3.110.3 Post Use of Force Investigations Flashcards
“Any use of force which results in injury or complaint of injury, complaint of continuing pain or any use of force greater than low-level force.”
Reportable Force
“A Use of Force Report is required by each officer who uses reportable force in an incident. A civilian employee who also uses force (empty hand, OC spray or firearm) is required to complete a Use of Force Report. Use of Force Reports will be completed by end of shift and reviewed through the chain of command within…”
“…30 days.”
CIRT will complete the Use of Force Report for officers under the following circumstances,
- Officer Involved Shootings
- Use of Deadly Force
- Use of Non-Deadly Force (low lethal options), when at the direction of the CIRT Lieutenant.
CIRT will complete the Firearm Discharge Report for officers under the following circumstances,
- Any discharge at a person, regardless of injury.
- Negligent discharge of a firearm during a law enforcement operation.
- The discharge of any firearm which includes a dog or animal.
Non-deadly force requiring a Use of Force Report will be investigated by the officer’s chain of command. The Use of Force will NOT be investigated by the following, (2)
- Acting supervisors
2. Supervisors involved in the Use of Force (will be investigated by the next level of supervision)
Regardless of a visible injury, all reportable uses of force on a subject will be…
…photographed and uploaded into Blue Team.
When an ECD is used in a Use of Force incident, what must be completed?
- Impound the probes, wires and cartridge as evidence.
2. Provide the ECD to a supervisor for data download.
When using a patrol vehicle to BLOCK a suspect vehicle, any contact with damage will be reported as…
…a traffic incident. A traffic officer will need to be requested to take the “Vehicle Incident Report”.
When investigating a Use of Non-Deadly Force (non-deadly), what are the responsibilities of the supervisor?
- Respond, without delay, to an incident in which reportable force was used.
- Determine the level of force.
- Conduct an investigation and interview all parties involved, including medical and any witnesses.
- Ensure photographs are taken of the suspect, officer, scene and any evidence.
- Ensure any evidence has been collected and impounded.
- Review any body worn camera recordings.
- Check the surrounding area for any video surveillance. If video is available, review video and obtain a copy. Ensure the copy is impounded as evidence and noted in Blue Team.
- Review all applicable reports. Document if Use of Force was appropriate or inappropriate and forward through the chain of command.
- Document any training deficiencies and how they were corrected.
If an alleged Use of Force is determined to be unfounded, how and where will it be documented?
It will be documented as a Citizen Contact in Blue Team.
To ensure that the officer’s rights are not infringed upon and the department is in compliance with NRS 289, Until the investigation is complete, the department will conduct a deadly force investigation similar to an Internal Affairs investigation where the officer is identified as a…
…subject officer.
When responding to a Use of Deadly Force, what are the responsibilities of the supervisor?
- Ensure medical attention is provided for those in need.
- Ensure the crime scene is safe and secure.
- Update dispatch and request notifications be made.
- Coordinate the search for outstanding suspects.
- Oversee the identification and isolation of witnesses.
- Ensure witness officers and subject officers are separated and placed in a secure environment with a monitor officer.
- Provide FIT detectives on the names and locations of the subject officers and potential witness officers.
- Remain on scene and do not leave until released by the FIT supervisor.
What are the responsibilities of the monitor officer?
- Not talk to the officer about the facts and circumstances of the incident.
- Ensure than under no circumstances any representative be allowed to speak to or move the location of any subject or witness officer without the FIT Supervisor’s approval.
- Ensure that subject officers and witness officers do not discuss the incident being investigated.
- Remain with the officer until the firearms countdown is completed or dismissed by a FIT supervisor.
“When practical, only the shooting officer and a supervisor should be present during the PSS. If multiple officers are involved, the PSS should be done…”
“…separately with each other.”
The PSS questions will be read directly from the PSS card (no unauthorized form will be used). The Supervisor will…
…write down the officer’s response.