4/24 homework Flashcards
Oni žele da je ubiju
They want to kill her.
to je to
That’s it
Mislim da sam glub
I think I am stupid
Te devojke su kobne
These girls are deadly
to steal
Priča se da je neko razbio njegov auto i ukrao tablice.
People are talking someone shattered his car and stole the plates.
Budi pažljiv, čaj je vreo.
Be careful, the tea is hot.
Ti možeš da svratiš kod mene i da me slikaš.
You can stop by my house and take a picture of me.
Briga me, ko ga jebe.
Briga me, zajebi ga.
Briga me, jebeš njega
I don’t care, fuck him.
Zašto glumiš ludilo? Prekasno je za nas.
Why are you acting crazy? It’s too late for us.
Ovaj klub gori, hajde da dođemo opet.
This club is on fire, let’s come here again.
Da li je ovaj sok istekao? Samo kupi nov (novi).
Has this juice expired? Just buy a new one.
Uživam u jelu.
I enjoy eating.
Volim da jedem.
I enjoy eating.
Moje štikle ubijaju moje noge
My heels are killing my legs.
On je najveća budala na zemlji
He is the biggest fool on Earth.
Ona će se pojaviti za nekih deset minuta.
She is going to show up in approximately 10 minutes.`
Jednostavno ga pozovi, to ne može biti greška.
Simply call him, it can’t be a mistake.
Kada se avion spušta?
Kada će avion sleteti?
When is the plane getting down?
ništa me ne pitaj. Menjam moj posao
Don’t ask me anything, I am changing my job.
Prekasno je, moj let je za pola sata.
It’s too late, my flight is in half an hours
mislim da je moja uniforma u koferu.
I think my uniform is in the suitcase.
napiti se
to get drunk
Ne želim biti trezan, hajde da se napijemo.
I don’t want to be sober, let’s get drunk.
On nije moj tip, neću da ga lažem
He’s not my type, I don’t want to lie to him.
hajde, daj mi tvoj broj
Come on, give me your number.
Upoznao sam dobru ženu.
I met a good woman.
Upoznao sam dobrog muškarca.
I met a good man.
Zavolela sam lošeg muškarca. Ne valja za mene.
I fell in love with a bad guy, he’s not good for me.
Njena crna kosa i kratka kožna suknja su kobni.
Her black hair and short leather skirt are deadly.
Drži jezike pod noktom
He is an expert in learning languages.
Tvoja lova je džaba
. Your money is useless
Samo me ljubi
just kiss me.