3rd Quarter Restorative Art Test 2 Flashcards
external facial bones
- nasal bones (2)
- zygomatic bones (2)
- maxilla (2)
- mandible
Forms a dome over the superior portion of the nasal cavity.Located directly inferior to the glabella
nasal bones
see glossary for definition
angle of inclination
orifice bonded by the margins of the nasal bones and the maxilla
nasal cavity
diamond shaped bone of the cheek
zygomatic bone
might see zygomatic bone or zygomatic arch as being measured to get the….
widest part of the face
just underneath the zygomatic arch you will find the…
zygomatic depression
lies lateral to the portion of the cheek inferior to the zygomatic arch
zygomatic depression
made up by the frontal bone and the zygomatic bone
zygomatico frontal process
two fused bones that form skeletal base of most of the superior face, roof of the mouth, sides of the nasal cavity, and the floor of the orbit (eye socket)
maxilla is also called the…
upper jaw bone
sharp boney projection located medially along the inferior margin of the nasal cavity
nasal spine
a slip of skin partition that covers the nasal spine and separates the medial portion of the nostrils.most inferior part of the nose
columna nasi
processes of the maxillan
Alveolar process
Frontal process of the maxilla
Palatine Process
Dental Prognathism (buck teeth)
bony ridge that contains the tooth sockets
alveolar process
ascending part of the upper jaw
frontal process of the maxilla
horse shoe shaped single bone of the mouthlower jaw
2 main parts of the mandible
Body Ramus
horizontal portion of the mandible
corresponding vertical portion of the mandible
parts of the body of the mandible
mental eminence
incisive fossa
alveolar processes
parts of the ramus of the mandible
coronoid process
mandibular notch
Prominent eminence of the mandibleTriangular projection on the inferior portion of the anterior mandible
mental eminence
area between the mental eminence and the inferior incisor teeth
incisive fossa
the four teeth located anteriorly from the midline on each jaw; used for cutting
incisive teeth
rounded eminence at the articulating end of the bone
non articulating end of the bonethis is where the temporal muscle attaches
coronoid process
the depression located between the condyle and the coronoid process
mandibular notch
marks the widest part of the lower 1/3 of the face
angle of the mandible
a bony angle formed by the junction of the posterior edge of the ramus of the mandible and the inferior surface of the body of the mandible
angle of the mandible
widest part of the lower face
widest part of the head (cranium)
widest part of the face
Check textbook
page 23
other bones that are not surface bones….they are of less interest to (Alteri)
ethmoid bones
phenoid bone
vomer bone
palantine bones
lacrimal bones
see pages 20 & 23 for
other bones that are not surface bones
muscle provides…
muscle bulk
contour effect
topographical surface form
continual muscle contraction leaves…
markings (wrinkles) on the face
wrinkles run ___________ to muscle fiber
wrinkles are more pronounced on ______
loss of muscle tone will cause__________
sagging of tissues
what bones make up margins of nasal cavity
nasal bone
area between mental eminence and area between incisor teeth
incisive fossa
What muscle attaches to the coronoid process?
temporal muscle
this can play a part in moving muscle tissue inferiorly verses posteriorly
gravitational pull
can all play a part in…
loss of muscle tone
the point of muscle attachment which moves the least
The beginning of muscle contraction
the point of muscle attachment which moves the most (greatest) amount.
know the following for each facial muscle…
effect on surface form
muscles of the cranium
Occipitofrontalis Muscle (1)
masseter muscle
temporalis muscle
Muscle that draws the scalp posteriorly and inferiorly and raises the eyebrows. Thin sheeth located between the occipital and frontal bones.
Occipitofrontalis Muscle
Occipitofrontalis Muscle is also known as…
parts of Occipitofrontalis Muscle
the frontalis is also called…
the frontal belly
the occipitalis is also called…
the occipital belly
The effects of the Occipitofrontalis Muscle on Surface Form
- When contracted it raises eyebrows
2. Continual contraction forms Transverse Frontal Sulci
wrinkles (lines) that run across the front of the forehead
transverse frontal sulci
Transverse frontal sulci is what type of facial marking?
Name the types of Muscles of Mastication
- Temporalis (2)
2. Masseter (2)
broad fan shaped muscle located along the temporal bone.
fairly thin
temporalis muscle
the purpose of the temporalis muscle…
closes mandible
some side-to-side movement
what is the strongest chewing muscle (muscle of mastication)?
temporalis muscle
temporalis muscle effect on surface form…
provides SOME bulk to the temporal cavity
the temporalis muscle overlies what muscle?
squamous muscle
masseter muscle effect on surface form
provides bulk to the side of the cheek
function of masseter muscle is…
closes the mandible
this muscle is not the strongest of the chewing muscles
masseter muscle
Located in bucal area (cheek area)
Begins below the Zygomatic Arch and extends to the angle of the mandible. (along side of the face)
masseter muscle
muscles of facial expression
- Muscles of the eye
- Muscles of the nose
- Muscles of the mouth
muscles of the EYE that control facial expression
- Orbicularis Oculi
- Corrugator
- Levator Palpebrae Superioris
TRUE sphincter muscle that surrounds the eye socket…closes the eyelids and compresses the lacrimal sac
orbicularis oculi
functions of the orbicularis oculi
- closes the eyelid when contracted
2. compresses the lacrimal sac
if the lacrimal sac is compressed it produces…
the size, area, and function allows the orbicularis oculi effect on surface form to be…
optic facial sulci (crows feet…obligue wrinkles)
optic facial sulci is also known as…
crows feet
crows feet is also known as …
oblique muscles
crows feet is what type of wrinkle?
corrugator is also known as…
frowning muscle
The corrugator muscle is what shape?
the function of the corrugator muscle.
draw the eyebrow downward & medially when contracted
located toward the medial end of the eyebrow
runs from root of the nose to upper rim of eye socket (oblique)
corrugator muscle
corrugator muscle effect on surface form
vertical interciliary sulci
a ferlow located between the eyebrows (wrinkles)
vertical interciliary sulci
function of the levator palpebrae superioris
lifts (raises or elevates) the upper eyelid
eyelid is called
upper eyelid is called
palpebrae superioris
levator means…
lift or raise
the levator palpebrae superioris effect on surface form…
palpebral fold (occurs with age)
located along inferior margin of the upper eyelid
superior tarsus
located along the superior margin of the lower eyelid
does not have as much vertical dimension as its superior counterpart
inferior tarsus
the degree from vertical at which the surface(s) of a prominent feature projects.
angle of projection
slope; deviation from the horizontal or vertical; oblique
buck teeth
Dental Prognathism
a bony ridge found on the inferior surface of the Maxilla and the superior surface of the Mandible which contains the sockets for the teeth.
alveolar process
the ascending part of the upper jaw which gradually protrudes as it rises beside the nasal bone to meet the frontal bone; the ascending process of the upper jaw.
frontal process of the maxilla
muscle of facial expression which depresses the angle (corner) of the mouth
TRIANGULARIS is also known as
Depressor Angulus Oris
The triangularis effect on surface form
forms the Angulus Oris Eminence
muscles of the mouth & anterior cheek
- Quadratus Labii Superioris
- Levator Anguli Oris
- Risorius
- Depressor Labii Inferioris
- Mentalis
Three muscles that make up the Quadratus Labii Superioris
- Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi
- Levator Labii Superioris
- Zygomaticus Minor
multi headed muscle (3 heads plus muscle itself)…large and extends from the cheek bone in lower rim of eye socket and serves to raise the upper lip
Quadratus Labii Superioris
elevates or raises the upper lip and dilates the nostrils
Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi
helps to elevate and extend the upper lip
Levator Labii Superioris
Draws the superior lip superiorly and anteriorly…however, text and other sources suggest
“superiorly and laterally”
Zygomaticus Minor
function of the Quadratus Labii Superioris
serves to raise the upper lip…
“sneer”<—-Elvis face
furrow lying medial and adjacent to the nasolabial fold; ACQUIRED
nasolabial sulcus
Quadratus Labii Superioris effect on surface form
nasolabial sulcus
acquired and can accompany the nasolabial fold
nasolabial sulcus
located beneath the Quadratus Labii Superioris muscle and in the region of the canine teeth.
Levator Anguli Oris
function of the Levator Anguli Oris
to elevate the angle of the mouth
the Levator Anguli Oris effect on surface form
nasolabial fold
nasolabial fold is what type of process
false smile muscle
function of the risorius
retracts the angle of the mouth
textbook says it draws angle of mouth posteriorly, but Alteri says…“narrow superficial band of muscle which pulls the angle of the mouth outward or laterally.”
The depressor labii inferioris muscle is also known as
quadratus muscle
Risorius muscle has no noticeable effect on…
surface form
Function of the depressor labii inferioris
depresses the lower lip…moves it inferiorly and SLIGHTLY laterally
a single muscle located on the chin…elevates and protrudes the inferior (lower) lip
mentalis muscle
helps to temporarily wrinkle the skin over the chin area
mentalis muscle
the mentalis muscle effect on surface form
provides anterior (bulk) projection of the chin
anterior projection of the chin
mental eminence
and elongated dimple chin is called…
cleft chin
elongated dimple
if the cleft on chin runs under the chin…giving appearance of two lobes…
bilobated chin
a depression in the chin is called..
chin dimple
muscles of the neck
- Platysma
- Sternocleidomastoid
- Digastricus
location and points of attachment
fills up the space in the neck…depresses mandible & lower lip
The platysma effect on surface form
- Bucco-facial Sulcus
- Mandibular Sulcus
- Serrated Jawline
- Platysmal Sulci
get definition of all of the surface form platysma
helps to rotate head, depress, & lower the head.
sternocleidomastoid muscle
the measurement from one BELLY OF THE sternocleidomastoid to another gives the…
widest part of the neck
double bellied muscle which draws the hyoid bone superiorly
the hyoid bone does not…
articulate with another bone (free floating bone)
function of the digastricus is to
help manipulate the tongue
the effect on surface form of the Digastricus
cords of the neck
processes on the temporal and zygomatic bones; determines the widest part of the face
zygomatic arch
one of the lesser concavities of the face located on the lateral portion of the cheek inferior to the zygomatic arch
zygomatic arch depression
muscle responsible for raising the upper eyelid
levator palpebrae superioris
muscle responsible for creating the philtrum…this is its effect on surface form
orbicularis oris
principle muscle of the cheek which compresses the cheeks and forms the lateral wall of the mouth
muscle draws the scalp posteriorly and raises the eyebrows when contracted
furrows radiating from the lateral corner of the eye
optic facial sulci
SMALL convex prominence found lateral to the end of the line of closure of the mouth
angulus oris eminence
what type of marking is the angulus oris eminence
muscles of the nose
procerus muscle
narrow elongated muscle, this muscle covers the bridge of the nose, located on the nasal bones up to the forehead
procerus muscle
its function is to draw skin downward (inferiorly)
procerus muscle
procerus muscle effect on surface form
transverse interciliary sulci
muscles of the mouth
- orbicularis oris
- zygomaticus major
- buccinator
- triangularis
the mouth is known as…
the center of expression
this muscle is known at the Puckering Muscle
orbicularis oris
flat band of muscles in the upper and lower red lips and integumentary lips
orbicularis oris
function of the orbicularis oris
closes and puckers the lips
compresses lips against teeth
shapes lips during speech
a NATURAL facial marking…the vertical groove located medially on the superior lip
muscles converging at the mouth corners
zygomaticus major
zygomaticus major is also known as…
laughing muscle
extends from the cheekbone to angle of the mouth
zygomaticus major
function is the corner of mouth is raised when this muscle contracts…draws the upper lip posteriorly , superiorly, and laterally as in smiling or laughing
zygomaticus major
zygomaticus major effect on surface form
angulus oris eminence
effects of buccinator on surface form
multiple effects…
helps form angulus oris eminence
bucco-facial sulcus
forms lateral wall of cheek
vertical furrow of the cheek…ACQUIRED FACIAL MARKING
where the condyle of the mandible articulates
is anterior to the external auditor meatus
mandibular fossa
there are _______ anatomical structures of the temporal bone. Used for locating the modeled ear.
What are the anatomical structures of the temporal bones used to locate the modeled ear?
- external auditory meatus
- zygomatic arch
- mandibular fossa
- mastoid process