Methods of studying cells Flashcards
What are the principles of optical microscopes?
Optical microscopes use visible light and lenses to magnify the image.
What are the limitations of optical microscopes?
They have a low resolution due to the wavelength of light and cannot view structures smaller than 0.2 micrometres.
They also have a lower magnification compared to electron microscopes.
What are the principles of transmission electron microscopes (TEM)?
TEMs use a beam of electrons transmitted through a thin specimen.
Electrons are focused using electromagnets to produce an image.
They provide high resolution and can view internal structures of organelles.
What are the limitations of transmission electron microscopes (TEM)?
TEMs require a vacuum
What are the principles of scanning electron microscopes (SEM)?
SEMs use a beam of electrons that scan the surface of the specimen. The electrons are reflected to form a 3D image of the surface structure.
What are the limitations of scanning electron microscopes (SEM)?
SEMs have a lower resolution than TEMs. They also require a vacuum and cannot view live specimens. Artefacts may be introduced during preparation.
Define magnification.
Magnification is how much larger the image of a specimen appears compared to its actual size.
Define resolution.
Resolution is the ability to distinguish between two points that are close together as separate entities.
What is the formula for calculating magnification?
Magnification = Image size / Actual size
What are the principles of cell fractionation?
Cell fractionation involves breaking open cells to release organelles. The homogenate is filtered to remove debris and whole cells
What are the steps of ultracentrifugation?
- Homogenisation: Cells are broken to release organelles.
- Filtration: Removes debris and whole cells.
- Centrifugation: Spins at increasing speeds
Why was distinguishing between artefacts and cell organelles a challenge?
- Artefacts are structures seen under the microscope that are not present in the cell.
- They are often caused by preparation techniques.
- Early microscopy techniques made it difficult to differentiate artefacts from genuine organelles.
- This required repeated observations and technological improvements.
Microscopes - How to measure objects using an eyepiece graticule (3)
- Use eyepiece graticule to measure the object e.g. nucleus or capillary
- Calibrate eyepiece graticule against stage micrometer
- Take a number of measurements and calculate the mean
Microscopes - Advantages and Limitations of Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
- Small objects can be seen;
- TEM has high resolution as wavelength of electrons shorter;
- Cannot look at living cells as cells must be in a vacuum;
- Must be thin specimen;
- Preparation may create artefact;
- Does not produce colour image;
Microscopes – Advantage of electron
microscope over optical microscope (2)
- High resolution;
- Can see internal structure of organelles