hyoglossal
Five infrahyoid muscles
- Sternohyoid
- Sternothyroid
- Thyrohyoid
- Omohyoid
- Cricothyroid
Digastric O and I (anterior and posterior bellies)
Anterior belly: digastric fossa of mandible -> intermediate tendon onto body of hyoid
Posterior belly: medial mastoid process -> intermediate tendon
Digastric A
Elevates hyoid, depresses mandible, steadies hyoid during swallowing and speaking
Digastric N
Anterior belly: N to mylohyoid (from CN V)
Posterior rlly: CN VII
Sling for digastric
Made of investing fascia, allows digastric to slide
Geniohyoid in relation to mylohyoid
Geniohyoid is superior
Geniohyoid O and I
O; inferior mental spine of mandible
I: hyoid
Geniohyoid A
Draws hyoid anterior during swallowing, opens mandible, shortens floor of mouth
Geniohyoid N
Ventral rami C1 (via hypoglossal N)
Mylohyoid O and I
O: mylohyoid line on inner mandible
I: body of hyoid via median tenon (mylohyoid raphe)
Mylohyoid A
Tightens and elevates oral floor, draws hyoid bone forward during swallowing, assists in opening mandible, supports tongue
Mylohyoid N
N to mylohyoid
Stylohyoid O and I
O: styloid process
I: hyoid via split tendon around posterior digastric
Stylohyoid A
Elevates hyoid during swallowing, assists in opening mandible
Stylohyoid N
Facial N
Hyoglossal O and I
O: hyoid
I: lateral tongue
Hypoglossal A
Depresses tongue, shortens it
Hyoglossal N
CN 12
Sternohyoid O and I
O: posterior manubrium, sternoclavicular joint
I: hyoid
Sternohyoid A
Depresses hyoid fixes hyoid, depresses larynx and hyoid
Sternohyoid N
Ansa cervicalis, C4
Three muscles that assist in phonation and late phase swallowing
- Sternohyoid
- Sternothyroid
- Omohyoid
Which muscle covers the lateral lobe of the thyroid
Sternothyroid O and I
O: posterior manubrium
I: oblique line of thyroid cartilage
Sternothyroid A
Depresses larynx, hyoid and thyroid cartilage
Sternothyroid N
Ansa cervicalis, C4
Thyrohyoid O and I
O: olblique line of thyroid cartilage
I: greater horn and body of hyoid
Thryohyoid A
Depresses and fixes hyoid, raises larynx during swallowing
Thyrohyoid N
Ventral ramus C1, C4
Omohyoid O and I (two bellies)
Inferior belly: superior scapula -> intermediate tendon
Superior belly: intermediate tenon -> lower hyoid
Omohyoid A
Depresses hyoid, draws larynx and hyoid down, tenses cervical fascia with intermediate tendon, maintains latency of IJV
Omohyoid N
Ansa cervicalis, C4
Omohyoid fascial sling
Connects it to clavicle
Cricothyroid O and I
O: cricoid cartilage
I: thyroid cartilage
Cricothyroid A
Cricothyroid N
External laryngeal N (from CN X)