333 Flashcards
Storage disease
In chicken can be physiological (calcium storage in the bones)
Regressive changes include:
Disturbances in water balance. By localisation
- Intracellular
- Extracellular
- intravascular
- extravascular (intercellular (in tissue spaces) - edema; transcellular (in the lumen of the organ))
Regulation of water balance
Retention of the water.
- Increased
- increased hydrostatic pressure - venous congestion
- colloid osmotic pressure of the interstitium
- vascular permeability - Decreased
Hyperhydria <-> exsiccation
- Anasarca - subcutaneous water accumulation
- Hydrops - serous cavities water accumulation
- Ascites - fluid in abdominal cavity (=hydroperitoneum)
- Hydrothorax - fluid in thoracic cavity
- Hydropericardium - fluid in pericardium - Edema - intercellular water accumulation
Photo hydrothoerax
Fibrinous pleuritis
- trabsudate <-> ex update
- Hydrops haemorrhagicus acutus (hyperemia)
- Hydrops adiposus
- Hydrops chylosus (opaque)
Disse space
Contains kupfer cells
Foamy fluid in trachea
Lung edema -> protein-rich fluid will produce foam
Classification of oedema
- Time of appearance
- Pathogenesis
- stagnation is (heart problem)
- dysorcium (something is wrong with membrane)
- hypoproteinaemia (very low amount of protein in blood)
- lymph vessels are not working properly
- when hormonal problems are present
Oedema stagna
E,g, Liver cirrhosis -> circulation is damaged -> edema
Mesenteric oedema .. .
Heart photo
Enlargement of thyroid gland ->
Mycotoxins -> very well developed genital tract in newborn
Macroscopic appearance
Alveolar oedema <-> interstitial oedema
- Cell swelling (reversible)
- hydropic degeneration (parenchymal organs)
- vacuolar degeneration
- ballooning (skin)
Tubular cells of kidneys are very sensitive to hypoxia -> acute cell swelling
Ballooning degeneration in foot and mouth disease. vesicles -> ulcers
Causes for intracellular water disturbances
How to differentiate
Organs are swollen, but cut surface will be dry in case of IC water