3.5 Christian Celebrations Flashcards
Define and explain Holy Week and Lent?
Holy Week is the week just before Easter Sunday. It is also the final week of Lent, which is a six-week period of reflection and preparation in the run-up to Easter. During Lent Christians may fast, pray, put right things they’ve done wrong, or give to the poor.
What does Easter Sunday celebrate?
Easter Sunday celebrates the resurrection of Jesus.
What happens on the Biblical Easter Sunday?
The Bible tells how, after he died, Jesus was buried in a tomb with a huge stone sealing the entrance. On Sunday morning, some of Jesus’ followers found the stone had been rolled away and the tomb was empty. Soon afterwards they saw and spoke to Jesus, who had risen from the dead.
What argument attempted to falsify Christianity?
How did Apostle Paul respond?
In the early days of Christianity, there was some disagreement over whether the dead could be raised back to life. The Apostle Paul responded by pointing out the central importance of Jesus’ resurrection to the Christian faith:
“And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.”
(1 Corinthians 15:14 (NIV)
Here Paul is saying that Christians have to believe resurrection is possible because without Jesus resurrection there would be no Christianity He wrote that the resurrection of Jesus is the reason why eternal life in heaven is possible for all believers
Define and explain Palm Sunday?
Jesus arrived in Jerusalem on a donkey,
greeted by huge crowds,
A prophecy in the Old Testament predicted that the Messiah would arrive in this way.
Today, Christians receive small palm crosses as a reminder.
Define and explain Holy Monday?
Mary (Martha’s sister) anointed Jesus with oil at the town of Bethany, as a sign of God’s approval.
Define and explain Holy Tuesday?
Jesus predicted that Judas would betray him.
Define and explain Holy Wednesday?
Judas and the high priests
arranged Jesus’ arrest.
Define and explain Maundy Thursday?
Jesus washed his disciples’ feet and they ate together (the Last Supper).
Today, some churches hold a meal reflecting the original Last Supper.
Define and explain Good Friday?
Jesus died on the cross.
Today, Christians take part in solemn processions of re-enactments of the events leading up to Jesus’ death.
Define and explain Holy Saturday?
Jesus went to hell and preached to the dead.
Today Christians take part in vigils
How do Christians celebrate Easter Sunday?
All Christians celebrate Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday, by worshipping and praising him in church services.
What period does Advent last between?
Advent begins on the Sunday nearest to 30 November (which marks the start of the Christian year) and ends on 24 December.
Define advent?
Time of preparation for Christmas
How do Christian’s celebrate Advent?
On the first Sunday of Advent, Christians light a candle on an Advent wreath. On each of the next three Sundays, they light one more candle. This anticipates the ‘light’ of Jesus that entered the world with his birth