3.6.4 Motivational Theories Flashcards
What does motivation refer to
Refers to the willingness to work and achieve goals and targets
What is the basis of Frederick Taylor’s theory
- Focuses on efficiency and improved competitiveness
- people motivated solely by money
- Incentivise work with financial rewards
- improve efficiency through standardisation and the division of labour
- employees given elementary training and clear instructions on how to complete a task
- The application of Taylor’s principles reduces the need for as many workers as productivity is raised
What is Frederick Taylor’s theory based on
Based on work study and improving productivity and efficiency in the workforce
What is the basis of Elton mayos theory
- Informal work groups have positive influence on improving productivity
- Workers not simply motivated by money
- Social interactions outside of working hours are important
- Efficiency can be achieved through teams and team working
- Focuses on the needs of the employees not the needs of a business
What is Elton mayos theory based on
Based on the fact that employees have social needs and these needs must be fulfilled through their work
What are the five needs as suggested by Abraham Maslow
- Self actulization (Morality / creativity / acceptance)
- Self esteem (Confidence / achievement / respect of others)
- Love and belonging ( friendship / family / intimacy)
- Safety and security (health / employment / property)
- Psychological needs ( breathing / food / water)
What is the basis of Maslows theory
- People are driven to achieve personal needs
- 5 levels people are motivated to achieve each level starting with psychological needs
- basic needs (psychological / safety) refers to those linked to survival
- Higer order needs (social, esteem and self actualisation) refers to needs within a social environment
- Individual cannot move up hierarchy until fulfilling needs below
- Business can motivate workers by giving them the opportunity to satisfy needs at work
Identify 3 hygiene factors
Identify 3 motivators
What happens when factors leading to dissatisfaction are optimal
Job dissatisfaction will be eliminated - These factors do not increase job satisfaction
When good leadership practice/good manager relationship/clear direction/personal growth/advanamcent are optimal what does this allow the employee to achieve
Job satisfaction will be increased
What is the value of Taylor’s theory
Focuses on productivity and efficiency although is against well being
What is the value of mayos theory
Shows that social dimensions and interactions is designed to creat the greatest benefit for the workers and the business
What is the value of maslows theory
Brings together other theories/encourages managers to provide workforce opportunities too fulfill their needs (Considers financial and non financial incentives of work)
What is the value of Herzbergs theory
Considers dissatisfaction of workforce and what employers must do to prevent it. Employers must secure hygiene factors before they develop means to motivate employees
How could a manager use motivational theory
Can provide useful framework managers can use to evaluate organisation policies, job design, pay and organisational structure.
What are the differences between herzbergs and maslows theory
Maslow believed that people are motivated to achieve a hierarchy of needs and those needs are achieved in systematic order in all aspects of their life. Although Hertzberg also identified similar motivational factors as maslow, he identified that some factors, known as hygiene factors (similar to lower order needs identified by Maslow) did not in fact motivate employees but prevented demotivation if they weren’t sufficiently satisfied. Herzbergs motivators correspond to the High order needs indentified in maslows hierarchy.
What are Salary schemes and what are its benefits and drawbacks
A set income based on the job and calculated as an annual fee
Benefits: easily comparable - appropriate where nature of the work is not time specific or hard to quantify
Drawbacks: not linked to performance. Little incentive to increase productivity
What is meant by commission and what are its benefits and drawbacks
Commission is a bonus paid on achieving sale targets
Benefits: appropriate for sales jobs and incentive to increase sale revenue for the business
Drawbacks: focus taken away from other areas of the job such as customer service. Little attention to other aspects of the job which do not directly impact on commission earned
What is piece rate pay and what are its benefits and drawbacks
Payments based on the number of units and output produced
Benefits: appropriate for production jobs. Incentives to increase output
Drawbacks: employees may ignore factors such as quality
What is performance related pay (PRP) and what are its benefits and drawbacks
A salary or bonus scheme linked to job related targets. Targets and performance may be reviewed every 6 months or annually
Benefits: links pay to measurable targets specific to the nature of the job. Encourages review of employee performance
Drawbacks: can be expensive if larger proportion of workforce achieve their targets, some areas of performance can also be very subjective. Difficult to ensure PRP is fair across the organisation.
What is profit sharing/bonus schemes and what are their benefits and drawbacks
Distributing a percentage of net profit across the workforce
Benefits: rewards linked to the overall success of the company
Drawbacks: depends on the profitability of the business
What does Maslow say about financial methods for motivation
Will satisfy basic needs and may boost self esteem but will not satisfy higher needs
What does Herzberg say about financial methods of motivation
Financial incentives are a hygiene factor and if satisfactory will only prevent dissatisfaction
What does Taylor say about financial methods of motivation
The rational man is driven by financial reward
What does mayo say about financial methods of motivation
Financial incentives are irrelevant if an employees social needs are not met