36) Quality Flashcards
What is a quality product?
Uses high-quality materials, has a high standard of workmanship, is reliable
What are the advantages of having a good quality product?
Satisfy customer demands, meet safety standards and legal requirements, charge a premium price
What is quality control?
Products are put through a quality control check any unacceptable products are discarded as waste this way substandard products are not sold to customers and the company is more likely to develop a good reputation however more workers are needed
What are quality assurance procedures?
This is where the product is checked at certain points in the production process to ensure that they meet agreed quality standards this way costs are reduced because there is less wastage and staff motivation is improved
What is benchmarking?
Identifying another organisation in the industry and copying their best techniques this can be motivating for staff
What are quality circles?
Small groups of workers meeting at regular intervals to discuss where improvements can be made in the production process this makes workers more motivated
What is total quality management?
The most complete form of quality control, it tries to create a quality culture encouraging everyone to think about quality and everything they do this way every worker feels involved but it does take a lot of time to constantly check the standard